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Réponse de EastCoastPEI
08 déc. 2014, 0 h 59

so incredibly sorry to hear.  Even with having the expectation and understanding of what is to come I know it just plain sucks.  Hang in there - lean on whoever you need to lean on and get through it all.  Take care. 

Réponse de tuna
08 déc. 2014, 6 h 18

I am so sorry for your loss. What a blessing you were to your mom. And what a help you were to her in her time of greatest need. 
Hoping you have  peace now too.
Réponse de Nouce
08 déc. 2014, 14 h 18

Dear Kika,

I hold you in the light as you grieve the loss of your  mother. You have been a very good child and caregiver. May you find peace even as you grieve.



Réponse de KathCull_admin
12 févr. 2015, 21 h 30

Kika, it's been only a few short months since your mother passed away. I hope your memories of the time you were able to spend with her can provide you with comfort. 

Isa22 posted to so sad and scared a couple of weeks ago. If you are able to, could you consider responding to her?

Thanks for thinking about it.
Réponse de Kika
01 mars 2015, 22 h 23

I'm logging on for the first time in months.nim finally strong enough to acknowledge, accept and start dealing w my grief.  For weeks I walked around in a daze, not able to focus, not able to do much more than putting one foot in front of another. 

I numbly went thru Christmas and the holiday season....trying to act ' ok'! I returned to work after the holidays and it all just felt wrong.....normal life was no longer normal, comfy or comforting.

i found a new job and I will start on Monday....starting a new normal.  In between quitting my old job and getting ready to start this one I went away.....I felt like I was running but I needed to take care of me. I headed to Mexico for a week o sunshine, relaxation and recharging.nfor the first time in months and months I did something for me. I only wish it could have been longer. It certainly helped thou and now as I start my new normal I am finally optimistic that I can and will get thru this.

Katherine I will definitely log in and see if I can support Isa22.

as I walk thru my grief and try to get my feet firmly planted under me again I am thankful for the support and threads here, and for family and friends who sometimes just hug me, tell me I got this, and hold my hand thru the Pain! 
Réponse de KathCull_admin
02 mars 2015, 7 h 07

Hi Kika
It's good to hear from you. 

Xenia wrote about that new 'normal' on Surviving Grief: One Step at a Time

I will be thinking of you as you start you new job tomorrow. Will the work be similar to what you did before?

Réponse de KathCull_admin
03 mars 2015, 9 h 02

Kika I hope your first Monday at the new job went well.

It’s only been a short time, but I am coming again - a new member Charlie1 started How do other people deal with caring for a loved one   this evening. If you are able to, could I ask you to consider responding to her post?

Thanks for considering this request.

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