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Réponse de JennJilks
08 févr. 2015, 1 h 10

My deepest condolences, Frank. It very difficult. You will get through this.
You are strong,
All my best. 
Réponse de fjp999
09 févr. 2015, 21 h 20

Thank you everyone.

It is so very odd. I am thankful that mom is at rest and so far dad is seemingly taking everything as well as expected. Keeping busy, eating well, accepting it seems.

I have friends near and far that I can talk to and feel good about that.

I will be meeting with a very powerful lawyer tomorrow so must prepare as best as I can. I feel like I will be ill talking about my mom and this situation so I just want to be really prepared and with all this stress it is really getting to me!

The most CRAZY thing about it all is that the Nursing Home Admin allowed me to record the first phone convo - his permission is on the recording. He told me all this stuff about bad stuff going on at the home!

Just recently when we were talking about moms belongings he suddenly said "Ya know Frank, I have been coming in late at night & catching staff messing around!" He has been telling me things like that and how he is changing things. He knows I have that first convo on voice memo and am thinking of talking to a lawyer then he tells me things like the above!?!?

These things must be on record and maybe he isnt getting any help with the owners cutting down on the "mess" so he needs some "help" and knows I am not messing around. I just dont know what is going on but - maybe karma is finally paying off and all the horrible things that have happened to my parents and myself will finally turn around.

OK, off for a bit, I really have to find a way to relax and get it all together,
thanks everyone again, frank
Réponse de KathCull_admin
23 févr. 2015, 1 h 05

Hi Frank
It's been a few weeks since I inquired (always wonder - should it be inquire/enquire and on checking today see I can use either - according to online dictionary:)

How did the meeting with the lawyer go? I can only imagine what stress getting ready for it was.

I am curious about your nickname. Not sure if you saw the thread What is the story behind your Virtual Hospice nickname? 

Have you found a way to relax?
Réponse de fjp999
23 févr. 2015, 3 h 28

Thanks so much for checking in KathCull,

I have been so swamped with EVERYTHING! The lawyer meeting did not go well, that local lawyer was overwhelmed with other work - he couldnt even consider doing a will for myself and another good friend of mine (& childhood friend of the lawyer) for at least 2 MONTHS!!!


I was rather stunned with his answer about what was needed to have a case. I did contact a bigger firm and it was even worse. It seems that these firms want to do no work and then get a HUGE paycheck in the end. I even asked the 2nd firm if I got the Nursing Home admin (who has been very co-orperative) - if I got him, with permission, to admit that the nurse murdered my mother - would I have a case? The lawyer said that I would not have a case. I was stunned!


I finally did reach the agency that takes care of the elderly around here. The admin there is rather close to me... we will have a sit down, hopefully this week??? We have a number of things to go over. As they say, When It Rains It Pours.


I always try to look on the positive side. I did have an inspection for free weatherization on my home (a big OT for this site, sorry - and got the news on my BDay). I was approved and will get a bunch of very nice things done BUT I have to move things around so they can do the work. It will be a great challenge - but worth it. Not sure where everyone is but we are having a stunningly FREEZING but I do love the very WHITE winter.


I will try to post more but OhMy! things just never settle down, banking things to settle. and the second home, and and and... hugs to all... and will save my nick for another post. frank

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