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Réponse de Cath1
02 mars 2012, 3 h 04

Hi highlanddancermom40:

I have not responded to your posts before as I have seen that you have built up quite a few regular relationships and I wasn't sure I could say anything to help you, though I wished to say something. Actually after reading one of your older posts which was dated December 5th, 2010 about guilt, you inspired me to write my first post in this forum because it was the date my Mom died.

Tonight after reading your most recent post, I just want to say that I am praying for you that you will receive the best news possible about your own health. I can relate to your humour and how you are trying to be very brave about it all which is admirable, but it's ok to feel scared as well.

You seem like such a remarkably strong woman and have had a lot of sorrow to deal with for such a young woman at that. My eldest daughter turns 39 tomorrow and I cannot imagine how she would cope with what you have been through. Having lost your sister to cancer less than a year ago and then your Mom's heart attack this past Christmas, you and your family have endured a lot. You must feel very exhausted by it all, and yet your resilience and hope shine through.

Your January 19, 2012 post I can really relate to as you talk about the way grief flips back and forth just as we think we are getting a grip. Thank you for writing all of your messages and I want you to know even though I have not responded directly to you before now, you and your experiences have touched my heart.

Please let us know next week when you get the results of your test. Everyone I am sure can relate to how difficult it is when waiting for test results as hours and days suddenly seem endless. If anyone deserves to hear some good news it is you and I am hoping and wishing for you that only good news comes your way. I am also hoping that no matter what the news is that you know you will be able to deal with it and that you have many people on this forum who care about you.

Take care highlanddancermom40 and try to stay as busy and positive as is possible over this next week!:)

Réponse de Cath1
08 mars 2012, 19 h 14

Hi highlanddancermom40:

This past week must have been such a difficult one for you as you await your test results.

I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Please feel the positive energy surrounding you from us all in the Virtual Hospice community when you see your doctor tomorrow. I hope that thought will give you strength and a smile.:)

Réponse de highlanddancermom40
09 mars 2012, 4 h 59

Hello Everyone;

I have to admit that yes, the past week has proven to be rather agonizing. I was lashing out at people, just not caring about others (neighbours) and what their issues happen to be that day. I'm not normally like this as I am a very compassionate person.
It feels as though I have been in a fight with my mind (for my peace of mind). Trying to tell my mind that all is well, meanwhile my mind is fighting me every step of the way, attempting to lead me to believe that all is not ok! My appointment was moved up to 8 am from 3:15pm tomorrow, so I know that the next 8 hours is going to be the most difficult. I just want this over with, then to have the MRI done on Wednesday of next week and perhaps relax before they find some other tests for me to endure.
It is my goal to go in there with a mindset that, I am healthy as a horse (depending on how healthy that horse is of A little humour to ease the tension.
I know regardless of the results, either way, I have my dear sweet Carol watching over me!
Thanks and I will keep you up to date!
Réponse de highlanddancermom40
10 mars 2012, 5 h 24

Hi Again:

I received good and bad news today. The good news is, that I don't have cancer of the lungs.
He has, however, ordered a CT Scan as he now suspects a Pulmonary Embolism (clot in the lung), this being the bad news. After describing how I've felt since the pneumonia has passed, he doesn't want to miss anything and a clot is what my symptoms are showing.
So here again, I sit and wait, for the hospital to call to set up the appt, then the waiting game begins again to see the specialist for follow up a week or longer wonder I have so much grey hair lol!
What strikes a nerve with me, is that those around me are happy to hear I don't have cancer but don't appear as concerned with this clot as they were with the cancer threat. It's like they don't understand that a clot can often have the same result...death, if left untreated.
I am actually thankful that I ended up with pneumonia and all the problems that arose as a result...if not, I may never have discovered that there was ever anything wrong at all.
Réponse de Cath1
10 mars 2012, 13 h 09

Hey Highlanddancermom40:

Thanks for updating us! I think your good news is great news! What a relief for you that you don't have cancer! I guess I feel like those closest to you on that count, as while it may end up that you have a blot clot in the lung, it would be treatable. I think that your doctor would have sent you straight to hospital for treatment if s/he thought you are in immediate danger.

Are you still going to get the MRI done on Wednesday? I hope you won't have to wait too long for your CT scan to be arranged so you will know whether or not you have a blood clot. I agree that it's better to know than to wonder what is wrong.

Well, Highlanddancermom40, you may not yet be the healthiest horse in the race, but you are still in the race and that's most important!:) I'm sure your sister Carol is watching over you!    

Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for sharing your news! You remain in my prayers!:)


Réponse de Serena_1
12 mars 2012, 4 h 22

Hey Highlanddancermom40,

I am really glad it isn't lung cancer, but feel your frustration about having to wait, again, and the anxiety that comes with such uncertainty.

I have been thinking of you often last week, and was waiting and hoping you would post your results, without daring to ask, because I am sure all the people that support you and surround you did that a lot (asking) and I didn't want to add to it.

You are amazing! You are able to use humour and that is really healthy! And with Carol watching over you and with your positive attitude, I am sure you will be able to overcome whatever is in store for you, if anything at all. We are and will be here for you, all the way.
Please keep us posted on the virtual hospice, as we do care.

I also think it is ok for you to be irritated by people's reaction to your news. Even if they mean really well, they don't necessarily have a real grasp of what others go through, or what the results really mean.

Lashing out , even if out of character, could be one way of regaining some form of control over a situation where you feel you have lost some of it. Your health is in the hands of others, and waiting for results, tests, and more results and answers is exasperating, so go ahead, do whatever it takes to keep your sanity!!
Looking forward to hearing more good news, I wish you
Good health :)
Réponse de Cath1
15 avr. 2012, 23 h 55

Hi Highlanddancermom40:

It's now a little over a month since you last wrote to us here and I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing.   

When you get a chance please let us know how it worked out for you with your tests for the blood clot. I hope that it miraculously dissolved or was just a scare. That's me indulging in wishful thinking. With everything you have gone through already I am hoping that you didn't have to deal with more harsh reality, yet I do believe with your strength and positive attitude you are able to handle whatever life demands of you.

Whatever transpired in the past while, I do hope you know that you are thought of often. I miss you, and your humour!;-)  Wishing you the best! hugs xo

20 sept. 2012, 19 h 20

Dear Highlanddancermom,

It has been a while since we have heard from you. We would love to get an update on how you are doing.

I must admit that I am writing to you to ask for your help. A new member has posted to our community today. Her name is Leigh70 and she is losing her brother. She's also deeply concerned for their parents. I think it would be a great relief to Leigh70 to know she is not alone. Would you like to reply to the thread she started?

My brother is terminal 

Thank you!

01 avr. 2020, 15 h 55

It's been 8 years since this thread has been active. Our lives have changed in so many ways I am sure. 

A new member is wondering if members have found sibling grief support groups - either online or in person? Any thoughts or ideas?

Thank you

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