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Lost my husband 
Créé par Heyhoney
12 avr. 2023, 1 h 18

Hi All - my husband passed Feb 26. We were together 38 years. I'm no stranger to grief but this is so different. I've buried my parents, a brother, a niece and my son. I thought I knew loss. This has sent me reeling. I struggle to get through each hour. Every morning I have to literally force myself to get out of bed. When my son died it was my husband that got me through. Now without him it's so darn hard. I have to get up, have to go to work. Every task takes so much focus that I am getting migraines, I run my own business so my employees count on me. I am trying so hard but I feel like everything is falling apart. I was having a particularly difficult moment and asked one of my guys to just give me a second to let me think through a scheduling problem and he snapped at me that everyone has problems. It took everything I had in that moment not to walk out and never return. I missed two days when my husband died. I was only asking for 5 minutes. The lack of compassion was stunning. I know after the funeral everyone goes back to their lives and you are left to pick up the pieces quietly and so often alone but I expected better. The callousness of the world has got me down. I have been doing my best and keeping myself together but Friday nights are hard. We would sit after dinner and just talk. Now it's just quiet. All the time. I just miss the rhythm of our lives together. It was comfortable and predictable. Now everything is feels wrong. 
12 avr. 2023, 3 h 30

Dear Heyhoney
Your nickname says a lot. How you must miss having that word said to you. When your husband, wife or partner has died, module won't take the pain away but might be a helpful resource.  Do you have trusted family or friends who can sit with you when you need those "5 minutes"?  Or is there someone who could allow you to have time away from the business for a few hours?  I am not a business owner so of course don't understand the time needed to keep businesses open and thriving, but I know what the death of a husband is like and the grief takes time   

what do you find has helped you juggle work and life and grief Heyhoney?

This quote is from the Mygrief resource: "You can feel that you have lost a part of yourself as well as your partner, and be grieving that part of yourself that you feel will never be the same again."


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