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Réponse de NatR
05 déc. 2013, 4 h 30

Dear Nikki,
how was your day?
i meant to write earlier but my day got busy.
i know your heart is aching, but I wanted you to know that you are bring thought about.

i am glad that you have been thinking about ways to memorialize your mom.  the garden seems yo be a good idea:) making a corner that is yours And hers!
keep focussed on today.  Don't try and think too far ahead!

your little boy and your husband will help keep you busy, taking care of them, doing things they need, and in doing those things for them, your heart will slowly begin to mend.  I feel that we all connect for a reason, or for a season.  

This is forum is that place, a spot that is yours, to regroup, to be able to get strong again, and pick up your life again.

i promise to write a better note tomorrow and I know you will hear from Tracie ( whom I admire greatly) and others as they find this thread.

best wishes and thoughts for tomorrow!
good night!
Réponse de marstin
05 déc. 2013, 17 h 18

Hi Nikki,

The garden idea will be a beautiful tribute to your Mom. I know my brother built something in his garden and has placed my dad's ashes in a special spot there. That way he can visit him whenever he wants. My Mom's ashes I have in a special box in a curio cabinet that was hers and Len's ashes still have not found a permanent home although we did spread some of his ashes at his family cabin on the anniversary of his death. I know that you can also have lockets made so that you can always keep them close to you.

Your Mom will always be a part of you and because you shared such a strong bond, you will find her every time you turn around. In time it will bring you so much peace and bring a smile to your lips.

I know that you are still looking for a sign from her so watch for things that make you think 'Where did that come from?'. It could be coins that just appear in strange places, or feathers or small birds flying around you. I know the other day I was preparing to go to my favorite psychic (yes, I do things like that) when my phone rang. It was one long straight ring and the numbers that showed up on the call display were 5555. No other numbers just that. I shook my head and laughed. You will find what you are searching for when the time is right. It will probably be something subtle and just one of those 'ah ha' moments.

Have you been in touch with that friend of yours who lost her husband? It's amazing how sharing your pain with others in pain can bring such a sense of comfort. One thing I have found on this journey is a new depth to me that I didn't know existed. I have found some incredible friendships (NatR you are an inspiration to me) and also learned who to distance myself from while I go through this process. Some people are what I call 'toxic' and in their quest to be helpful they can always find a way to hit my panic button and cause me more pain. For that reason alone I have found that I need to avoid being around them.

I hope today you find some joy and laughter in your world.

Réponse de NatR
05 déc. 2013, 20 h 38

Hello Nikki,

sending  you my thoughts today.  We are having stormy weather in the northern part of Ontario, so I stayed in and made cookies.  Now it's time to have a cup of tea, and if it were possible I would send you a couple with this note.

i guess while I am sending virtual cookies I should pop some over to Tracie :) and anyone else reading this note! No calories!  They were shortbread by the way.

as Tracie suggested you may find that sharing your feelings with others who are going through similar loss - will help so much.  I have found friends online that I never expected to find.  Even writing in passing, to you, reading responses from others, and from you - we all become connected, learn tips from each other, and it's definitely more than an Ask Abby or Ask Ann kind of situation.

remember those helpful questions and answer columns in the paper? I think they still exist:)

anyway, there is a kind of bond that happens, between writers - and letter writing used to be a passion for me - but here I feel like my notes reach people.  They can be read, discarded or maybe some thought I share might make someone smike, or think, or see things from a different perspective.

Tracie had great advice for you!  Expect the unexpected, listen for a whisper, feel that touch, that breeze, that weird phone call, that unexplained moment that only comes to you.

your mom is watching over you.
oh, another thought, pay attention to your young son and  listen to him.  I have heard many times that children see and hear things that we adults miss.  please share if things like that happen.  I think we all like to know that the impossible can become possible.

as a caregiver in nursing homes, I can tell you honestly that many weird things happened and stories were shared by other staff.  Things that couldn't be explained away.

one night a dear old lady who was very close to her end of life - made a comment to me one evening.

she was in a double room, but no one was in the other bed.  The previous residents were a very in love and happy couple in their 80s.  The man was named John.  his wife was named Mary.
this resident had not met this couple before - they had passed away fairly quickly - john first then his wife I believe. 

The resident said to me, as I visited her at bedtime one night to settle her for the evening - "I was talking to that man over there - and she waved toward the other bed across from hers.

i said really? She said yes !  John says I should come to see him and his wife.
now, I was rooted to the floor and incredulous !  I told the resident, that's nice and tried to act normal.  I returned to the nursing station and told my co workers.
we all were gobsmacked! I got a prickly feeling down my back

the couple who had passed away never met the new resident who moved into their old room. did not know her  - now within a day or so, the lady did pass away.   It made me feel better to know that somehow there was a way to communicate, to connect - and not everyone will believe this.  But I do.

i hope it helps you Nikki.
i am not trying to give false hopes, but there is much that is not understood and much that cannot be explained:)

hoping you have a good evening,
best wishes,
NatR hugs  
Réponse de Nikki99
06 déc. 2013, 2 h 51

Hi Ladies,

Your messages were really nice to read today. Tracie it's funny you mention psychic's, as much as I have lost a lot of belief I used to be so into that. Not sure if you have ever heard of Kim Denis in Calgary but I have seen her and she was pretty good! she is super expensive now unfortunately. Kim is more of a medium. Love the show Long Island Medium but I know I will bawl if I watch that now! and that's crazy about your phone!! Very neat though!
Not sure who you mean when you mentioned my friend whose husband passed away, maybe you mean my friend's mother? I don't have any friend's who have lost a husband-thankfully! I met someone at my Mom's celebration of her life for the first time but we have been talking for over a month now. Her mother was very good friend's with my Mom but her mother passed away in January from an asthma attack. We say that they are together now watching over us. She is really helping me through this and she says that talking to me is therapeutic for her as well. It's just so sad that we both had to lose our Mom's this year. She is just as young as me if not younger and her daughter was only 9 days old when her Mom passed. It broke my heart but now I am facing my own heartache. how can life be so cruel?
Nat-thank you for the cookies! when you mentioned the cookies and tea, I was wishing we lived closer because how nice it would be to sit down with some tea and have a chat.
Thanks for sharing that story about the senior home, very interesting!!
You know what I am finding? Although some of my friends are keeping me busy this week and I know as time goes on it will only get worse but it seems like ppl just drop off the face of the earth. What I mean by that is, you have all this support when a loved one passes and you have their funeral/celebration and then everyone goes back to their own lives and you are left quite simply-alone. I am also finding that it still does not feel real. How long will that last?
Last night I had a dream that my Mom came back, she wasn't gone. Made me very sad. Oh how I wish it were that easy.

Nikki XX
Réponse de NatR
06 déc. 2013, 3 h 11

Hi Nikki,

glad the notes help.  The dream you had about your mom could be comforting in time.  fFunny, I have dreams about my mom since her death, and I don't recall dreaming about her before she passed.  Could be one of those things that helps you feel close, but not everything feels the same for everyone.  We are all so different.  

You mentioned about  how people just seem to drift away.  It's not easy for others to keep up the connection, frankly I think it's more about not knowing what to say afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. But if only they all knew that a phone call, a visit, a coffee meeting, things like that just help so much.

a friend recently diagnosed with cancer and going through radiation treatment away from home most of each week right up til Christmas - told me that some friends she has had for years dropped her after her diagnosis.  It's almost like they are afraid to get close whether it's a disease, a condition or a death in the family... So don't be too hard on those people.  at least that's the way I think most people are.  Because I have been around elderly and seniors for so many years I am more comfortable checking in on friends, you know?

another thing, this is such a busy time just before the holidays and their busy lives go on, and they really don't know how to reach out.

the feeling of it all being like a movie happening to you, like it's happening to someone else - no expert but I think it's our body and minds way of buffering the pain so we can carry on with work, laundry meals, family, shopping etc.  then you have a back to earth moment abd the grief hits.  My personal thoughts on that, but hope it helps.

You are not losing it.,;)
You are going through a serious life change and against your will.  I find that life changes are scary even when you are embracing a new start, a move, a new relationship or whatever it is, but how terrifying it can be to have no control and you still have to live through it.  It's like a nightmare that you wish you could wake up from, but everything is still the same every morning.

the good thing is, you will get through it.  You will come out of it a stronager person.  You are your mothers daughter.  You are important.

be kind to yourself.  And I wish we could have that pot of tea.,  it's what I grab when I am tired and or sick.  So have a cup, and know you are going to be okay,
goodnight ;)
Réponse de marstin
06 déc. 2013, 3 h 56

Hi Nikki,

Sorry for the confusion. Lol! Sometimes I still get things mixed up. It is very sad about this girl you met losing her Mom also but how fortunate you both are to have each other while you are grieving. Sadly, in the beginning there are so many people around offering assistance and saying that they will be there for you no matter what then poof, they just disappear. I remember one family that came to my rescue right after my Mom passed away and promised to help me fix up my house and said they would never leave me again (They had been absent from our lives for quite a few years). I felt so relieved to have their support, then as quickly as they had swooped in, they disappeared once more. It's been a year without word from them and it totally crushed me. I'm sure that people mean what they say in the moment but forget how fragile the one mourning is and how easy it is to cause so much more pain by not following through. I only have a few people left that think to touch base to see how things are. They are such a gift.

Nat's 'example' reminded me of when my Mom was in the hospital and nearing the end. My daughter's and I were sitting quietly beside Mom chatting, when the man in the bed beside her started laughing really loud. The nurse that was with him was trying to figure out what was so funny. He pointed toward's the top of my Mom's bed and said 'The lady standing beside that lady's bed is sooo funny'. He also mentioned that their was 5 ladies there. As the nurse passed Mom's bed she looked to see who this funny lady was and muttered to herself 'There's no one there'. My girl's and I looked at each other and at the 'spot' and realized that only he was able to see the other lady.

Nat's remark about paying attention to your son also triggered another memory about my nephew's little girl who was I think  2 at the time. My Dad had passed away (It's over 5 years now) and we were all over at Mom's for our ritual Sunday dinner. My daughter's went looking to see where this little girl had gone and found her in my Dad's bedroom (he had spent a lot of time in there) talking away to someone on the bed. It really startled them because there was no one there. Little one's just don't fear things that we as adults learn to fear.

No, I haven't heard of Kim Denis. The girl I see was approached by TLC before they offered this opportunity to Teresa. I know what you mean about pricey. The one that I see used to be less costly but now has quit her other job to exclusively do this work so her prices went up. At $100 per hour, I rarely get to see her but she has left the door open so that I can email her anytime if I need an answer to anything big. The late Sylvia Browne was charging people $500 per hour just before she passed away. Ouch! I took my girl's to see her this past spring at an event near us. It wasn't cheap but not that outrageous.

It will take time before things feel real. I don't know that it ever really does, it's more that you start to accept that things will never be the same again.

Your Mom will never really leave you and possibly that is what she was trying to tell you in your dream. You may not see her but her spirit will forever live on in you.

Hugs sweet Nikki,
Réponse de Nikki99
08 déc. 2013, 2 h 51

So yesterday I started coming down with something, I think my body is trying to tell me to slow down and start eating better. I had kept my son home yesterday too thinking I might be ok to have our company over. I finally decided it's not worth and I decided to stay in my jammies all day. My son almost drove me crazy but at the  same time I think he knew Mommy wasn't well. I do feel a bit better thank goodness, hope it gets better instead of worse. Do not want to be sick, too much to do!
I forgot to tell you ladies that a couple of days ago, my son said "Grandma" Now I didn't hear it clearly and I think I was in so much shock but I had him kiss her picture in the morning (he usually does every night0 and I said, who is that? Grandma and I heard what sounded like gramma. I immediately started crying and said it's too late. I was trying so hard for him to say it before she passed away. I wanted to do that for her. Then he said it later and it sounded like nanna lol How could it sound so clear at one point and then garbled? Very strange!
Today I went to my Mom's and Step Dad's. 2nd time since my Mom has been gone and it was hard when I first walked in. My step dad hugged me and I just started crying. It's so weird without her there, almost like she is coming back. Like she went to the hospital or something and she will be back. Does this sound weird!? It just still does not seem real but yet deep down I know she isn't coming back. How can it not FEEL real? I had a good look at her urn today and I got to touch it and I showed my son and said, that's Grandma, we miss her don't we? I kept waiting all day for something weird to happen but nothing ever did and I guess I felt disappointed.
We talked about what we are doing for Christmas and we are having it at my Mom and Step Dad's, just like we originally planned. So I am happy about that. I know it will still be tough. I wrapped presents for my step Dad today and the ones for my son, I signed From Gramma and Grampa, at first not even reallizing what I was doing....but she did buy them just days before she passed away. I feel she is entitled to be attached to those gifts.
The last few days my Mom was here, I was fortunate enough to spend them with my Mom. I spent, part of the Thursday, Friday and Saturday with her and she passed on the Monday. We did Christmas baking together, watched game shows, played a dice game together while having a cup of tea and just talked. I wish I could re-do those days again. If I would have known, I would have hugged her so much more :( I guess even though you know someone is running out of time, there is just never enough time.

Nikki XX
Réponse de marstin
08 déc. 2013, 3 h 46

Hi NIkki,

It is so easy to get run down when you are handling so much stress and at this time of the year there are so many bugs floating through the air, it's hard to avoid them. A day of self care is perfect!

How incredible that your little guy said the word Grandma. I'm sure she heard him and was pleased. I think sometime's in our urgency to see a sign of some sort from our loved ones that we miss the subtle hints that are placed before us. It will all come in it's own time. Yesterday I came home from shopping and there were little birds once again outside my door in a bush. As I tried to get the mail out of my mailbox I accidently let the lid drop loudly and expected them to have flown away. Strangely, they didn't move and kept on hanging around that bush. It made me smile since the psychic had talked about little birds being our loved ones and this is the first year that I have ever seen them in my yard.

You are right when you say that there is never enough time when someone is that ill. I think our mind's can't quite cope with the harsh reality and so we avoid the issue. Having had those days with your Mom, it will be imprinted on your heart and those moments you will be able to relive over and over again in your mind. They are such a treasure.

I can relate to you writing gift tags from your stepdad and your Mom. My Mom passed away the day before my Niece's birthday and the entire family decided that we should still celebrate my Niece's birthday like we always had. I bought a card for her from my Mom and wrote a poem in it that said all of the things my Mom would have said. It made her cry and feel like 'Granny' still lived on. She still has it on display in her home and takes it out and reads it when she's feeling low.

Christmas will be so different for you this year but I'm sure that your Stepdad is happy that you will be spending it with him and you will be surrounded by all that your Mom stood for. Our first year we placed an angel on the top of the tree to signify our loved ones that we had lost. My oldest made a point of buying me a box of Purdie's chocolates as her Dad had done that for me on every special occasion. Although it is a difficult time, the love that will be in your hearts will I hope bring you some comfort.


Réponse de NatR
08 déc. 2013, 3 h 49

Dear Nikki,

darn, in, sorry you didn't feel well.  Glad you took the day at home with your son.

i had just written you a long note then tried to copy and paste a quote I wanted to share.  It dudnt work,then I returned to find I had to re log in..... Gopher well.

basically the quote was to say that all love results in loss.  It's really hard to take that in when it hurts so bad - but it's true that we all deal with loss, change, new situations, no matter how much we want it to stay the same.

that thought is premature Right now but in time you will be so comforted that you had your mom so close to you, that you were loved by her, and on and on.   I respect and understand the way you are feeling right now, and how hard each day is, also the coming holidays.  

I am am glad you are carrying on with your plans.  Your step dad is also feeling pretty lost too!  It's good that you both have each other to lean on.  I agree that your moms name go on the gifts she helped choose.  Her thoughts and love are important to include and remember.  You will feel better knowing that your mom was involved in planning, and dill be so close in thought during the holidays themselves.

timing is something we can't seem to coordinate.  I can understand how much you would have loved to have your son speak Grandma so your mom could hear.

the final days you shared with your mom were the ordinary every day things we all do - and those memories will come to comfort you more as time passes.  Your memories can always be pulled out to be refreshed whenever you want to think about her.

i know you are waiting and hoping for a sign, something that gives you hope that your mom is near you.  I think the best thing to do is not consciously wait and hope, but just go about your day and one day or another, something unusual or odd will happen, and then you will marvel that it did.

my mom and I were close in thought.  We didn't always understand each other, and we weren't what you would call close friends.  But all through my adult life, mom calked me when she was in trouble or needed a listening ear, and I did the same to her 

i knew when the phone rang - and this was before Call Display.  I always knew it was her before I picked up the phone.  I always got a feeling I should call her, that something was going on.  I was 90% right I guess..that she was needing to talk and on the other end of the phone 

you did  the same.  You were there for her, you did all you could.  You have done it too early, no doubt about that. 

i hope that somehow - sharing your feelings and thoughts - and hearing from others who share your pain, that it helps.  I know that as each day goes by, you will have a flood of emotions, and rightly so.  Each of us feel grief - but it's different for each of us too.  It may be sooner or later - and no matter which it is - we have guilt feelings that we are surviving, that we are continuing to function.  But you will get through this.  You have an army of caring people both on and offline.

i better say goodnight.  
Nikki I wish you a peaceful night, and look forward to your notes as you write.


Réponse de Nikki99
10 déc. 2013, 2 h 50

So I wasn't going to mention anything but I just found this so weird I thought I have to. The day my Mom passed away I was lying in bed looking out the window and all of a sudden I see this little ladybug on the window inside. I found it so odd it being there, it being the dead of winter and all. Didn't think much of it. I noticed last week it was in the corner so I thought it had probably died it not getting any food and it maybe being cold on the window. Well today it was moving along the window and the weird part. Before I typed you this message, I went to pick up my lap top and there it was on the cord on the bed! I said to it, now how did you get here!? Just so weird......also I am not reading too much into it but at my Mom and Step Dad's, I was in their bathroom washing my hands and I glanced over at this box where my Mom kept creams etc. One was propped right up at me that said Sweet Pea. First, I don't remember seeing that one in there the last time I was there but it may have been just hidden but the weird part is, my Mom always called me Sweet Pea. I don't find it that strange but the ladybug thing is just too weird and sort of funny!!
My Mom is maybe giving me a sign? I really needed her last night as I was not feeling well and had a headache from hell. I mean it, it really was. I felt like my head was going to explode and I felt naseous. This started on Sunday during the day and didn't stop until this afternoon. It was awful-worst headache of my life. I still have a small one but nothing like before. I couldn't even function. I think my body is trying to tell me, ok ENOUGH stress already please!
Thanks for sharing your little stories, I like reading those ;)
Today while I was fighting with my headache, I was watching Long Island Medium, I just love that show. I cry almost every show! I would love to see a medium, be interested to what they have to say. My husband doesn't believe in that and he says I will just be wasting my money but I think eventually I will have to go again.
Hope you both had a good day and have a night night :)
Look at that - 2 smiley faces in one msg. Baby steps!

Nikki XX

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