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Réponse de PPP
15 févr. 2013, 13 h 53

Hello Everyone

Mark99, glad to hear you are “on the mend”.  It takes great  strength to go through such trauma.

It has been quite a while since I posted, trying to come to grips with my loss of Avery.  As I suspected, the winter proved unbearable by myself.  Christmas was made very special with my children and grandchildren and I thank them for that.  Unfortunately, New Years was not quite the same.  I have been very lonesome and emotional since New Years.  It left me with an emptiness that I thought maybe had dulled somewhat but made me realize I had started a new year without the love of my life.

Everyday, I wake up with the same thoughts of Avery taking his last breath, wishing I could have done more and wanted to go with him on his last journey.  I realize I couldn’t do those things, that he was better off, not suffering anymore.  I do think of all the precious moments we spent together, but unfortunately, his death plays center stage.  I feel like I am starting over with my grief.  As I think back through the last year, it is a roller coaster ride of emotions!

I decided at the end of January to stay with my children out of town to pass the bleak winter month of February.  Valentine’s Day was another “first” for me.  Avery never forgot to make that day very special for us.  I have been dwelling on the beautiful times we had together and how in love we always were.  We started out as teenagers in love, and spent 47 wonderful years together, married for 42! 

Right now, we would be planning a trip somewhere “tropical” to get us through the rest of the Canadian winter!  Thinking about those wonderful trips we took  will get me through the rest of the next few months!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!



15 févr. 2013, 14 h 16

Welcome back Jane!!!

You wouldn't believe the huge sigh I let out when I saw you had posted. If I were working in a room full of people they would've surely all turned their heads.

I can only imagine how tough it has been and thank you from the bottom of my heart for finding the energy to post on the forums. Grief does come in waves and often one can feel like they are starting all over again.

Mark99 and Nanalovesu I'm sure you can share your experiences with this. How do you get through the feeling on 1 step forward and 2 steps back?

Jane, Did you see the lovely post that Marstin (Tracie) shared with Liticia and Lind about how she met her sweetie? We'd love to hear how your and Avery met if you'd like to share it. 

Mark99, Nanalovesu you can share your stories too. Go here to post. 

Réponse de marstin
15 févr. 2013, 17 h 15

Hi Jane,

Your words just seemed to resonate with me. It is 7 months today since Len passed away. How quickly the time has gone by and yet the pain just doesn't seem to subside. My daughters and I gave each other the best Christmas that we could to ease the sadness of our losses. (my mom passed 7 1/2 weeks after Len) I breathed a sigh of relief that we had made it through, then New Years arrived and the pain that came with it was like a steamroller. I have days that seem like the fog is lifting, then others that I feel so overwhelmed that I can barely breathe. For myself, the race is on to get my house ready and on the market before my mortgage runs out yet I am having so much difficulty trying to make myself do what I know that I have to hurry up and do.

The loneliness is such a key factor. No one to lean on, no sounding board to know if choices I make are the right ones, no one to wipe away the tears of pain. So alone.  I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you having had so many years together with Avery. Len and I had just over 23 years together and yet I can hardly remember a time when he wasn't in my life.

I too replay the day that Len passed away and can't seem to get it out of my mind. For us it was to be our wedding day and he passed away just hours before the ceremony. I replay how our youngest volunteered to go give Len his medication and the look on her face seconds later when she came back and told me she thought he was gone. Trying to contact everyone to tell them that the wedding was off and that he was gone was just horrible. The what if's replay over and over and I know for my 20 year old daughter, she wishes she had checked on him a little earlier. I try to believe that it went the way that it was meant to. I also believe that he woke us up as he left because I woke from a sound sleep thinking my youngest had gone downstairs to give him his medication and that's what had woken me.I stopped in the rec room for a couple of minutes to wake up a bit and my youngest came down the stairs to give him his medicine. My older daughter was out with friends and suddenly felt an urgency to get home. When I checked on him I knew that he had just been taken away. I am still so sad that he was all alone as he left this world but I know that he touched each one of us as he began his journey home.

So, today the sun is shining and with it comes the urgency to get working on this house. I send you many hugs today and hope that you will keep in touch with all of us on here and maybe, just maybe, we can act as a crutch throughout this painful mourning process.

Réponse de PPP
15 févr. 2013, 18 h 37

Hi Everyone

I was just 16 and Avery was 18 when we I met through mutual friends.  He was such a clown, and always made me laughing with his antics.  There was never a dull moment when Avery was in the room.  Always had a joke and a smile for everyone in any situation.  I suppose it was typical for Avery to die on April 1st, April Fools day, given his personality, and I am sure he would be laughing about it at this moment!

He was a romantic and would wine and dine me without a reason.  When the kids were toddlers, he arranged an overnite stay at a hotel without my knowledge.  He packed a suitcase, needless to say, missing a few items, but I didn’t care!  We joked about that for years!  We had a memorable night for the first time without the kids!  I remember the husbands on the street were upset because all the wives found out what he did and wanted the same!  LOL 

For years to come, there was many surprises for me. For our 40th, he arranged a getaway at a resort that I will always cherish and gave me rubies!  He wanted to take me to Ireland for our 40th, but I said we could wait.  I shouldn’t have waited.  If we only knew what was in store for us……..He was always one step ahead of me for every occasion; such a caring, loving person.  Even through all his chemo during his stem cell transplant, he always had a smile, never a complaint. 

I am glad Tracie to hear that you replay Len’s death also.   Such a traumatic event in our lives that needs time to heal?  I am so fortunate that Avery and I had all those years together.  I want to remember him joking and laughing, as he was, but I wake up holding him dying in my arms!  Avery would not want this for me and I try and remember that!

I wish you the best Tracie with getting ready to sell your house.  My thoughts are with you.

Hugs Jane

Réponse de marstin
08 mars 2013, 19 h 13

Hi Jane,

I'm sorry for taking so long to reply. Somehow I missed your message. Your life with Avery sounds so incredible. To be blessed with having a love like that is so special. Many people never experience that in their lifetimes. I know with Len that he always was the romantic kind and although our lives together weren't perfect, I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Even in his final days I can see him looking at me with that twinkle in his eyes and knowing how loved I was. He never complained either about the pain he was in and for a man who had always been so healthy, it was amazing. I find when I hit those really low moments, I try to replace the pain with loving times and it brings me some solace.

As for my house, progress is being made on getting it ready to sell. I have found three brothers through my niece who lost both of their parents to cancer and they are working very hard to finish off the projects that Len had started and are very sensitive to my emotions through this process. I have been hard at work clearing the house and it feels so good to declutter (Len was a bit of a packrat) and have a few chuckles with my daughters over things that we find. At least some of the items can be sold to help pay for the work being done here so that's a bonus.

My oldest daughter is taking a playwriting course and was telling me about a script that she has to read in class. In it the couple was due to be married and the man passed away on what was to be their wedding day. She said that the other kids in the class were laughing about it and saying that things like that never happen. She never said a word to them to let them know that they were so wrong and that it had happened just like that in our household. I can tell how difficult it is for her to have to do this project when it's so close to home. Although I encouraged her to talk to the teacher and say that this is just too difficult for her to do, I think that she will just try to forge through and not let anyone know how painful it is for her or what has happened in her life.

Well, the sun is shining and I guess that's my cue to get back to work.

Take care

Réponse de PPP
27 mars 2013, 13 h 35

Happy Easter to Everyone

I am trying to get through the first anniversary  my husband,  Avery,  passed away.  On March 28th 2012, he went into the hospital  and I knew in my heart it was serious but refused to go there because he had been given a clean bill of health on March 12th, free of cancer!  Unfortunately, his heart gave out and they only gave him two or three days!  You always think the doctors are wrong, and he would outlive their predictions.  He passed away April 1st.  It was so fitting for him to die on April Fools Day, because he was  a joker, always laughing and telling his best “jokes”!    At any given time, he would make us all laugh until we cried. 

I try and remember that he would not want me to be crying as I do, but the emptiness is still there and always will be.  They say it gets easier, but I am finding this anniversary the worst of the whole year.  I look back and I am amazed the year has gone.  I feel as if time has stood still emotionally for me!  Maybe It’s because spring isn’t coming as quickly as I or you would like.  I am looking at big snowflakes right now! 

I guess I want something magical to happen and everything would return to Avery and I sitting on the beach, a year ago today, watching the ice melt, and being 25 degrees outside!  Maybe it’s because I filed his last tax return yesterday!  It all seems so final now!  I am coming full circle without him by my side, the love of my life!

All my life, I never thought that I would feel such loneliness and helplessness emotionally.  Just when I thought I was easing the grief, it has come back with a vengeance!  Everyone around me says its natural and I have a right to feel the way I do!  It is hard to live without loving, you, Avery!



Réponse de NatR
27 mars 2013, 17 h 54

Dear Jane,

i am so sorry that your pain is there.  I think one year is still a very short time when you have lost your beloved partner.

it is a testament to your love for each other.  I know Avery would want you to move forward in time, at least he sounds like the kind of person who would want you to be happy again.  

I keep meeting friends in my age group (senior) who are all dealing with some kind of loss.  I am learning that each of us is different.  Each of us reacts differently and time frames vary.

Réponse de marstin
27 mars 2013, 17 h 56

Hi Jane,

It's so nice to hear from you. I was thinking about you the other day and wondered how you were doing.

How quickly the months go by and here you are at almost a year since you lost your loving husband. It's been 8 months since we lost Len and I know that it still seems like it was last week. Although life moves on, it doesn't mean the heart moves on as quickly. Like the ocean the emotions can stay somewhat calm for awhile then it's like a tidal wave hits and the pain comes pouring in. I doubt that the loving feelings will ever go away but hopefully the loneliness will subside with time.

I wish that the snow would go away for you because when the sun comes out it feels like a bit of hope. Here, we are looking forward to many sunny days in a row and yesterday my niece and I sat on my sundeck without jackets and just basked in the warm rays. I must admit though, that it made me feel a bit sad that I will have to soon put my house up for sale. I would love to have just one more spring and summer here, as I would love to just have Len back and be able to say all of the things that I didn't get to say.

If we could write a book for others that have to walk this path, I wonder how it would look. With such huge losses come strengths that weren't evident before. For myself, I have learned to not trust too readily and to stand firm when I feel that I'm being taken advantage of. I have learned who my true friends are and that has been a wonderful revelation. What have you learned in all of this? You have made it through a year and yet you are still standing. When you look back over the past year I hope that you are proud of how far you have come. Every step ahead is a great thing and the times you slide backwards are only part of the moving forward process.

I hope that you will keep in touch and that soon the sun will be shining down on you.

Réponse de NatR
27 mars 2013, 17 h 57

Dear Jane 
part two of my msg as it wouldn't accept any more typing -:(

just wanted you to know you are not alone  - time does heal they say - and I know it's variable - but that you will get there!

keep sharing and I think winter has been long this year - agree its time for renewal of the plants, the return of the sun and green grass!

sending you warm thoughts today
Réponse de marstin
31 mars 2013, 19 h 51

Happy Easter to everyone! I hope today has moments of laughter and fond memories and lots of good food to eat.


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