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Réponse de suehb
02 juin 2015, 8 h 03

Hi Everyone,

Sad news, dad passed away overnight... Thank you all for all your help and kind words of support!

Réponse de JennJilks
02 juin 2015, 11 h 36

What really helped me was realizing how nurses are trained.

Some have a two-year degree, others more. The personal support workers have less training than this, and can be terrible at giving medical advice. 
basically, though, nurses are governed by budget lines, sad to say. CCAC is tight-fisted, and no one wants to increase taxes to help all of us get the care we need. 
Then issue arise when the regular nurse cannot visit. 

I helped a client's family advocate for their mother. This is the kind of thing we go through.

You go, girl!  
Réponse de Razz
02 juin 2015, 14 h 00


I'm so sorry for your loss.  I'm sure you can take comfort now knowing that he is at peace now.  

You were such a good and compassionate care taker as well as an advocate for his well being.  Rest now knowing that you did the very best anyone could hope to do.  

be good to you - Razz  
Réponse de KathCull_admin
02 juin 2015, 14 h 52

Dear suehb
My sympathy to you. I am sorry it has been such a tumultuous time for you over the last while. I hope there will be some quiet time for you to rest and reflect and as Razz said - remember you were such a compassionate care giver and you were his advocate.

Take care. We are always here.

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