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Réponse de marstin
22 juin 2014, 16 h 27

Hi cmcaht,

The life of a teenager is such a stressful thing. It's worse these days I think with social media and I often overhear my daughters talk about how someone said something to them by text and reading into it that it was something vicious. For your poor daughter, she is already so vulnerable and now with losing her Dad it is ten times worse. It sounds like you are doing everything that you possibly can to help her but there is so much that our children do not share with us. You said that her teen grief class is finished, does that mean for the summer or for good? I know that here in BC, to my way of thinking, there isn't enough resources available. Even my widow/widowers group was only bi-weekly and that there was big gaps between one session ending and another one beginning. Then of course summer comes along and there is nothing until early fall. My guess is that so many people fall between the cracks and do not get the help that they so desperately need.

Don't worry about sounding doomy and gloomy, it is understood here. I have found that sharing that weight even if it's just by typing it out brings a sense of relief. You've gone from sharing life's issues with your husband to having no sounding board to figure these things out. I so understand that feeling. My family has been less than supportive and with few friends that live locally, I have found my support on this forum. Here we can just say whatever we feel and not have to worry about any kind of judgement.

How wonderful that your daughter put that outfit together to pay tribute to her Dad. I'm sure that your heart just about burst with love for her. She is finding ways to cope with her loss and this is one of them.

Things have been a little different in our household than yours. In the beginning we all vowed to work together through things and we did initially. We have had the added stress of trying to clear out our house, get some finishing done in it  and get it sold and this has caused so many battles. Neither of my daughters has gone for councelling and my oldest is such a mouthy, angry girl who carries the most pain. I know she cries alone in her room because she can't allow anyone to see her agony. My youngest will sit with me and pour her heart out and we both talk and cry together. Since they lost their Dad and their Grandma, who was like a second Mom, within weeks of each other it has made it doubly bad. I think they feel like they have nowhere to turn because when we needed our other close family members to step up, they all backed away and carried on with their lives. They see the heavy load that I have trying to deal with the mountain of paperwork, learning to take over the work that their Dad would normally do, and dealing with my own grief of losing my two closest people. Even though it's been nearly 2 years, we are still consumed by not knowing what the future will bring. For us the grief has been a very long journey.

Just a thought, do you have the option of getting away from your house for a few days with your girls? To go somewhere quiet and away from the lure of the internet and cell phone service? Len's family (and myself if I ever get the paperwork done for it) own a cabin on the lake. We went there last year for the one year anniversary for a few days. I used to hate going there, the travelling, the bickering etc. but last year was phenominal. We were able to connect with each other without the intrusion of cell phones and computers, just the quiet of the cabin and the peacefulness of the setting. We did not want to come back home and were able to bond in a whole different way. Sometime's you need to get away from reality just so that you can recharge your batteries for a bit.

I hope today finds you with something to smile about. It's a long road but I found that taking pleasure in some of the smallest things, brings a bit of relief.

Réponse de cmcaht
22 juin 2014, 19 h 22

Wow, I am so sad to hear that you lost 2 people so close together. I cannot even imagine. I dont think I could have made it through that.  My parents are in their 80's and my Dad is starting to deteriorate. I had counted on Mike being there when I lost one of my parents. Not sure how to handle that with no one to lean on. I get hope from reading your posts so am very grateful for you replies.  

You know, you are right about getting away.  We went camping for father's day weekend to keep up a tradition we had when Mike was still here.  No wifi and we had a really nice time and that is when I got to see that her true self is stll buried in there.  I have booked a short little  getaway this weekend coming up. We had all planned a nice retreat to Mexico in May to have a mental break but then Arial decided that she was going to refuse to go on a vacation and be away from her friends and that was the end of that.  so I could only  get 4 days over this weekend coming up so we are going to go to Kelowna.  We haven't done a lot of travelling in Canada so it will be new and different than what we would have done if Mike was here.  I hope that we can have some bonding and give her some positive moments.  I just hope she agrees to go and doesn't refuse last minute.  She was excited about it but this week said she is not looking forward to it.  Sigh, we'll just have to see what happens.  

Réponse de marstin
07 juil. 2014, 2 h 04


I was wondering if things worked in your favor and you managed to fit in your trip to Kelowna? It's such a beautiful area and hard to not enjoy. I hope that Arial decided to go and that you were able to have some moments of happiness.

Réponse de cmcaht
13 juil. 2014, 23 h 44

Hi Tracie 

So nice to hear from you.  We did manage to get to Kelowna.  Had a hard time getting cooperation from Arial with packing so we left late.  Almost missed our flight but thankfuly we did make it .  We did some nice things  together.  Arial was still moody but less so.  Couldn't get her to go out for dinner with us the whole time but we did have breakfast together each day and we did spend time together .  beach day was a bit tense since bad timing prevented Arial from swimming and she hates sitting around on the beach but she did give me some time to sit and relax.  It wasnt as low stress as camping was but I will take it.  

Since school ended and the schedule is less rigid she is becoming more her old self.  We have managed to have a couple short heart to heart talks so I am very thankful for that. hopefully she will continue to share little bits as she moves through all her feelings.  she did finally admit that some nasty teenage girls have been bullying her and she admitted she actually felt better getting some of it off her chest.  I just pray that this continues bit by bit and we can start having more communication and less conflict.  

She left today for a heavy duty wrestling training camp for a week in Jasper. It is hard to have her  away but I think we both need a breather and it will be good for us.  Today was especially hard though because it is Mike's birthday.  We had a cupcake and sang to Mike on our trip because I had cards and a gift for each of them that their dad left for them. I knew it would upset them and I wanted it done when we were away from our normal routine and away from the house.  I was worried the birthday would upset  Arial enought that she might not get on the bus. She had to get up extremely early to get to the bus pickup so didn't really get a chance to even think about what day it was.  I fear it will hit her later when she gets some free time. she only knows 2 kids out of the whole group and doesn't know any coaches so it will be hard for her to be so alone.  I hope she is okay.  

Maybe she'll just be too tired to think much about it.  

I was alone all day so it was a very sad day for me but I did get to release some tears and not worry about upsetting the kids.   

I hope all is going ok with you and your girls.  Thank you for sharing your story and checking in on me. YOu have no idea how much it is appreciated. 

Réponse de marstin
20 juil. 2014, 23 h 36

Hi cmc,

It's good to hear that you managed to make your trip to Kelowna. That little break had to have brought some stress relief even if Ariel was a little less that co-operative at times. I couldn't imagine being so young and on top of losing her Dad, having to deal with vicious girls who prey on the vulnerable. I think there are things that people in general who have not suffered a major loss don't understand. Along with dealing with the pain of loss is the other things that life throws at you. It's not like you can just focus on healing, you still have all of the other issues that are part of everyone else's lives like school, work, house issues, money issues etc. Life doesn't give us a break.

We just came back on Thursday from Vancouver Island where we spent  the 2nd year anniversary of Len's passing at the family cabin. It was an okay time but the girls were super sensitive to each others words and there were many flare ups. At least the 15th was a calm day where we each went off to our own spaces to relive our memories then all cooked dinner together. I dreaded coming back to the real world where I have to get back into the swing of readying this house to sell it. At least some of the work was done by my brother in law while we were away.

Special dates I think are the hardest to get through. We have celebrated Len's birthday the past two years by making a cake and going out for dinner. Other's may not understand the reasoning but it is how we honor his memory and what makes us feel better. I have found that spending a bit of time by myself and allowing the emotions to sweep over me and the tears to pour, bring a sense of release. We tend to put on such a brave face for our children most of the time but we need to be able to allow ourselves some personal space to deal with our own grief. We are after all just as broken as they are.

I hope that Ariel enjoyed her wrestling camp and was able to release some of her sadness and pain by being physical. How is your other daughter doing? My oldest is still being a grumpy mother hen and the youngest, 'sigh' keeps messing up in her life and these days has to deal with the repercussions as she is not able to turn to her dad to help find solutions. I swear that she is going to give me gray hair as she figures out life.

I hope you're having a calm and quiet day.

Réponse de KathCull_admin
18 juin 2015, 20 h 05

It's been about a year since you first posted - and will have been through a number of hard 'firsts'.

I know it's a big question with probably more than one answer, but how have you been? I think you were so wise to say you are just as broken as the girls. Have you been able to find that personal space and if you need those who can support you in it?

Graceful1 started the thread Why are grieving people supposed to be so strong - I wasn't sure if you had seen it.

Take care


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