North West Community Care Access Centre

Adresse 961 Alloy Drive
Ville Thunderbay
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain P7B 5Z8
Pays Canada
Téléphone 1-807-345-7339
Numéro de télécopieur 807-345-8868

We provide access to in-home health and personal support services to help individuals live at home, we link you to other helpful services available in the community and we also assist individuals with the transition to long-term care homes when living at home is no longer possible.  Thunder Bay District CCAC and the Kenora and Rainy River District CCAC have joined to become the North West Community Care Access Centre (NWCCAC).  Our programs and services are available to people of all ages that are residents of the North West - from White River in the East to the Manitoba border in the West, James Bay and Hudson Bay in the North to the United States border in the South.

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Programmes et services

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