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Réponse de 2forSue
10 mars 2015, 1 h 24

Sherri, she is one of the receptionists and works part time. Small world, isn't it?

Mom mom went into the hospital on Friday because she can't walk, feed herself or do pretty much anything. They were going to keep her until at least today but they are going to keep her longer...until she shows signs of improvement...if it's possible to improve.

I've been calling my dad daily and today he told me a nurse friend of theirs said she was surprised that none of us kids are going out there. He's concerned that there is something going on he may not be aware of. Perhaps he's just too exhausted to see how bad she really is. I think I'll try to speak to her doctor tomorrow to see if there is a reason to believe she is near the end of her life. My sister said her intuition says mom is going down quickly. It's so hard to know what to do.

We were just there over Christmas. In my mind, I thought that may be the last time I see her alive. We are supposed to go to Mexico next week with our kids and I'm just not sure what's going to happen over the next two weeks.

With her in the hospital, dad is relieved of the day-to-day duties of caring for her. He is not resting though, because he is spending his days with mom. He has an appointment with his cardiologist tomorrow to see if he needs a valve replacement...he's super stressed and worried right now. :( My poor father.

That's an update. I would greatly appreciate prayers and positive thoughts at this time.

Thank you again for the support!


Réponse de KathCull_admin
12 mars 2015, 20 h 37

Hi Suzie,

I know you and SherriT have met but not sure if you have read the thread she started Long Distance Caregiving Challenges .  I thought it might give you some added support. 

Were you able to talk with the doctor? Hopefully that conversation will help you as you decide about how to support your dad and as you think about your vacation with the children – also important. It can be so hard when you are not able to ‘see’ the person with your own eyes.

You are in my thoughts.


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