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Réponse de lilbear
27 janv. 2014, 13 h 06

Well, the move is nearly over. This is the last week for me to vacate the old business location.  It is very exciting,  but also very scary. 
It was tough at times packing it up. My parents and I had built it there together and even though I know it is the right is hard to let go.
I am finding myself now flip flopping constantly between the eagerness of starting this new venture and just wanting to pack it all in and give it up. Between the time, my family and the financial will be a hard go. I often think of all the stories from the business world of successful entrepreneurs that had to start from nothing and I try to remind myself that I can be a success story too.
It just doesn't feel right without my mom....and that is the toughest thing to deal with. 
Réponse de marstin
27 janv. 2014, 22 h 51

Hi Paula,

Do you ever look back and see how far you've come in such a short time? What you have accomplished is incredible. You have pushed yourself forward with such determination and focus.  I can tell that this doesn't come without worry and fear but what in life just falls into place? I know how proud you mom, and your dad would be of you. I know how much I admire you. I have watched you struggle but never admit defeat when you easily could have over the time period since your losses. I believe you will be a success story. You have lost so much and yet have found the drive to never let it keep you down. You bring hope to the many people who are just beginning their journey. Through your losses you have gained an inner strength that you probably didn't know you were capable of feeling. Keep moving forward, you deserve the best of everything.

Réponse de lilbear
31 janv. 2014, 20 h 55

I am humbled by your insight. You are right, it is important to reflect and pat myself on the back at times for getting as far as I have. If anyone would have told me I would be able to do this, I would have thought they were crazy. My biggest fear was losing my parents in my life. 
I mean no disrespect to my Dad, but I really thought that I would curl up and die without my Mom in my life. I never saw myself able to get on after such loss.
I really have discovered an inner strength that I never knew could exist. Thank God for that!
sometimes, I am wracked with worry and stress over the future and what I am capable of accomplishing...I have to remember to look back sometimes to acknowledge what I have accomplished and that boosts my confidence and strength.
Obviously, I did not set out to be an inspiration, but if I can be and it is helping you or anyone else on this precarious journey through grief...I am happy to know I can help.
my life feels like a roller coaster ride still. I am happy and relieved to have the business move done and then I am brought down again remembering that this Sunday is my Fathers birthday...and it feels like the wounds open up all over again at these milestones. I am trying to think of a way to honour him on his Birthday.
Réponse de marstin
01 févr. 2014, 2 h 24

Hi Paula,

So often on this journey I have beat myself up for not being further along on getting things done that I need to. Someone one day pointed out to me how far I had come. In that moment as I looked back in time, I realized that while I thought that I hadn't accomplished much, I had surmounted so many obstacles and come so far. It has been an incredible learning experience and has given me so much insight into who I am. Finding that inner strength has been the biggest surprise of all.

I don't know if the rollercoaster ride ever really ends but I think it slows down a bit. After a year and a half of grieving for Len and my mom, I still find times when suddenly it hits like a wave and the tears pour down my face. I have learned to accept that it's okay to have moments like this. It just means that I can still feel. As life moves on, we adjust to it and face the future.

I'm sure that you will figure out a way to honor your Dad. I find that when those milestones arrive, that whether it be a big or small thing that we do, you can know that they are happy to be remembered with love.

Réponse de lilbear
06 févr. 2014, 19 h 22

I am having a rough time... Missing my Mom so much it is almost doing me in. I have been trying to stay absorbed and busy getting the new store set up, but it is so much harder then I expected. Every box I open, every display I do...I hear and see and feel my Mom. She loved all of this with her whole heart and I loved sharing it with her. Grief is a rollercoaster and I hate it. I am trying to push through...but it is so hard. I miss her more then words can ever say.


Réponse de NatR
06 févr. 2014, 19 h 44

Dear Paula,

i am am sorry today is so rough for your heart.  I am wondering if you can take a step away from the store for a few hours? Would it help to just put yourself in a neutral spot?  I know how much you miss your mom especially the things you shared and loved.

your mom would be so proud of you, so proud of your efforts and energy and love that you are pouring into the new shop!

is there a way you can put a special tribute for your mom? Within the store itself? So that everyone who comes in gets a real feeling of the passion drive and love that your mom showed you?
just a thought - hoping you can work through the feelings and by creating moms corner - a photo collage or something with the history you both shared:)

you are keeping the dream alive
sending my thoughts your way.
i am so proud of you for giving the forum your journey and sharing the hard days, the good days and how you feel.  It's the only way we can understand and support you.
big hugs,
NatR ;)  
Réponse de marstin
06 févr. 2014, 20 h 43

Hi Paula,

Days like this are so hard to bear. They seem to come out of the blue and hit like a ton of bricks. With there being so many memories tied up in what you are doing, it makes sense to have days that will threaten to derail you. It's okay to lean into the pain and allow the tears to fall. It's the ebb and flow of grief and as those of us going through it know, it can at times be so overwhelming.

I love Nat's idea of a place to put a special tribute to your mom. It would honor her memory and make her seem like she is still a part of it all. You are keeping her dream alive by opening this store and I know how proud she would be.

It's a silly little thing that I will share with you and I don't know if you will think it a bit crazy or not but something compels me to share it. My dad and I always had such a rocky relationship that even when he passed away 5 1/2 years ago, I wasn't able to grieve much for him. He used to do this funny little whistle in front of my daughters when they were little to pretend that he was whistling for my niece to come by. The girls were always so surprised when she would show up after that, but of course he knew she was coming. There is a bird that makes that same sound but is rarely heard around here. Every once in awhile I hear it. I never heard it near my house until after he passed away. Yesterday I finally signed off on my mom's estate after a year and a half battle with my brother over it and this morning when I woke up, I heard this bird calling to me. I have to believe that it was my dad telling me that everything was going to be okay. I can't believe that it is just a coincidence.

I send you great big hugs today and a wish for your heart to feel a little lighter knowing that you are surrounded by those who care.

Réponse de lilbear
06 févr. 2014, 21 h 12

I didn't go to the store today. There was no point, I wouldn't have accomplished anything anyways. I tried to do some errands, pick up some things needed for the store, etc. My head was just not in it. I came home....and cried.

Sometimes, you just wish you could run and run and somehow start all over....that this pain could be left behind. I know it's not possible. It's just a fantasy sometimes.

My Mom would love the new place, I know it! It is everything we have dreamt of and I am pursuing it in a way that is a bit different and that we have wanted to try. I just wish she was here to see it. I miss her excitement and suport and encouragement. My parents beleved in me so much and I always hear my Dad in my head telling me "You can do anything! You are so'll figure it out." My Mom was the same... "You are so clever, so creative and quick!" I don't want to disappoint them.

I have been collecting anything that I come across from the years gone by in the business. I was planning a collage of some sort, so I am touched that you also brought it up.

Tracie, I totally believe that the bird song was meant for you...not a coincidence at all. These signs are what help me get through. It is a relief to receive them as then I can at least reassure myself that they are okay...and watching over me.

There are a couple of songs that tend to show up on the radio it seems whenever things are rough for me. I believe it is my parents. Heard one today....sat in the Walmart parking lot and balled like a baby. The song is: I Won't Let Go by Rascal Flatts



Réponse de marstin
07 févr. 2014, 4 h 03

Hi Paula,

There are days when you just know that you need time to yourself to deal with the pain. You need a little self care. It took me awhile to recognize the signs and to give myself permission to just curl up somewhere and cry. I kept trying to push through it all but couldn't seem to get very far. Once I gave myself permission to have a day off from obligations, I felt relieved. We are not superhumans and need to give ourselves a break. Funny thing is that we would totally understand someone else needing to do that but we forget it's also okay for us the walking wounded.

Yes, I'm sure that bird singing ( It sounds like it's saying 'you hoo') was my dad saying hello. Right after I heard that I went outside and there was a little bird that flew by me tweeting away. Little birds and butterflies always make me think my mom is around. I'm sure they are disappointed by how badly things went with my brother. I should have been able to lean on him and yet all he has done is hurt me more. We used to be so close.

I know what you mean about the songs. For my youngest and I the song that has stood out the most is 'Don't You Worry Child' by Swedish House Mafia. It seems to come on the radio when things are really bad. The one that just makes me fall apart is 'I Was Here' by Beyonce. All I have to hear is a chord of that and I'm done. You know you're not alone when these certain songs come on the radio and melt your heart.

I don't think you could ever disappoint your parents. They helped mold you into the person that you are today. You carry them with you wherever you go and they whisper in your ear when you are faced with big decisions. They would be so proud of you.

07 févr. 2014, 20 h 10

Hi all,

Boy NatR and Marstin, I'm so impressed how quickly you responded to Lilbear call for comfort yesterday. I bet you were impressed too, Lilbear. Nice to know folks are there when you need them, eh?

I wanted to let all 3 of you know about a new member who just posted to our community for the first time today.

Meet Aphasia Sufferer's daughter. She posted a lovely message that I think you'll all appreciate on the thread Losing a parent to dementia. Please welcome her.


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