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Réponse de KathCull_admin
28 déc. 2014, 4 h 04

Dear Tuna, 
Thinking of you this evening. It is a gift for you and for him. 

Réponse de tuna
08 janv. 2015, 8 h 18

My husband passed away January 2. 
The end was horrible as the delirium set in. The nurses couldn't get him sedated enough at home, so he ended up at the palliative care ward in the hospital. The nurses were so lovely and I got to be a wife for two days instead of a nurse. They let me stay 24 hrs a day in his room.  
Pill write more later as i process what happened.
The delirium was gastly, did I say that yet? I wasnt prepared for it, didn't think we would face it.  He said a lot of things to me that I hope he didn't mean during his last two delirious days. 
I'm glad it's over, though I wish i could have just one more day with him. He suffered a bit in the end. It's good to not see him suffering emotionally every day as he did, knowing he was dying.
I will write more later as I process all that just happened.  
Réponse de Nouce
08 janv. 2015, 12 h 36

Love and thoughts to you as you grieve. You were stalwart and loving to the end.

Réponse de jorola
09 janv. 2015, 1 h 03

I am so sorry for your loss, hun. I am glad you got to be the wife again, even just for a day or to. Remember, that wasn't him talking, it was the disease. Thinking of you
09 janv. 2015, 1 h 39

Dear Tuna,

So sorry for your loss. We are here when you need us, whenever that may be.

Réponse de KathCull_admin
23 avr. 2015, 16 h 39

Hello everyone,

Tuna, I don't to intrude on your grief - but hope you are finding the support and comfort you need.  You may be interested in the thread Surviving Grief: One Step at a Time

A new member, dorms has started the thread Husband has Mesothelioma. and I wonder if those of you on this thread would consider responding to her post? Mesothelioma is a type of cancer and it has affected her husbands' lungs.

Thank you for thinking about it.

Take care all.


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