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Réponse de Razz
14 juin 2015, 3 h 57

Thank you very much Ian for your supportive answer, I really appreciate it!  

You are so right in not worrying about what others think.  I knew from the beginning that as MOTHER lost more and more of her abilities I still planned to let her keep as much independance as possible. So for the past couple of years, even though her hair looked a wreck I didn't say anything to her except to prompt her to make an appointment to get it done.  She couldn't actually "see" what it looked like - her vision being not that great - and she had no mirror to show her how the rest of it looked.  Nor did I say anything when she put on way too much "rouge" or lip stick.  She thought she was doing a good job and I wasn't about to tell her other wise.  Same went with her mismatched clothes or her less than clean clothes (I'd just offer to help her with the laundry since she wouldn't get to the machines until the weekends).  SHE THOUGHT she looked good for an old lady so who was I to tell her other wise.   So I have to ask myself why this concern about her "looks" now?  It's because she is not getting dressed at all but staying in her night gown all day.  It's just one more sign of her "failing" and I guess it's that lost of interest that concerns me not the actual clothes.  

Thank you for your suggestions and I will keep them in mind.  I know the types of things you're talking about and perhaps that would be a good compromise.  At least she's not sitting there half-naked all day. (she does have a house coat that she wears at times and at other times just puts a sweater on over her nighty)

She's showing no desire to get out anymore either.  I can tell that she feels it's just too much work.  It would be nice if between myself and the Home Care Aides if we could get her down to lunch now and then ..... her table mates miss her and ask about her every time they see me.  I guess you could say she has friends in that sense and I think it would make her feel better to just do that much.  But then I have to ask myself if it is really too much for her.  I'm trying to follow her lead so there are many things that I feel conflicted about.  

As for the DNR she does have that in place and it's listed on her Personal Directive as well.  We were given a plastic holder to put on the fridge when she first moved in that has her medical information on it along with emergency contacts etc.  The first thing you see however is DNR in bold letters on the front.  Unfortunately I've heard a number of stories where that was not followed when an emergency happened and the results were very sad indeed. I have no problems respecting that and yet I still pray that it won't come down to having that invoked.  

Interestingly enough when she was in her late seventies - early eighties she'd seen what kind of trouble families run into when they leave that kind of paper work for "later".  So she went to a lawyer and had both the Enduring Power of Attorney drawn up along with her Personal Directive.  I'm grateful that she was forward thinking in that way as it was an easy transition when it came time for me to take on her financial and medical matters.  Getting the Government to accept it and being able to do her income taxeds however continues to be a nightmare!!!  I've spent quite a bit of money on having "notorized copies" made and sent to various departments only to have them disappear into "la, la land with no record of them ever being sent!  This year I sprung for the extra money and sent everything by "registered mail".  What a hassle. 

Thanks again.  

Réponse de Razz
16 juin 2015, 22 h 01

The dietician from Home Care came to visit Mom today.  I agreed to the meeting as even though I know Mom won't follow her suggestions etc. I thought it would be a good idea to look like I'm open to all of Home Care services.  So far they've already "bent" a couple of rules and I want to keep things on a cooperative and friendly ground.  

She had all kinds of ideas on the phone but once she saw Mom I knew that most of them went out the window.  However the first order of business was to weigh her.  She is now down to 69 lbs!!!  I couldn't wrap my head around that ..... a month ago I was freaking out because she was down to 75 lbs!  And she checked to make sure the scale was working properly and she even weighed Mom 3 times to confirm it.  

I'm totally and completely dumbfounded.  There are very few things left for us to try and they will depend on whether or not Mom actually eats/drinks them.  When I got home there was a message from the company that is contracted out to supply the Home Health Aides.  She just wanted me to know that Mom had refused to get dressed even though the lady tried.  Good for them for trying and I'm not surprised she didn't want to.  

She told me today that if it gets to be her time to go she's ready.  We had a bit of a chat about that - not too in depth as the dietician was still there - but it's the first time Mom has actually brought it up.   Funny thing though.... when I asked her if she was still interested in going to her hair appointment on Thurs. she was adamant that she wanted to get there.  I guess I'll go in on Thurs. afternoon and get her dressed so she can go (it's in the building).  

I had bought her a new housecoat and a pair of drawstring capris.  She really liked the new housecoat - which we put on and swapped out the dirty one for.  Not sure yet about the capris so I kept the receipt.  I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens Thurs.  

I think we've reached the point where I'm going to have to let her grand-kids know.  There are 5 of them - my 2 girls and my brother's 3 girls.  My girls have been getting some information but not the whole picture.  My youngest one is one to advocate for all kinds of more agressive intervention and so I've been putting off telling them the "whole" picture.  

I don't know how to get through this next part ... take each day as it comes I guess.  Man it's painful to watch.  

Réponse de Razz
16 juin 2015, 22 h 04

ps - still waiting on the results of my biopsy that I had done last Wed.  No news is good news???? 
Réponse de AdoptedSon
16 juin 2015, 22 h 24

Hey Razz

No news is good news, unless you are a worry wart like me, but keep the fingers crossed.

Sounds like your Mom is ready from all that you have said, not something one wants to really, well think about, though I suppose it is always in the back of our minds, waiting for that time, wishing it would hurry up and end, and hoping too, that it never comes.  Us humans are such strange critters.

Being super agressive is something I used to believe in, still do, to a point, but there comes a time when one has to decide, if those extra days are for us, or for them?  Pushing hard, being aggressive only gives the one we care for, added stress, added grief, and as much as we want them to not give up, it is their choice, not ours to make.  Something you might have to impress upon the more aggressive minded offspring.

Bottom line is, you try and hope you do the best you can, and give them some peace in their final moments.  It truly is heartbreaking to watch, to suffer through when every fibre of your instincts is wanting to scream out for them to keep fighting, but it is their choice.

There are no words to make the coming days/weeks/ whatever easier, other than to say that you are doing your best, and somewhere, somehow, it is being noted.  All you can do, is keep on with what you are doing, let the grandkids know the details, prepare them, and just take it one moment at a time.

Hugs and Prayers for you

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