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Réponse de Loll
28 avr. 2013, 16 h 51

Hello Brayden,
Thanks for your e mail.  Yes Dad is in palliative care in St. Boniface Hospital.  I JUST got off the phone with one of the nurses there and I asked her about a prognosis.  She said I'd have to talk to the doctor so really have more no indication at all.  Ill have to call tomorrow and leave a message then theyll have to call me back.  she said he only had some orange juice this morning, no solid food.  She also mentioned that he is sleeping a lot and I know this is one of the stages of the process of dying.  I must wish I had SOME inkling of an idea so I can prepare myself a bit.  I will mention to Dad that its ok to go without me there if hneed sends to.  I don't want him to feel obligated to try to stay for my benefit.  He does need to let go when he's ready, but I do hope I get the opportunity to be there for him.
Thank you again, Brayden 
Réponse de Loll
01 mai 2013, 1 h 47

Hi Ziplock,

Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. 

Réponse de ziplock
01 mai 2013, 4 h 02

Hi Loll.
I composed a message to ask how you were doing but then the lawyer called and I didn't send it. I also wanted to ask if the palliative care social worker was helping you. When Nicola was in palliative care here in Vancouver the social worker was great. He suggested this site and recommended a very good lawyer (Nic passed away without a will).
Are you doing alright?
I am leaving for England on Friday to take Nic back to her family.
Réponse de Loll
03 mai 2013, 1 h 00

Hi Ziplock,
I am doing ok.  I really appreciate your asking. Im Just trying to take things day by day.  father in law saw Dad yesterday and said that he noticed that Dad looked like he had faded a bit since last week.  the nurse also mentioned that Dad was having some moments of confusion now, which he never did until a couple of days ago. That's one thing I could say for Dad, he was always sharp as a tack!  He's nearly 83, and yet he could recite any baseball statistic you could ever want to know.  The hospital also said he has 4 to 8 weeks left now.  funny, 6 weeks ago the doc said he had about a year left.  3 weeks ago they  said he had 6 months left, and now they are saying weeks.  He's declined SO quickly.  
I hope you are managing ok, too.  The trip coming up will be a hard one for you, Im sure.  You can get through it, though, and with Nic's family near you, you can hopefully find peace together in the wonderful memories you all have of her.   Sounds like she was a very special woman and that many loved her.
Please travel safely, and know that you are doing a very special thing by taking Nic back to her family home.
Sending warm thoughts your way.
Réponse de NatR
03 mai 2013, 1 h 16

Loll and ziplock

glad to see your notes and sending thoughts to you both as you deal with difficult times ahead
keep talking, keep sharing and best wishes as you travel to England Ziplock.

loll - so hard to watch your dad fade away, but the good thing is - you are with him and that is worth so much.
sending my best
Réponse de Loll
17 mai 2013, 2 h 04

Hi Ziplock,
Just wanted to check in with you to see how you are doing after your trip to England.

Réponse de ziplock
24 mai 2013, 1 h 08

Hi Loll.
I am glad I went to England. After scattering my wife's ashes (a 10 mile hike) I instantly felt about 10 years younger and I slept 11 hours. A weight had been temporarily lifted.
It's tougher now that I'm back home and alone again.
How is your Dad doing? Has his confusion lifted?
How are you doing?
Réponse de Loll
24 mai 2013, 15 h 32

Hi Ziplock,

Im so glad to hear that you felt a weight was lifted after scattering your wife's ashes.  You know she is home, in a place of peace.
Your grief will go on for a while, Im sure.  But you will find a little bit of healing every day.
Dad only has a couple of weeks left.  He is no longer able to get out of bed, nor is he able to sit up.   anymore.  He's just too weak.  His confusion gets a little worse everyday, and I find that on each visit he'll ask what day it is, what month it is, where he is.....and I have to reassure him that he is staying where he is and that he's safe.  
He had a humorous moment the other day lamenting that he will miss the Stanley Cup and the Superbowl this year!  he's a big sports fan, especially baseball, so this is a pretty big deal to him.  I told him that he might surprise us all and still be here to see them.  he doubted that, of course, because he knows how little time is left.  Did I tell you about him making peace with his brother?  I was SO happy to be able to pass the forgiving messages between them, and knowing that BOTH of them can let go of whatever the had the disagreement about.  There are no regrets from either one of them, and my Uncle can feel good about making peace with Dad before he goes.  Im very happy for both of them.  
One thing I mentioned in a past post to someone, and that is that I am very afraid of what my reaction will be to Dads death.  I know it will be very sad, but Im afraid of how much pain I will feel.  I know that sounds selfish.  Did you worry about that too, before your wife passed away?
Réponse de ziplock
24 mai 2013, 16 h 42

Hi Loll,
I am so sorry to hear that your Dad's getting weaker. And the confusion makes it so much harder, I know. Because my wife's liver and kidneys shut down the toxins went to her brain and she was confused and hallucinating. I am glad that your Dad is still fairly lucid and has a sense of humour.
I had a similar experience to the situation you shared about your uncle. Before we met, Nicola was with someone for 11 years. It ended very badly and there was a lot of anger between them. She never wanted anything to do with him again and he felt the same way. When Nic was put on life support he was one of the first people I called. He was there the next day. And he visited every day. When she woke up 8 days later he was there. I thought she would be angry but she was grateful. Nic was in hospital 3.5 weeks and he came every day. They rediscovered their friendship and he was even there with us when she passed away. I felt relief that she had made peace with everyone she had cared about before she passed.
I did feel the same thing you are feeling. I think it's normal. I felt selfish. Here I am with my beautiful wife about to pass away and I am thinking about what it will do to me! But it's okay. I was very afraid, as you are. So many feelings are involved as you both prepare. Your Dad is preparing to let go and you are preparing to survive. Don't feel bad. As his pain ends yours will begin and I think it's important to be somewhat ready for that. Everything you have felt and everything you will feel are natural reactions so try not to judge yourself harshly.
You have been so selfless and comforting and caring and strong, all for your Dad. It is okay to start thinking about yourself.
I am still lost myself so this is a ramble but I hope something in here was helpful. I think our situations are quite similar.
16 juil. 2013, 1 h 52

Hi Ziplock,

How are you?

I think you may have missed it, but Loll shared with us that her father passed on June 4. You can read her message in this thread - Losing my Dad.

I'm sure she would like to hear from you.

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