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Réponse de marstin
25 déc. 2012, 6 h 45

Thank you ShiningStar! I wish you and all of my new virtual friends, peace and love on this Christmas day. An 'Angel' that has been a source of strength to me througout this process, stopped by for a moment to let me know that she was thinking of me. She handed me a card and with a hug she was on her way. When I opened the envelope and read the card, I nearly cried. Inside was a giftcard for a spa day. This 'Angel' has suffered many tragic losses in her own lifetime and although I have known her for years but never had much contact with her, she has been reaching out to help guide me through this painful process. How blessed I am!

Hugs to all!!!
Réponse de marstin
29 déc. 2012, 19 h 36

What a relief to have Christmas behind us. My daughters and I vowed to make it a very special one for each other and we succeeded. We set up photo's of Len and my Mom, and my Dad who passed away 4 years ago so that we felt that they were with us on Christmas morning. My niece came over and we had our traditional Christmas brunch. The microwave blew a circuit and although it took me 3 tries, I finally figured out which was the right one and got it up and running again. As we opened gifts, I saw the sheer delight on my oldest's face as she had put so much thought into my gifts and upon opening one with a beautiful angel pendant, I was reduced to tears. When they received tickets from me to a Taylor Swift concert they teared up too. There was so much love between the three of us. We all journeyed out to my nephew's for Christmas dinner which we truly did not want to go to. It was an okay time. My nephew's wife who is 8 months pregnant, would not allow me to do anything. She is so kind. My brother and his wife were there and he actually gave me a hug. His wife and I were cordial to each other. When it was time to go, we were relieved, including my niece. Next year we will start our own tradition but at least this year we didn't have to do much thinking and everyone was so kind.

I met up with my brother yesterday at my mom's house. I made the decision after seeing him, that we will never agree on much of anything and that he only pokes my angry button by putting down Len for not having gotten his financial affairs in order(He always sneers at Len for not living life HIS way.. When I look at his 'perfect world' with everything being neat and tidy and his focus on money, always having some health ailment, and his cold wife,and I compare it to my life with Len which was filled with love, laughter, our girls, helping other people, and living each day as it comes, I wouldn't trade it to be more like my brother. He talked about the fact that although he missed our parents that the money from the sale of mom's house would benefit us all. It's kind of funny how those that have, want more and those that don't have don't really care. I would rather have my life back with Len and my Mom than all of the money in the world. I will be somewhat relieved when I don't have to have dealings with him unless I want to to, he only brings me down and in a sense puts me down.

I am looking forward to the New Year with a sense of hope. Once we have both houses cleared out and can figure out where we will be living, I believe that things will have a way of working out. Maybe then we can take the time to actually mourn our losses and look to the future and start to rebuild our lives.

Anyone else willing to share their Christmas time emotions?

Réponse de ShiningStar
29 déc. 2012, 21 h 13

Thanks so much for sharing Tracie!
I am really happy for you and your girls. It seems like you found a way to honour Len and your mom and dad, not only by putting the pictures out but also by being happy, joyful and specially loving eachother!
I am sorry that things are like that between you and your brother. It is sad that people sometimes can't appreciate what's really meaningful and valuable in life.
Well, I am wishing you the best for 2013.
Please keep us posted.
Sending you my best wishes,
Réponse de Liticia
30 déc. 2012, 2 h 50

Yes christmas is over.  I did all the traditions supper with my family funny I have 2 brothers that I just ignore and can t stand they are so negative that i prefer not having them in my life.  On the 25th went to my husband family in Montreal we had a nice supper got to spoke about Jocelyn a lot we laugh, we cried but he is so missed.  Made everybody a calendar with different pictures of him gave is family is ring he loved a lot.  I am happy I took the week off I have cried a lot but you I think it is ok to cry.  Every month I promissed him for the first year that I would go to see him and bring him a beer he loved is budweiser so on Christmas day I went and will be back for the new year on the first.  

This year is all new and yes we need to do her own tradition.    Hope all the best for 2013 and enjoy every moment of it because we know how one day you are there and the next day you are gone.

Take Care!  
Réponse de marstin
30 déc. 2012, 18 h 14

What a wonderful idea you had with the calendars Linda. I'm sure your husband's family was very pleased with them. Yes, crying is good. Allowing yourself to feel emotions is healing although at times it may not feel like it.
My brother and I just can't seem to agree on much. He refuses to work with me on my mom's estate and yet makes me out to be the bad guy and has others believing that  I won't cooperate with him. He is so much like my dad and does not like to be defied and believes that everyone should think like him. I don't have the energy to battle with him so I work alone at clearing my mom's and so does he. It will be a relief when we can be done with each other.
I view 2013 as being a new beginning. Although I am a little afraid of what it may bring, I also know that having survived the past 5 months I can tackle just about anything that comes my way.

Happy New Year!
Réponse de Liticia
30 déc. 2012, 18 h 38

Thaks for saying this phrase Although I am a little afraid of what it may bring, I also know that having survived the past 5 months I can tackle just about anything that comes my way.   This is good I like that.  I think that I will cry him everyday but I do realize that he is not coming back no more.  Life was easier and better when he was with me.  Now need to put my wings and let myself fly.  Good you really do have to focus on something positive he won t change.

Happy new year!
Réponse de NatR
09 janv. 2013, 18 h 45

Hi Martsin, Tracie

Just dropping a line to ask how you are doing...and how things went over the holidays.

I hope that you are stepping forward into the New Year and just taking it one day at a time.

Getting back to normal routine is probably the best prescription for anyone who has suffered a loss..and I am hoping that for you and your daughters this is true.

You are being thought about - just wanted you to know.
Best wishes,
Réponse de marstin
10 janv. 2013, 7 h 27

Hi NatR,

Thank you for thinking about me. I felt like we had managed to make it through Christmas unscathed, then New Years Eve arrived and I spiralled downhill. I don't know why it started to hit me then but I have been in a terrible depression ever since. Maybe it's because I have to clear so many things up, empty our home and sell it before the end of May and I had allowed myself until the New Year before I tackled that heavy load. Maybe it's the aftermath of going from caring for Len, then my Mom, then Christmas came along so again I was busy then the reality came of all that I've lost. I can't allow myself to grieve or even get help because I have so much on my shoulders to take care of in a short time and no one to help me get it all done so I can't allow myself to fall apart yet. It seems that my emotions are trying to take over on me at a time when I need to keep focusing. Am I making sense at all? I feel almost incapable of moving forward and yet I know that I have no choice. I have made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow to see if he can give me something to help take the edge off of things for awhile. I had hoped I could struggle through without anything but I know when I'm at breaking point and this is it. I wish I could be my usual optimistic self and feel strong enough to handle anything. Sorry, it's just not happening tonight.

08 déc. 2013, 16 h 21

The holiday season is upon us. How will we deal with our grief this year. For some of you, it will be the first holiday season without your loved one. For others it is the second time or 3rd or 4th or more. I re-ignite this thread so that we can share our fears, thoughts and ways of managing.

How will you be celebrating the holidays this year? What makes you nervous about this year? What special tradition will you start?
Réponse de NatR
08 déc. 2013, 17 h 44

Thanks Colleen for reminding us about this thread, looks like I lost this thread about a year ago and should have responded to Tracie - so sorry Tracie.  I have a lot of trouble keeping track of threads and notifications, not sure why.  

anyway, life has changed for all of us this past year.  Christmas, thanksgiving, all are different when you have lost a loved one.

the hardest part is trying to fill holes in the routine, those friends and family  we have lost.

personally I am trying to keep my focus busy and see what I can do for others, despite pain in my heart.

its not easy, And it doesn't freeze the pain away - but for me it helps to try and make the day and holiday season a happier and less lonely time for others.

i lost my mom this year, I lost close contact with a another beloved family member - which is both heart ache and relief - it's an odd way  to describe my feelings but I know in the case of my mom, that she isn't alone, lacking care or company ... She had long ago lost all her memory of us but we still tried the best we could from a distance - to make sure she got gifts, flowers, new bathrobe etc. tried to make sure she got a smile or felt warm and cozy.  

My mom no longer is isolated, in pain, or hungry or lost.  She is at peace.  I feel that and have to accept it.
sure it still hurts.  Sure I wish I could have done more, visited more, etc, etc.  but I have to let those feelings of guilt and anguish go.  I have to move on.

the other caregiving job I have done for 4 yrs for a vulnerable family member came to an end this year.  It's a daily thought about how she is, who is with her, what does she need etc.

that won't go away easily for me.  But I am lucky I can visit any time and see for myself how she is.

the one thing that many people don't understand about Caregiving is that it comes from the heart - it's not a uniform you can take off at the end of a shift, or leave the loved one in a safe place and stop thinking about him/her.

its all consuming. So many people do this type of care for spouses, parents. Special needs or very sick children or others.  It's ongoing for them all.

so for me, it's good to ease back on my caregiving, but to reach out to try and help someone for just a moment.  It's helpful to respond to letters on the forum, it's helpful to take soup to my neighbour who is alone, in her 70s and recovering from surgery - its helpful to stop and assist a stranger who is struggling to cross a snowy intersection with a walker, so caregiving never ends.  The feelings of loss never end - but if we can help each other, and do it in memory of our loved ones - then I feel that's all we can do.

sorry if this got off topic a bit - but it's how I do it.  Keep busy, feeling loss but trying to make each day matter for me, for others, if that makes sense.

thanks for reading and thanks to everyone for sharing on the forum.

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