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Réponse de NatR
29 juil. 2012, 23 h 38

Ahh thanks Suzanne,

Appreciate your reply and I know you will add a lot to the forum

Good evening to you and yours,
NatR :) 
14 août 2012, 14 h 52

Bonjour Suzanne,

Vous pouvez vous présenter dans ce fil français Venez vous présenter. Mille merci pour animer la communauté francophone.
Au plaisir,
Réponse de passirose
14 août 2012, 15 h 25

Merci Colleen,
C'est fait!

Au plaisir,
Réponse de Roy70
14 oct. 2012, 11 h 48

I everyone,

I have joined for several reasons. Firstly I have been a caregiver to my brain injured  daughter for over 20 years following a MVA. Also I have been volunteering in hospice palliative care for the past 10 years. Still finding my way around this site and am really enjoying reading all the amazing stories.
14 oct. 2012, 17 h 21

Hi Roy70, 

Welcome to Virtual Hospice. How lucky we are that you found us. Thank you for joining the community. I look forward to contributions as you obviously have several perspectives to add to the conversations.

I hope you'll take a minute to add the information that you shared with us here to your profile page. It's a simple form to let the community know a little about you. It's also nice to add a picture (either of yourself or something else) as your avatar.

We look forward to getting to know you.
Réponse de passirose
14 oct. 2012, 17 h 49

Hi Roy70,

Welcome to this wonderfull community!


Réponse de NatR
14 oct. 2012, 21 h 07

Hi Roy70, welcome

Like you I am a caregiver to a family member, a grandchild awaiting her placement in long term setting.  I think we have that one thing in common;)  I also worked in LTC and have an understanding of caregiving for the elderly.  Glad you have similar talents to bring to the community and forums.

Please feel free to join in and add your comments.
Look forward to your posts.
Réponse de Roy70
15 oct. 2012, 11 h 08

Thanks NatR.. updated my profile, jusy doing that and sharing my story makes me feel a little better. Looking forward to this forum all pretty new to me so far.
Réponse de NatR
15 oct. 2012, 12 h 49

Roy, its really care for a family member who needs an advocate.  I understand your position.  My family member is almost adult age but has major delays both physical and mental.  She is like a 1 yr old.  Presently she is in a setting away from home several days a week.  I may not be in charge of her those days, but I stay in touch with her wonderful workers, I involve myself in outings when I can with her and her and her worker, and I dont look forward to the day when she will be placed in full time long term care.

It then will no longer be our choice and preference of will be round the clock care by many workers.

I feel that being her voice is why I am here...and if I can educate enough people to understand that she is voiceless..but not mindless.  She is funny, she is smart, she loves attention and affection, she has favorite movies and toys...and she deserves people around her who can find what makes her tick, what makes her day better.

I admire you for caring for your daughter for so long.  At some point you will of course have to look at other options.  Do you have any alternatives lined up?  A place where you can visit her often but give up the round the clock care?  

As people often tell me..the caregiver forgets to look after him or herself.  You and I understand that feeling...because our loved one comes matter the cost...but at some point we all have to let go and trust others to fill our shoes.

I wish you well today...I hope we can continue to talk about this subject in perhaps a separate thread.  You and I need support and attention too:) so remember that:)
Sending you a hug today for your dedication. 
30 oct. 2012, 20 h 15

Hi NatR and Roy70,

I encourage you to start a new thread to talk about caregiving. Or perhaps you can add the conversations that have already been started like:
I look forward to your continued conversations.

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