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Réponse de Cath1
18 févr. 2012, 5 h 33

Good evening to you, Charneypam!

I'm so happy to hear from you again!:) Most importantly, I am happy to hear in your "voice" more hope. Isn't it crazy how we actually feel better when we identify our fears and express them? I love it because in my experience once fears and feelings are no long internalized, it just has the power to heal - almost immediately. Then of course, with profound hurts that wound us deeply, like when your Dad passed away and when my Mom died, we need regular refresher courses in purging the inner emotions that distract us from the strenght we have lying directly under the dark fears and feelings just waiting to surface and give us comfort.

Thank you for telling me about your Leo sun sign. I've studied astrology for years. I am a Cancer on the cusp of Leo with Leo rising. Lots of Leo influence in my chart, but my underlying nature is all Cancer, home, family, especially one's mother, and the Moon which guides emotions.  I have also trusted my intuition about people as it is keen and accurate for the most part. Being a very good judge of character, I knew we would connect and of course with the Leo influence in us both, the connection is natural. You should check out the site astro . com. If you know your hour and place of birth, they do a very accurate chart for free.

Okay enough about the astrology!:) I'm very impressed that you are able to tap into your fears and feelings about your aunt's illness and what is all means and where it is leading. It is hard to accept dying and death for us all, if we're honest. Some people like your Dad are able to come to terms very bravely with their own mortality when faced with it. Perhaps until we are in such a position, we cannot know with certainty how we will react to news that our own death is nearing, or a loved ones. Both instances are painful, but for some people who are suffering and have lost all hope of recovering from serious illness, death may not be such a frightening prospect. It's so hard to imagine how one would feel in the situation, but it's great that people are talking about it more openly these days than ever before.

As well, I think of times when I've been really ill, not with a life or death illness (I was going to write life-threatening but even the language we use about illness and death is scary, no wonder we have so much fear) just a bad case of stomach flu and seriously in those brief moments when I could sleep to escape the Pain is experienced differently by different people and can be influenced by many factors, including fatigue, worry, anxiety, depression or sadness. ">pain it was a relief. Could it be that's how nature intended death to be, we suffer to the point that the pain eliminates all fear of death and we welcome it? I don't know the answers, but there are may people who are as I write facing their final moments and only they can say 100% what dying feels like for the dying person.

When my Mom died, I believe with all my heart she let go willingly and knowing exactly where she was headed. She was very religious and had a strong faith and it didn't abandon her at the end which was so beautiful to witness as I know how much of her heart and sould she invested in her faith every day of her life. Of course, like my other stats, I cannot prove this, but on a very deep level I just know it and that's enough for me. Science can measure a lot of things but the experience of death is more art than science in my view. Truly, whenever I close my eyes and remember my Mom's last day on earth, but especially her last moments with me eye to eye, the expression on her face and in her eyes was more spectacularly exquisite than any artwork I've ever seen. You know what I mean, Charneypam, when something is so beautful that the world made no words to describe it and it hurts and heals to just think of it? That's how I remember my Mom and I suspect it's how you remember your Dad. No words can ever explain.

Tonight I wrote a reply to another person on the discussion board entitled Other healthcare providers providing care for a family member which was started by Anniemedic. I was thinking about you and wondering if you would like to respond to her because I think your feelings about your Dad's death could help her deal with hers. I don't have the experience of knowing what it feels like to lose a father to death, although my father died in March 2010, but he was dead to me in a way all my life as I barely knew him. He and my Mom broke up when I was a baby and we never established a relationship of any depth. My children's father is the closest example of what I was missing as a child without a father's love, as he is beyond loving and very much loved by each of my children.

Well Charneypam, I hope you will have a super weekend!:) Take some time to reflect on your feelings of the moment and try not to get too far ahead of what's to come for your aunt. We can only change the course of our lives to a limited degree where nature is involved. Free your mind from worrying even if for only a day or two and allow yourself the lighthearted joy of indulging in simple pleasures that buoy your spirits. Steal these moments for yourself and treasure them because they extend the life of a caregiver and your life is so very important too!:)

Thanks so much for your kind words again (blushing:) Charneypam, I'm only too delighted that we have connected. Until next time, take care . . .:)    
Réponse de Cath1
18 févr. 2012, 6 h 06

Charneypam - lol - I didn't shrink the bottom portion of the above message on purpose to make the message look smaller!:) See, nature and technology, we have so very little control over either!:)

Réponse de Cath1
08 mars 2012, 19 h 08

Hi Charneypam:

I miss you!:) Please write to update me on what's going on with your aunt and with you when you have a moment.

You are both in my prayers every night!
Réponse de Charneypam
09 mars 2012, 1 h 42

Hi Cath - sorry I haven't been on here lately.  My aunt has not been well for the past three weeks - she has been really nauseas and can't seem to eat very much.  She has been getting a little worse each day.  I am managing okay - I take her groceries when she needs them and visit often.  I am no longer going there to drop the dog off as she doesn't even feel well enough to have the dog while I am at work - so therefore I go over every other night and take the dog for a visit.  One day at a time.  Thanks so much for your concern.  I am glad the weather is getting better and I have been able to walk the dog a lot more - it makes me feel really good.  I hope you are well and thanks again for checking on me.
Réponse de Cath1
09 mars 2012, 2 h 51

Hi Charneypam:

It's lovely to hear from you again!:) No apologies necessary as I just wanted you to know I haven't forgotten about you. Please never feel responsible to check in with me unless you feel the need and have the time. It sounds like you have very little time for yourself these days so I'm sure each moment you have to focus on your own life and needs feels precious.

How sad tp hear that your aunt is not doing better not that I was expecting to hear differently. Has she accepted any more help from her doctor? It's very sad to think that she resists help when so much is available to her, but I can't judge her decisions. She has her reasons and if she is comfortable with how things are going no one can second guess her. Some people feel a stronger sense of control when coping with illness by keeping their experience and their emotions very private. I can relate in a way because I am an extremely private person and I would want to feel some sense of control over my health if it were in deep jeopardy.

I'm glad you are able to enjoy walking the dog while getting outside for fresh air and it's nice that your aunt gets a visit from you and the dog every second day. You must be a big source of comfort to her - as is the dog I'm sure. Just knowing someone in the world is so loyal and devoted to her must gladden her heart - and I'm meaning you - not the dog!:)

It's not an easy time for your aunt or for you Charneypam and I hope this Spring will see things improve somehow. It's got to be hard to keep up with such a full schedule while working, caring for your own family and watching out for your aunt.  I'll be thinking of you both and of course you are in my heart and my prayers.

Remember to take time to take care of you too!:) ps I'm doing fine and thanks for asking - ever thoughtful you are!:)
10 avr. 2012, 19 h 20

Hi CharneyPam,

It has been a while since we heard from you and your aunt wasn't doing well at the time. How is she?  How are you? 

We're thinking of you.
Réponse de Cath1
28 avr. 2012, 19 h 16

Dear Charneypam:

Every day I think of you and wonder how your aunt is doing. When you are able, please let us know how life is for you both these days.

No pressure - I can only imagine how hectic your life is with the increased demands on your time.

Sending you positive thoughts and wishes and a reminder that you have touched my heart with your warmth and made a lasting impression upon it. Hugs xo
Réponse de Charneypam
03 mai 2012, 13 h 37

Hi Cath - I am sorry that I have not been keeping in touch - my aunt passed on April 10th and then a week after her burial my mom had a heart attack (she is alright).  I am at work right now but will write this weekend and catch you up on everything.  I hope you are well and I really appreciate your care and concern.
Réponse de Cath1
03 mai 2012, 13 h 44

Dear Charneypam:

Hearing your news takes my breath away. You know I am sure that my heart is with you. I am at work too but I look forward to hearing from you again soon when you get the time to write more.

Thank you so much for letting me know about your aunt's passing. How much more bearable you made her last months when she had cancer! Her peace is assured now and you helped her so much to attain it.

I am relieved to hear that your Mom is okay after her heart attack. 

Big hugs to you and yours! xo

Réponse de Tian
03 mai 2012, 16 h 57

My condolences Charneypam.

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