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Réponse de jorola
24 sept. 2014, 3 h 50

Hey Jenn,

I undertand the psychsocial costs. I was damn near ruined when we first got the news of my husbands cancer. Good that you are going to your dr and hey is reiki works why not. I got massages. loved it - felt good and it was well spent time away.
Réponse de JennJilks
24 sept. 2014, 11 h 27

Massage is another wonderful complimentary therapy!
My local Community Support office wants me to volunteer in their new kitchen. I don't think I can, as we have to be ready to go to an appointment for a CT Scan any day. Our Bone Scan was a cancellation and we jumped on it! 
Réponse de JennJilks
25 oct. 2014, 13 h 14

We've had quite a week near Ottawa. The stress of the shooting has been horrific. Friends and family members in lockdown. Every day is a good one.

Meantime, my cold has turned into pneumonia. The guy with cancer, whom we are monitoring for bone cancer (as that is what often happens from prostate cancer: it metasizes to the bones), is my chief cook, and bottle washer.
Bless his heart. He's been fabulous.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
27 oct. 2014, 22 h 50

Jenn I am sorry that you have been feeling under the weather. (I was curious about the origin of that saying and it has to do with sea travel and people going below deck to recover)

Do you have massage on a regular basis Jenn?
Réponse de jaindough
29 oct. 2014, 0 h 27

Get well soon, Jenn :)
Réponse de JennJilks
29 oct. 2014, 0 h 32

Thanks, Jain.
I do, Katherine, I had to cancel it as I was so sick.
Thanks, both, for replying. 
Réponse de JennJilks
29 oct. 2014, 14 h 25

Stress test from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Caregivers really need to look after themselves. I had a Stress test, as I was getting high blood pressure, and chest pains. The stress test told us that it is, indeed, stress and I'm working on bringing down my BP.

Réponse de jorola
06 nov. 2014, 1 h 17

I so understand Jenn. All the best to you and here is to us learning to take care of ourselves.
Réponse de JennJilks
06 nov. 2014, 2 h 37

Thank you, jorola!
Réponse de JennJilks
09 nov. 2014, 16 h 27

In a monumental change of roles, I've been managing sinusitis, then bronchitis, then pneumonia. The 100-day cough, as many call it, is still here. I am exhausted. Even going outdoors to take photos, I get winded.
I have resumed walkies with the cats in the forest. Gentle walks.
Went it went from viral to bacterial (yellows and greens!) I got a Rx that helped.
I'm still waking in the night coughing, which is better than not waking and having it grow green stuff. Any activities, I raked a few leaves yesterday, and came in coughing. My bronchitis has evolved into viral asthma. What a pain.

Hubby, you know, the guy with cancer, has been an amazing caregiver.
We have a clear division of labour: he does groceries and dishes.
I cook and do the major lifting as well as outdoor chores: leaves, lawn, snow, since his back condition precludes this.

Lately, he's been finding food he can eat and cooking it. It is tough avoiding yeast, eggs, and dairy. Our fabulous Naturopath, Dr. Jen, has tested him. She's given him some immunity boosters, and he has totally avoided this flu bug. It is amazing.  


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