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Réponse de Carlyn
13 févr. 2016, 3 h 44

I mean, dignity is crucial and I've got a huge thing about that in my own case but I mean, you can do this while still being respectful. Just say you need the help to keep helping. Nothing wrong with that. 

We're not superheroes, as much as we wish we were. ((Hug)) 
Réponse de JennJilks
15 févr. 2016, 16 h 01

Carlyn has good ideas!
When I go in to provide respite for a family as a volunteer, the client usualy balks.
I tell them that I am here for their caregiver, not for them, just to ease their minds.

When teaching (and parenting) I learned not to ask a question to which I expected a certain answer.

'Thank you for picking up that piece of garbage off the floor for me!"
–they would do it, then think about it, but I'd usualy catch them!

There are all sorts of tricks.
I was just writing about singing 'Oh, Canada' in classrooms. I would have the Gr. 8 kids who sang remain standing, and throw them a Hershey Kiss after. Bribery works, too! When the principal walked in he laughed. 
Réponse de Marymary
23 févr. 2016, 23 h 48

Thank you all for your replies - I do appreciate it.  

Well things kinda came to a head and I pretty much said you NEED some help., I so very concerned for your mental state of health and when he heard that - I gave him examples as to why and that he needed to seek assistance from someone or some group or something for it is taking it's toll and I have got my limits and they are there already not to mention on our son and his limits and before it gets worse, something has got to give and I am no longer going to be giving period.  I advised him of how his own son is about to clock him due to his outbursts and getting in his face over superficial crap.  He totally admitted he is so frustrated and has had enough - and his brain is not working as it use too.  I told him we get it (my son and me) we do we are kinda living it with you., we see feel and so very much HEAR it - but why take it out on us.  Do you not see what is going on - we both are in our room or we leave - do you want that - you are kicking us out in a sense, we have had not had a meal together in like 3 weeks - do you want us to move out because we will - do you want to be on your own because it will get to that point soon enough.  Boy oh boy

Well that certainly changed attitudes all the way around - it got bad last week when I spoke to him as I did above.  I hope it will last but only time will tell.

I have come to some conclusions which I am in the process of accepting yes I acknowledged them to some extent but totall acknowleding and going to have to accept.  Yes Iwill explain that later on - still processing.  

(specialist apptmt in march?) prob. not much will be said or done though as been since nov/15 (part of the accepting thing).

Thank you all - will come back in a couple of weeks - thanks again

Réponse de Marymary
20 mars 2016, 23 h 15

Hi y'all - well things have got all caught up to me anyway as well as our son.  WE both been darn sick (I'm still recovering), things do take its toll after awhile.  But on the road to recovery now.  Things are a bit more calmer now - more at ease maybe because I was so sick I just didn't give a care or damn about anyone else (lol) but ya tad better.  Gave my cents in regard to some issues - like why is it no one in this house ever not once ever asks me how are you doing?  I am the one doing that all the time.  MEN I tell you but got it all out.

Specialist just said their jobs are just to monitor only that is all they are doing, between him and oncologist he is see one of them every 2 months then famikly dr.  every 2 wks.  

He is still losing weight and nothing to be done - he eats crap and expects weight to put on? chocholate bars, candy, garbage food and things that is going to put weight on - I give up on that.  His son has tried to hide all chocolate and candies well he just goes out to corner store and gets more - so yes he has given up on that too.  We've resigned to the fact there is not changing some things and just leave it alone.  He is into rich rich foods and fattening things not understanding that his son and I do NOT want to eat that way and he gets upset because he will make a meal and no one will eat it.  There just is not talking to some people - resigned to that also.  We are jsut going day by day still.

It'll all work out as it will - not much to be said or done - just go with the flow - hugs you all


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