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Réponse de Brayden
11 juil. 2012, 1 h 46

Dear Carriek,
I can just feel the pain of your heart rigth now and fully understand that you have so many questions without answers. That is so normal when your loved one suffers so much.  Maybe now is not the time for answers as you are  going through such a deep valley. Months or even years from now you will climb back up again and the answers to your questions will be something you can handle. So please do not feel guilty that you are so sad and have so much doubt.
I am glad that now you can have family with you to at least be present.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Réponse de Cath1
12 juil. 2012, 13 h 06

Good morning, Carrie:

I see that you and Pooka have been connecting in the other threads and I am absolutely thrilled for you both that you have found in one another a confidante who understands the complexities of what you are each dealing with. This morning I just want to remind you that we are all still here for you should you need us and we plan to be here if you do for as long as you need!:-)

I think Tian makes a profoundly important point in his last post above and one I want to reemphasize to you. You are indeed fortunate to have graced your husband with all the things that you have needed to say and that he needs to hear, and I am sure that your constant care and concern, even when he seems not to notice, eases his heartache, his fear and his pain. Your every action, every word, every thought of your husband over these endlessly long months will one day be your comfort in memory and will leave less room for haunting regrets later on. 

By sharing and repeating your loving sentiments with your soulmate you reinforce in your husband the everlasting love you feel for him. Even as you feel really scared and emotionally and physically spent, you give to your husband daily in each moment the feeling of security and safety that he so needs. Later, when his and your hard journey finally comes to a close you will have the knowledge that you left nothing important unsaid or undone.

Brayden so tenderly reminds you that it's okay to have so many questions that have no answers and his poignant message to you is heartwarming when he says that you need not feel guilty - ever - now or later - for your sadness and sorrow and for entertaining doubts. And as Tian reminds you and I believe too, faith in your incredible love for your husband and he for you is unquestionable - no doubt about it!
Carrie, if you did not struggle with sorrow and have endless questions, that would be for me very hard to comprehend. The fact that you feel so deeply and express so honestly your truth is a living testament to the fact that you are endlessly brave and I hope you will always feel pride in your exceptional strength and that you will know beyond any doubt that you are an exceptionally loving person! You know more than many people the true meaning of your wedding vows as your have honoured your commitment to your husband, to love and cherish him in sickness and in health, for better or for worse. 

Bless your sweet heart, Carrie! Remember, you are not alone!

Thinking of your husband and you and your family today, as always.          

With affection -hugs- xo 
Réponse de Carriek
14 juil. 2012, 3 h 56

Today has been yet another sad day of watching my husband hang onto life by a thread. I love him so very much.. he is my world. 
He has always been the kindest person I have ever known- always worrying & thinking of others, and even now with his confusion he is worrying about other patients (although he has not seen any other patients as he has not left his hospital bed.) 
Cath1- I have re read your message several times... the one where you explain what your Mother taught you of God.............THANK YOU Cath1
That message certainly does make me think in a different light. I never looked at it that way. The words that you chose to share had a special way of delivering a message to me... and I sincerely thank you. I can certainly tell that you, that all of you that are there to help me through this difficult time are angels. Always there, always listening.
I do want to clarify something that I read in a message-- saying to me that you thought I should be there at my husband's passing
I have never thought of not being there- what I have said is that neither my husband or myself would be comfortable for it to happen in our home-- But definitly TOGETHER, I will be so sad if I am not there (as they often say its like the dying person chooses who shall be there).
I am very thankful for each moment extra that we have, but I also see the suffering and do not wish suffering upon him.
We are sad for his suffering. He is tired.
We love him so much... so very very much.

Thanks for not letting me feel alone in this painful journey

Réponse de Brayden
14 juil. 2012, 4 h 31

Dear Carriek,
You are such an example of what true love in action looks like. It is really heart warming. Please make sure that every shift of nursing staff know how badly you want to be there when your love does die. They should be able to give you enough time to get there. I will pray that your last wish will come true. Wanting only the best for you.
Réponse de Cath1
14 juil. 2012, 5 h 39

Dear Carriek:

You are such a remarkable woman and you continue to remind me of this fact with every heartfelt message you write! You are at the end of what I can only imagine is a very long day amidst a horrendously long and sorrowful journey and yet you still make the time to update us all about how your husband and you are doing - thank you!

Your words made me cry this evening, for your husband and for you and your kids and the heartache that binds you and breaks you and makes each of you braver than you can possibly realize! I wish everyone in the world could be so blessed by love as is your husband and your family!  

Carrie, I hope you know I feel you are my real friend - virtually in every respect and it is a special honour to share a small part of your private sorrow with you!

I want to clarify for you that I didn't suggest that you "should be" with your husband when he is dying in my previous message, because when it come to dying there are absolutely no shoulds or musts in my opinon as every person's death is the most personal experience as is the experience of the loved ones with them in spirit or in person.

I said "should you be with your husband..." meaning that if his final moment happens when you are with him, you need not feel afraid. I know that you want more than anything to be right there beside him when your soulmate takes his final breath and I hope with all my heart that your wish will come true! That's precisely how I felt about it when my Mom was dying. You are right I believe, that the dying person chooses when the right moment is for them to leave, but whatever happens remember you have no control about the timing so no matter what, please don't burden your dear heart with any regrets whatsoever!

I am praying that your husband's and your suffering will know a peaceful ending so that you both can rest and begin again. My Mom would tell you if she were here that your husband's suffering is not in vain and that when he passes to the heavens he will suffer no more. He will be given rest. I believe your husband is already an angel as are you and this angelic spiritual state will remain your immortal bond.

If you could see yourself as I see you, how far you've come, how much stronger and more resilient and accepting and courageous you are today than a couple of months ago, you would know just how awesome you are, Carrie! Life has unfairly placed upon your husband and you and the children a severe and merciless trial, but you have demonstrated your unbelievable faith, your extraordinary spirit and your loyal and loving character through it all and in the end nothing can or will ever take that away from you!   

Be Not Afraid was among the hymns sung at my Mom's funeral as she and I both love the lyrics. I am sharing a couple of verses for you and your husband tonight and hope when you meditate on the meaning of these words, you will find comfort.

You shall cross the barren desert,
but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety,
though you do not know the way.

You shall speak your words in foreign lands,
and all will understand,
You shall see the face of God and live.

Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.

Be not afraid, Carrie - we are all here with you and for you - you are not alone - ever!

With affection -hugs- xo
Réponse de Tian
14 juil. 2012, 8 h 07

Dear Carriek

Your suffering is palpable and so is your love. You are an inspiration. As for what "they" say about choosing the time of passing, "they" may just be speculating. Or if "they" are right perhaps the dying person may decide there will be less grief if they die alone. In either case, it is not possible to predict the circumstances of passing so as Brayden says you should have the staff be on alert for you. But as Cath1 says don't beat yourself up should you not be there at the time of passing.

You have privileged us by letting us follow you on your journey. What twists and turns it may take no one knows but as it continues you may change from one day at a time mode to one second at a time mode. Remember to not neglect yourself and that you are not alone.

Réponse de NatR
14 juil. 2012, 14 h 15

Dear Carriek,

You are a steadfast support to your husband - an example of what love means "til death do us part".

I am honoured to be a witness to your feelings and your journey.
The others have said it all so well 
Do not feel guilt - do Not be hard on yourself.  You are showing us an amazing example of love and commitment.

My thoughts go out to you today.
Sending you support and love
Réponse de Cath1
17 juil. 2012, 0 h 30

Thinking of your husband and you Carriek and your children and family.

I hope you will have a chance to get some rest tonight, to let go of your fears while you sleep, and in your your dreams I hope you find peace.

Prayers continue for you all. We are here for you, Carrie - always.

With affection -hugs - xo 
Réponse de Cath1
20 juil. 2012, 16 h 28

Hi Carriek:

It's been a week since you last wrote and I just want you to know that you are strongly on my mind. I worry in the silence how you are doing but I understand how engrossed you are with caring for your husband and I imagine you haven't had a second to yourself. Please know that there isn't a day that goes by when I am not thinking of you and your family.

Sending you hugs and prayers and wishes for strength and peace to ease your beautiful heart, Carrie.  

With affection - hugs - xo
Réponse de Cath1
26 juil. 2012, 2 h 42

Dear Carriek:

I'm writing tonight to remind you that even while you are not writing here lately, you are thought about every single day. In spirit, we are all with you. I hope you feel somehow strengthened and soothed by our support and our prayers. Remember when you feel lost in the loneliest silence or feel abandoned to the shadows of despair, we are with you. When you feel afraid in the dark of night we are with you as you find your way to the light of hope. I can feel your courage even in the distance dancing between us. We are with you. Carrie, we are virtually beside you and keeping you and your husband and your family close to our hearts...always...We are with you...

With affection -hugs- xo

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