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Réponse de Kirstie
21 févr. 2016, 13 h 45

Gord and I were literally joined at the hip.  We did everything together.  The only time we were apart was at work (even then, he would call me 3 times a day, during his 15 minute breaks and at lunch) and Saturday mornings in the summer.  He would golf and I would grocery shop and clean house.  I barely remember my life before him.  It was not worth remembering.  Unfortunately, I had put all my eggs in one basket, and that basket disintegrated.

Days are blending into each other.  Get up, go to work, come home, straight to bed.  Look forward to weekends, because I do not have to go to work, but then aimlessly wander around the house, doing nothing.  I have done almost none of the paperwork required when someone passes.  His bank accounts are still open, have not done the required will searches, have not claimed his insurance.  I just don't care.  I keep re-living his last few minutes and pining for the wonderful life we had.  I buy groceries because I have kids, and thankfully, they are old enough to cook for themselves.  I just can't seem to do anything except cry, and even that does not seem to give me the relief that it used to.  I am sad that he had such a short life, sad that his passing was so traumatic,hard and terrifying for him, sad that his cancer did not respond to the two protocols tried, sad that they refused to try other protocols and just abandoned him, sad that palliative care let him down, sad that he will never see his daughter graduate high school, or his sons graduate college and university,  sad that he will never see his kids married,  that he will never know the joy of being a grandfather and oh so sad I will never feel his arms wrapped tightly around me and that our plans for the future evaporated.  I just want to go back to my boring, predictable, wonderful life when we were just like every other happy regular family.
Réponse de CleaningFrenzy
26 févr. 2016, 3 h 34

Hi: I lost my husband may 8 so coming up to a year! I know what you are going through . I attended a grief session with one of my kids it was helpful. I  cry daily have forced myself to doing things , skiing lessons going back to work . Everything is hard because you wanted more, retirement just growing old together. No one understands what it's like unless they have lost someone. I am so bitter sometimes hearing , seeing couples together ., because like you  He was my everything  soulmate best friend , lover. I don't know what to say to you, I hate when people try to tell me "they know how I feel".  I don't know how you feel, but I can closely relate. Know that if you want to talk  Big hugs !
Réponse de KathCull_admin
25 avr. 2016, 15 h 54

Hello everyone, Some time has passed since we talked on this thread. I am wondering how all of you are doing....

A new support which was developed by the Canadian Virtual Hospice is now available.  It requires a separate login and password from the discussion forums. 

I hope you might find it helpful.

Take care
Réponse de Dar64
25 juil. 2016, 8 h 22

Hello everyone,
I am so sorry for everyones loss, i can relate to each and everyone of you. Dec 18th will be 2 yrs since i lost my husband, soul mate, lover and best friend. Like a lot of you my husband and i did everything together other than work. May i suggest reading about grief, a support group. Alan Wolfelt is an awesome grief speaker, his books are amazing as well. It is true time does soften our emotions, i am meeting new people now, learning to live a new life. There will always be a hole in my heart for my husband, but i have allowed my heart to grow to allow new beginnings in. I made a private page on my face book account where i can write things to my husband, share my joys, my sadness, how much i miss and love him etc. I invited only close family to my private page, where we can monitor and care for one another during grief bursts. It is a very long lonely road and yes holidays are horrid, we did not celebrate Christmas, we did celebrate Ron's birthday, and we released balloons with hand written notes to him at the waters edge. Cancer is a horrible disease, i have watched 7 family members pass from this including my husband, all in less then a year. I laid in bed a few nights ago after talking to an very old friend i had lost contact with ( my brother from other parents) he asked me to think about where i want to be in 5 yrs from now, that blew me away at first because i have been living day to day as it comes. I am 52 yrs old where do i want to be in 5 yrs? I know i sure do not like being alone, even with my son and his girlfriend living with me * i am alone* Other things are springing up for me like nieces and nephews weddings, buck and doe's, life is still happening all around me. It is hard to go to a celebration alone, but i have an internal need to be a part of the living, because honestly just living in a fog and day to day is very lonely. Tomorrow (Tuesday July 26th 2016) i am heading to Windsor to see that brother of mine from other parents, i am so looking forward to seeing him and getting that hug he promised me. He is 5 yrs into his loss of the woman he thought he would spend the rest of his life with, we have a kinship so to say, or yes a membership into the exclusive club (widowhood) neither of us wanted to be a part of. No one can tell you when to stop grieving, everyone does so at their own pace and time, just never give up hope, have some faith in yourself, push yourself only when you are truly ready to take them steps forward. I read here that someone breaks down in public, that is ok, it's understandable, i did this as well, i cried to the cahiers at the grocery stores, i let it come, it is form of release, by doing so it helped me to talk about my husband. ( i do not cry as much now when i mention his name, or remember a memory) I was blessed to have had such a wonderful man in my life, i was blessed to have shared in his legacy (our children) I was honored that he chose me to spend the rest of his life with. I wish i could give you all a hug and let you know it will all be ok. Love, Light and Virtual Hugs to each and everyone of you..
Look after you please!
Réponse de KathCull_admin
07 août 2016, 2 h 21

How good to hear from you Dar. Thank you for your update and including both the highs and lows. My daughter has a quote from Mitch Albom, "Sharing tales of those we've lost is how we keep from really losing them." I hope your visit to Windsor is a good one - how could it not be with that hug waiting!

Like you I cry but not as often and I too am so thankful for what we had. I too was blessed.

So glad you posted.
Réponse de LostNakedAndAfraid
08 févr. 2017, 22 h 51

I totally understand where you're coming from, and oddly enough, I just posted the same questio only worded differently. Although I didn't not have the same amount of time to be with my would have been husband (we were to be married this year), the pain and physical displays are the same. I have gone through a lot of firsts with 3 more to go, and wonder if it ever gets better. My husband was my last ditch effort after a long strain of toxic relationships who showed me patience and what my self worth was. Christmas was definitely hard for me as well- from not wanting to have anything to do with the holiday, to seeing his family for the first time since he passed. As I write this, I tremble while I type with tears in my eyes, because it's the first time I've actually been able to write down what it is I feel as I felt that I was and am alone in this new chapter of my life. I Lao had a very coloured childhood, so I can empathize with you on everything you're going through. They say that there is solace with kindered souls. I'm just glad to know now that I am not alone, albeit with a half grin. My thoughts are with you

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