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Réponse de KathCull_admin
24 janv. 2016, 4 h 53

Hi debbie123
Never feel you need to apologize for typos:)

I am glad you are sleeping better - but understand that sometimes "better" means you still wake up in the night or have trouble falling asleep. 

Glad you and your daughter can talk every day - my daughter is away from home as well and I am thankful we can talk and text.

As you said today is 1 month - not long debbie123. I think it is a good idea to take one day at a time.

Are you finding support in your community?
Réponse de debbie123
20 mars 2016, 13 h 34

Hi Katherine and everyo r on here that has helped me through this .  The site was not letting me on and i think it was my computer cause i recently got a new one and here i am again.  I am surviving.  I ended up putting up a wall and i let out my emotions when i am alone sometimes or listening to music in the car and alone.  Like when i recently took my daughter back to college and had to drive home alone.  I cried for the two hour drive.  I have also been dreaming lmost every night of my mom and other loved ones who passed away prior .  I miss my mom and lately i feel like she is going to call me but then i realize that wont be happening.  Its even hard for me to type things about her  as well.  So hard and no i didnt get any family support still and thats ok.   I realize that wont happen and now if they tried it would be too late.  That was my mom and they didnt even check to make sure i was ok.  My daughter has not grieved yet she said cause it has not hit her she said.  Maybe it takes time but every day i am in pain at one point or another.  I just miss her so much.  I have voice messages she left on my phone but i cant listen to them again at least not yet.  But I will forever have them i hope.  I wish i could listen to them.  I would love to hear her voice again.  I have not seeked help because i cant talk about it or i will cry.  So where i go from here i dont know.  My job is going well.  I am living day by day and i go out and do things ...take walks with a friend and look around at nature or go to the mall..maybe a movie.  I look forward to my dreams and i sleep well at night.  Much better than before.  I go right to sleep actually and i have been doing that since i moved actually a month ago.  I miss my dog too and i have his ashes right on my dresser next to me.  I have him as my laptop screen saver and say hi to him often.  I talk to my mom in the car on my way to work . You must think i am losing it but this has been my way of living lately .  I did go through an anger stage recently about a week ago.  But that has passed.  Think i am ok now.  I realized thats not me.  I look forward to when i will someday be with my mom someday again but i want to be here for my daughter right now.  I just wish i could hug her with her and see her face.  I wish there was a miracle and she would come back.  Anyway i wanted to let you sll know i am here and you all have been in my thoughts even though i was unable to communicate with you over the internet.  Thank you all for the support you all have given me and the many hugs shared :-)
Réponse de KathCull_admin
06 avr. 2016, 16 h 28

Glad to hear you are sleeping better debbie123. 

Another member RoseB on far from a family member with advanced cancer was saying that she was looking into community support for bereavement in London, ON. I am not sure if you knew that by going to Programs and Services you can click on the area of Canada that you live in and find resources - individual or group. 

Glad you keep in touch debbie123.

Réponse de KathCull_admin
26 nov. 2016, 22 h 36

Hello everyone,
A new member Tereska started the thread I live with my mom who has stage 4 cancer . Could I ask you to consider responding to her post. 


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