Forums de discussion

Réponse de Wingman
19 mars 2017, 3 h 24


I started this thread almost a year to the day before you revisited it. A funny thing in my mind. When i reread, I remember it as if it was moments ago. It is hard to share truths. When I was able to write out my thoughts, as abstract as they were.....that was the only way I could move from the moment I was stuck in to the moment I needed to be in. My heart breaks for your tough days. Words for these times are troubling....and elusive. Continue to share what you can - to vent what you feel. Expression to me seems like an evolvement of sorts. Everyone is different.

one foot in front of the other. That is all.

Breathe in, breathe out......go through the motions of the day...these things will change.


I am a different self. I haven't explained the reasons why to my family and friends - I dont want them to know how much I struggle. I am strong, I am Wingman.

 This is my new world.  Change- grow,-adapt- be.

these are at times, bittersweet moments now as they are mine alone.

However, I  own them, and that is all i can ask for.

In my thoughts Saara,




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