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Réponse de JennJilks
25 déc. 2014, 16 h 12

As a P.S., do know that staff find it as hard as you when someone dies. 
Also, what she was liekly struggling with was fear, not pain. Part of this was what led up to her death and dying, and it isn't something you could have helped.
Too many die in fear in hospital, in denial, sometimes.
IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT,and take out some happy photos and keep those in your thoughts.
I was haunted by smells for weeks after my dad's death. I had to acknowledge these horrible memories, then let it go and put it out of my mind. It doesn't help to dwell on it.

/2 cents from one who has been there!
Réponse de jorola
25 déc. 2014, 17 h 46

My deepest sympathy for your loss Q. Wish there were words i could say to help with the pain you must be feeling. I can say on behalf of all we are here for you so anytime you need to come talk, please come. we will be waiting.
Réponse de Q
28 déc. 2014, 4 h 23

You people are amazing and have restored my faith in humanity. I can't thank you all enough for listening and the kind words and advise. I'm still in a daze and depressed, overwhelmed with the thought of going through her things and preparing for her funeral. I still can't sleep and can't get her final moments out of my mind. I am grateful for thie support here and eventually will somehow force myself to learn how to cope for my kids. I do plan on staying on anti anxiety/depressants and definitely seeking some kind of counselling. But am in awe of the kindness and compassion I've recieved from total strangers here. THANK YOU 
Réponse de tuna
28 déc. 2014, 5 h 07

Dearest Q,
though you can't put a face to some of our names, we care deeply for you,  and feel a bond with you akin to friendship.
You will never be alone, as you can come here a time for support, to be in the company of friends.
This is tough .  But you are determined to find strength in the midst of pain. What a great example you are to your children . You are building a healthy legacy for you and them. 
You are a strong woman  
Réponse de KathCull_admin
01 févr. 2015, 15 h 51

Hello everyone,
Q and Tuna, the last month is usually a busy one on everyone's calendar - how have you been? Are you sleeping any better Q?  Tuna, I hope the last month has given you time to just be.

I am writing to check in and also to let you know a new member isa22 posted late last night to so sad and scared. Her mother was diagnosed this past week with advanced cancer and isa22 is scared.  If you are able to could you post her a note to let her know she is not alone?

As always, thank you.


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