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Réponse de marstin
05 juin 2013, 2 h 39

Dear Loll

Hoping that you will lean on us whenever you need a shoulder to cry on.

16 juil. 2013, 1 h 48

Dear Loll,

I just thought I would check in to see how you are doing. I hope you will drop us a line when and if you are able.

You are in our thoughts.
Réponse de Loll
16 juil. 2013, 11 h 56

Hi Colleen,
Thank you so much for checking in on me.  I am quite sick with pericarditis right now, so have not been on my computer much.  Just trying to get well.  It is extremely painful and I've not been able to work.  Just doing my best to stay as comfortable as I can until this heals itself.

Ill check in again once I am well.

Thank you again,

16 juil. 2013, 12 h 41

Dear Loll,

So good to hear from you. I'm very sorry to hear that your dealing with pericarditis. I truly hope it is short-lived and not a chronic condition. Do take care of yourself. 

I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to hearing from you once you're well again.

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