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Réponse de angelefish
01 août 2014, 14 h 49

THere is a point that I would like to get to where I can just talk about her without getting so emotional.  I want to talk about her with my kids....its just so painful right now and I can't bare for them to see me upset ...for how much they have already seen.  My oldest is 5 and he knows what happened and for the most part I think he understands.  My 3 year old forgets and keeps asking to go there or to talk to her so that part always is hard.

I want to say I have support....Its kind of complicated i husband is always there for me...he tells me..'I just want you to be happy again'... I know that comes from a good place but it makes me feel worse actually.... My friends were supportive at the beginning..but it seems like everyone just thinks that I should be over it by now.  How do you just get over it? I kind of try to chalk it up to no one understanding what it was would you unless you've been through it...not that i would ever wish that upon anyone.  My brother and I dont have a great relationship... We never saw eye to eye when it came to caring for our mother and had very different relationships with her.  Add in that he blames me for his life and also our mother.  I had hoped this would bring us closer together but it has yet to change anything in that relationship.  The rest of my family (aunts and uncles and cousins) were also really supportive at first and now its just the same....neither of us really make an effort.  

Ive been dealing with the estate as I'm the executor...and there have been isssues with insurance and pensions and what not, so ive really been focused for the past couple months on getting it all resolved.  Now we are at a point where it pretty much has all been taken care of and well...I thought I would feel better....feeling like I could let it go and the pain would just melt away.  But more it seems like I just postponed it because I had so many other things to look after and now i dont.   
Réponse de marstin
01 août 2014, 17 h 08

Hi angelefish,

Welcome to the forum. Although our stories on here all are unique, we have the common bond of living through loss. I hope as you read through the many stories on here that you will feel less alone in your grief.

Your loss of your Mom is still very new and although many people around you seem to just get back to their lives, you are the one who has suffered the major loss. Your life has been altered forever and will take a very long time to begin to heal from. Grief is a personal thing and will take as long as it takes. There is no timeline.

I can only speak from experience that you will get through this although you will never quite be the person you were before. I lost my partner to cancer in July 2012 and my Mom was hospitalized the following day and left us 7 1/2 weeks later. They were the support system in my life.

I know that feeling of finally getting through the paperwork and expecting that things will feel lighter only to find that I felt the same or even worse. My brother and I struggled as executors of my Mom's will to work together. He chose to do many things without me and created so much more pain. When we reached the end of it all, I signed the papers, closed the door on my relationship with him and felt so light .... for a day. Then I crashed and fell into a deep depression. I can only attribute it to the fact that we put our heart and soul into doing this work and for a time it takes our minds off of truly dealing with the loss. When it's over, there is such a finality to it all and a feeling of 'what now?'.

I think family and friends mean well most times but since they are not dealing with the same internal pain that you are, they can sometimes be insensitive and aloof. It can be such a lonely feeling when you feel you have no one to turn to when you need support the most. I had many friends that swooped in to begin with then quickly disappeared. Family members did the same. Tough lessons when you are so broken already.

When you watch someone disappear before your eyes and become a shell of themselves it is very traumatic.  It takes a very long time to be able to push those images aside but trust me, it will become less clear and you will be better able to cope with it. Just not yet.

I think we all beat ourselves up for things we did or didn't do for our loved ones. Guilt seems to be a part of this process. As a Mom you know that you are all forgiving when it comes to your children and you must believe that your Mom felt the same. She would never have wanted you to beat yourself up for doing what you thought was the right thing at the time.

I hope that you will continue to chat on here. We will try to give you strength to get through this.

Réponse de angelefish
01 août 2014, 19 h 23

Thank you Tracie...your words speak to me in a way that I didn't think anyone would know.  Im so sorry for your loss...two important people in such a short time.  I guess its never easy but im glad you seem to be in a place where you can exist peacefully.  It gives me hope for the future.  
I find It really does help to read the stories...and even though I dont personally know anyone...I dont feel so alone knowing others have or have had the same feelings as me.  It makes me feel less crazy and more normal if that makes any sense. 
I really appreciate your post.
Thank you so much
Réponse de mzmojo
01 août 2014, 20 h 20

Hi Angele,  I am so sorry for hearing about your mother's passing and of your heartbreak.  I read your posts and they made me cry because it's as if i am reading my own words.  I lost my mom on december 21, 2012 and i can say that i am no more better at dealing with it than i was that night.  I was very close to her and it has destroyed me to lose her.  she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and fought for just 11 short weeks.  i feel the same way about thinking people must think i'm ok now and dont need to reach out to me.  i still cry all the time - and yes, i find the nights very difficult.  i too can not talk to people about her without getting choked up and teary eyed.  i can talk to my daughter who is only 3 about her though.  she was 19 months old when my mom passed away.  (i still have a very hard time even saying that because i so do not want it to be my reality).  I am determined that my daughter never forgets my mom.  i still have my dad and 2 younger brothers with whom i am very close to but i dont think they know i'm still really struggling.  i was along with my mom when she passed away.  my family had gone home.  it was very hard for me to see and i am seeing it over and over too.

i speak with a psychologist and to be honest, i don't really feel any differently.  it helps while i am there but the it all comes rushing back.  I was going to an open group at hospice but it fell on a week when i was on afternoon shift. 

i have my common law husband too but he hasn't really felt a loss like this and i do believe he is trying his best to be there for me.  he too has said he wants me to be happy and that him and my daughter need me.  how can i be completely happy when my mom should be here with her only grandchild enjoying her life?  i am so broken inside.

Do i think i will ever be able to accept this?  i don't think so. i miss every single thing about her.  i physically have pain in my chest because it just hurts way too much to be without her.

people tell me over and over that my mom would want me to be happy but I say to them yes, she would but she also knew i would have extreme difficulty losing her :'(

take care
Réponse de angelefish
02 août 2014, 14 h 58

Thanks Lori, I am sorry that both of us have to go through this. :( 11 weeks is such a short time.  I guess you never really know with cancer.  My mom had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  She was such a smart and strong lady...she never let it show how hard she was actually struggling until the end.  

I guess kind of like how I am now. No one really knows how much I really feel because I hide it well. There have been many years of practice with how long her battle with cancer was... I feel like no one really wants to know the truth anyhow. No one wants to hear about awful things. They ask one question... Are you ok? how are you doing? My response is generally angry inside...'I lost my mom! Im never going to be ok. Why do you ask the same question over and over when you already know the answer?"
But my verbal answer is 'Im fine' and then everyone else is happy with that and able to go on about there day.

I was alone at the hospice for the most part. I lived there by her side for 10 days. Ive never told anyone what happened in that time...not even my husband and he is my best friend.... the person I tell everything to.  No one has ever asked one wants to know what its like to watch someone die but at least here in this forum I feel some understanding.  And I guess I was hoping that seeing a psychologist I might get some of that as well.  
From reading everyones posts and replys I am starting to understand that its a long road ahead....but Im really grateful I found somewhere where I feel like I belong right now.  Definitely my ray of hope in an otherwise dark sky.

Réponse de NatR
02 août 2014, 15 h 31

Hello Angele and Lori,

reading your comments I think you both have found each other to share feelings and emotions with.
it is a difficult and individual journey - loss, grief, making it through each day.  You have realized that here you can be just you, that there is no need to make up an acceptable answer.

the forum is a safe and unique place to share the reality and have others hear you without judgement.  We all have hurts that never seem to go away when we lose family.  Please know that your thoughts and your situation matters.

there are no deadlines or expectations - just others who are walking similar journeys
sending you both a virtual hug and hoping that somewhere  in your day you can feel the safety in expressing your feelings :) 
Réponse de JennJilks
03 août 2014, 16 h 36

I find some of these heart-breaking stories so difficult to read.

My 2nd husband ( my ex-husband died just after this hubby's surgery in Feb.), has Stage II prostate cancer, is the light of my world. I am having anticipatory grief right now. I am preparing. 
I have vowed to live each day as if it is our last.
I know that I do much for him and we tell each other every day how grateful we are for each other.
When we lose a loved one, it is difficult not to have our loss impact on our families. I would strongly suggest that you get some counselling. Just as we often find it difficult asking for help with caregiving, it is difficult if we do not get help with grieving if we need it.
There is so much I could suggest for you. There are lots of people and groups out there.

Our local hospice runs a bereavement program. I helped facilitate an Expressive Arts Grief program for 6 - 12 year olds who'd lost someone. (In one case it was a grandfather who had sexually abused them.)
This program, and these programs are usually free or subsidized. Some people choose one-on-one counselling, and that is good, too.

I found that all the time I was taking care of mom's needs (she, too, denied her ill-health), then managing her executor-type things, I wasn't grieving. I was checking things off of my list, then moving on to the next task. It sounds like you have done the same thing. You defer your grief, making sure you get your work done.
You are ready to do your grief work, it seems. You just have to find a safe place for it, where you aren't worrying your child and hubby, with a little bit of support. There are so many people out there to help. 
I wish you all the best.
Again, your local hospice group, they will be able to help you. They aren't just there for support while someone is dying. Ask around. You need to take the first step.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
15 août 2014, 15 h 54

Although this is summer and a time when people often go on vacation - grief and loss don't take holidays. Everyone has times of sadness, but thinking about you particularly mymothersdaughter, mzmojo and angelefish.
Réponse de mzmojo
15 août 2014, 22 h 32

thank you everyone for your love and support - it means so very much.  JennJilks i have been seeing a psychologist from the moment i found out my mom was ill and have continued to talk with her.  I have also gone to group therapy at the mental health association and group meetings at hospice.  I am no longer able to attend hospice as it conflicts with my work schedule.  I am on afternoons when the meetings (twice per month) take place.  Trust me, I haven't deferred my grief.  I am living it every single day.  I do not have a choice but to take care of my daughter.  She is 3 and is my #1 priority.  Regardless of how i am feeling on the inside, my life on the outside has to continue.  I have a family, i have a job and i have friends and family that are very supportive.  We all experience this in different ways.

Katherine, thank you for your thoughts.  We went on a family vacation and yes, there are no holidays for loss unfortunately :'(

Réponse de Nouce
17 août 2014, 16 h 24

It's just a year since my mother died and I just received word from the court that I've correctly completed her estate. My dad had died four months earlier. Now my husband is in hospice with mobility diminishing rapidly. Grief comes in wave. It doesn't always feel the same. Sometimes I'm just exhausted and want to run away. Sometimes sitting on the porch with my husband and watching the birds is a great gift. Use all the help you can get. It helps me to know you are all here.


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