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Réponse de oldbat
23 mars 2016, 3 h 42

Ah Nouce I'm so sorry to hear that.  But I was glad to read that your Pablo is at least free from anxiety.  I regard that as one of the great curses of our journey.  Anxiety verging on panic most of the time and, I suspect, true for most of our fellow travellers.  Do try Black Books.  I love it so much that last Friday I found a compilation of Dylan Moran's global one-man shows on Youtube and laughed myself off my chair - for two solid hours.  I hate stand-up, but that man is the most politically incorrect actor I've ever seen.  Hence the mirth.

I'm still indulging in my not-so-secret addiction to The Voice.  I swear it gets better every season.  But, if anyone else shares the same vice, can you please tell me what on earth Christina Aguillera has done to herself?  She looks like a chipmunk on speed! She's still in her 30s - way too young to be botoxing!

Puzzled oldbat 

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