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14 nov. 2013, 13 h 41

Thanks for sharing this Mark. Can you spell out what TBI stands for? Some people may not know what it means.
Réponse de Mark99
14 nov. 2013, 13 h 46

Oh sure, sorry. Traumatic Brain Injury
Réponse de J.D.
17 nov. 2013, 23 h 40

Thank you for your time and expertise.  I will refer to your narrative often.
Réponse de PPP
12 févr. 2014, 23 h 11

Hi Everyone

It’s been a while since I logged in to Virtual Hospice.  I thought that I was over the grieving process of losing my husband, two years ago, April 1st.  The last few months have been very hard, missing him like never before. 

My brother-in- law passed away New Years’s Eve.  In less than two years, I have lost three from my family.  That could have something to do with my feelings of loss and anxiety.  Not sure if that has triggered my feelings again or not.

 Maybe they never left and I was just hiding them by keeping busy.  I have never felt so alone.  Everyone says it’s the hard winter that we have endured.  And it could also be that I have to think if I can stay and maintain my house in the winter.  I am still able to snowblow two huge hills but not sure how long I can do that.  Everyone says I will know when it’s time to sell the house! 

As I write this, I feel  an emptiness that doesn’t seem to go away.  Maybe it never will and I expect too much!  Want to be able to smile and laugh like I used to but don’t have that happy feeling, no matter what the situation. 



Réponse de NatR
12 févr. 2014, 23 h 41

Hi Jane,

its good that you checked in - but I am sorry to hear you are still dealing with so much pain and grief.  I am wondering if you should find  a support group or someone who can help you talk through the feelings - or perhaps even something to help you get through this tough time.

not suggesting that you need to take anything but at least talk to someone who is a professional and get their input.

the forum group is here - you can share anytime.  It sounds like you have a lot of outsude work to do with your home and property - as you said others have told you that you will know when to move or change your situation - but sometimes we get stuck.  Just a thought - and hoping my words help.  At least you know that we are hearing you :) 

i am am glad you wrote and I do hope others will come up with some ideas to help.  Sending my thoughts your way
its hard to go it alone - here you have listening ears and those who have some understanding of how you feel (as best we can) 
Réponse de marstin
13 févr. 2014, 0 h 01

Hi Jane,

I think winter has an adverse effect on many people but for those who are grieving it seems to make the loneliness more pronounced. You spend more time indoors and feeling somewhat isolated. In addition, trying to maintain a house is a huge job for one person. I have found this quite difficult.

I was just thinking to myself yesterday that after a year and a half I should be further ahead emotionally than I am. I see from what you've said that I'm not alone. Dealing with more than one loss is incredibly hard. For myself, I find that I can't deal with more than one at a time and so I focus on Len. I feel guilt for trying to block my feelings about losing my mom but I just can't seem to go in that direction. I wonder if that makes sense to you? Losing your brother in law probably reopened the wounds that really haven't healed much at all. I too would love to be able to be happy again instead of feeling so lost and lonely still. I know that some people think that because you look healed on the outside, that you must be or there are the ones who think there is a time limit. Not true!  I believe it will take as long as it takes and although I'm sure that the sun will shine again, we don't know when that will be.

I hope you continue to keep writing on here. It usually helps me to feel a bit better to be able to share and know that people actually understand.

Réponse de Mark99
13 févr. 2014, 1 h 40

Jane Tracie: I understand the emotional depth of what you speak. We feel it the diagnosis and does not end. It is as if the pain and the fear and the anxiety go into a hibernation only to rear up at another loss or a birthday (Donna’s is on Friday) a picture.  

But I will say this, though it never gets better there is an adaption that occurs. A sense of peace with the loss. That I can and will live with her in my heart for me and me alone and there is comfort knowing what I had and have. And suddenly BANG there is a memory that seeps deep into my marrow and awakens all my fears and rips me in my sleep. Yet I return here to share and hope my thoughts will give others some peace. To resist these feels is to allow them to persist. CS Lewis said in his essay on Grief that in every couple it is guaranteed one will feel grief. We are the ones, yet our grief raises up from the memory of love.  
Réponse de PPP
13 févr. 2014, 23 h 36

Thank you everyone for your kind words of wisdom.  My therapist suggested that I go back on line and discuss what I have been going through.  Putting words on paper seems to console me some how.

I understand the emotions that I go through.  Been there, done that kind of feeling.  Then you wonder what started all the sadness again that never left.  I guess I though it did.  And you are right, it could be a picture, and possibly Valentine’s Day approaching. 

I understand the seeping of emotions creeps up on you.  Just when I thought my waking in the morning of Avery’s last moments was over, they come back with a vengeance. 

My expectations of where I would be after almost two years since Avery’s passing, are perhaps too much for me to attain.  Figuring that I would be past the crying stage off and on, and on to a new life.  I think that perhaps after 40 years, things won’t change as much as I want them to.   I am expecting too much all at once and change comes gradually.  I guess we are all impatient in the pursuit of happiness.   Just when you think you have your life planned out, God throws you a curve ball that’s hard to catch! 

Regards, Jane

Réponse de nanalovesu
14 févr. 2014, 15 h 08

It's been a while since I last posted. There is so much I want to say but can't type fast enough. Almost three years have passed since my husband passed away from cancer. I moved out of our home to a new one hoping it would help me take the steps forward in life. I think it did. I no longer saw the room where his bed and caring took place. They became memories placed on a shelf.

At night sometimes I continue to flashback to the final day, hour, minute, his hand let go of mine.

But his words of hope continued to push me to try to live and love again. Which for me is difficult at times. To allow someone else into my life withowut feeling like I'm cheating on him.  I know that may sound silly but that's how it feels to me. I have been dating a wonderful man, full of patience and understanding.

Today is Valentine's Day, wish I could buy 2 cards. For one I would get a hug and kiss, the other I would shed tears. I know my late husband wouldn't want me to do that. My life must go on. Just have to find  a dream again.

Happy Valentine's Day


Réponse de marstin
15 févr. 2014, 2 h 12

Hi Bev,

Thanks for sharing what has been happening in your life. It helps those of us who aren't quite as far along on this journey as you to have some hope for the future. When you talk about moving and finding a new home, it helps me feel a little more confident about finally letting go of my house and finding a new home to make memories in. Letting go is so difficult.

Today is one of the rough ones for me as it was two years ago today that Len got down on one knee and asked me to marry him after being together for 23 years. On that day we still had hope that he would beat his cancer and our lives together would carry on. I can still picture the excitement on his face and our daughter's as they waited for my answer. It was a bittersweet moment as I said yes but felt a deep fear inside of me that it would never come about. My fears came true when only hours before we were to be married (July 15th) he passed away. I often regret that I allowed the dreams of others for a real wedding to overtake my own thoughts of just finding a justice of the peace. I can only believe that it was meant to be that way otherwise my guilt just eats at me. I'm sure we all have those kind of thoughts after we lose loved ones of what we could have done differently.

It's wonderful that you have someone to spend time with and understands that you are not healed. It gets so lonely being a widow and not having someone of the opposite sex to talk to, to cuddle with, to just be a part of your life. I miss that so much and hope in time that I will be able to let someone else get close. I know that Len would never want me to be alone.

Happy Valentine's Day back to you!


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