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Réponse de Cath1
10 avr. 2012, 18 h 30

Hi Caron and Carrie:

Caron, I am thinking of you today and wondering if you received any answers about your husband's difficulty with walking. I hope that if you haven't yet been told the results of the test that soon you will both be informed.

Carrie and Caron: Were you able to enjoy a happy time over the long weekend at Easter? I hope whatever you did that this past holiday your good memories will be added to the many others your family has saved for later reflection over the years.

Carrie: I am thinking of you and your girls especially as tomorrow your husband's doctor's appointment is fast approaching. Have you decided on whether or not to bring the twins?

Thinking of you both and sending you a reminder that you are both in my heart every day and in my prayers. xo xo hugs to you both! :-) ;-)


PS Tian: Your last post to Carrie and Caron is filled with gems of wisdom. I feel for both wonderful ladies as it is so hard to make wise and difficult choices when emotions of grief and fear cloud the view. It is clear that wisdom is a trustworthy guide that provides balance between thoughtful analyses and deep feelings. It takes enormous courage to be true to ourselves when choosing what to do next in our own circumstance, but by finding and following our own path, wisdom usually finds us and follows us to our right destination.

Réponse de Tian
10 avr. 2012, 18 h 49

Cath1, you're right about making choices under pressure. If I, myself were in Carrie or Carol's position I might just be frozen. I hope I haven't painted too stark a picture for you ladies.
Réponse de Cath1
10 avr. 2012, 19 h 04

Sweet Tian!

Your heart is so full of goodness and light that it cannot possibly express anything too stark. I know for me, I rely upon the realism of others to keep me grounded and to balance my natural inclination towards idealism. Without both viewpoints, the wondrous vistas we gaze upon in life cannot be fully appreciated.  

Hugs to you, Tian. xo 

Réponse de Carriek
11 avr. 2012, 1 h 42

Dear Caron,
I pray that your news was good on Monday's bone scan- wondering if you have rec'd results yet. I pray that the news was good, as we know each Dr visit and test (with bad news delivered in the past) is a scary & sad time. Know that Im thinking of you both.
Tomorrow we head out to see the Oncologist- since the chemo & rads are complete we head out wondering if there will be more chemo offered (as she mentioned last visit) and if rads will be offered on my husbands hip 9as it is very extensive there) or if we will face the news that there is nothing more they can do.
 Its easy for my husband to say, whatever they decide is the way it will be" but know that deep down he is crying out that at 46 yrs of age with young children he is far from ready to leave this world....
They say that only the good die young- maybe God has a plan that includes our husbands for something beyond our world...but it doesnt make the thought of living one day without them any easier....
Know that I think of you often. xo

Réponse de Cath1
12 avr. 2012, 23 h 36

Dear Carrie:

You have been on my mind strongly this week and especially since yesterday. I was hoping that you and Caron would have reconnected here again and I held back from writing to you until now as I don't want to get in the way of the two of you bonding as you share such similar circumstances.

We are all different and express our needs individually. Sometimes we say more about how we are feeling in the quiet of an empty space than we do with a thousand rambling words, but I simply cannot remain quiet for long. The timing when inspiration compels us to write about our feelings or situations doesn't always coincide with others as we wish, but I just hope that neither you nor Caron are feeling abandoned by us as we are still here for and with you both whenever you decide you want to write again.

I don't know what news you or Caron received about your husbands, but I imagine that it was exhausting for you each just anticipating the doctor's appointments. Now that these latest appointments are over perhaps the news you received is taking time to absorb. I'm thinking of you, Carrie and you too Caron, and hoping that you are not made to wait long for the answers you have been waiting to hear. Most importantly, whatever news you may have been told this week, I want you to know you do not have to face your feelings alone.

Carrie, when Colleen added her link about visitors I was happy to read the article which is full of great ideas and I hope you will be able to use some of them! ;-) I want you to know that I had a strong reaction to a particular piece of advice “
you can’t deny the community of which you are a part.”
and wanted to share my perspective with you.

Personally, if I were in your situation, I know with all certainty that I would want only my immediate family and closest friends visiting and I would want and insist upon lots of advance notice. That's just me, aka control freak and a highly private personality. I may sound anti-social but I assure you I’m not. I just really don’t have close relationships with neighbours to the degree that they would be welcome to visit me at any time in my home without an invitation, and most assuredly not when I’m ill or dying. I don’t feel that sense of responsibility to my neighbourhood per se.

In my opinion no matter how close-knit or small a community may be, I don’t think anyone should feel obligated to share the serious and private situations or end of life experiences with well-meaning neighbours. A person’s serious illness or a death in a community no doubt impacts all those living within it, but I have known many people from rural townships and there is a lot of resentment expressed secretly about the intrusiveness of others. The old stereotype of people living in small towns knowing everyone else's business is not always true, and when true, not always welcome.

My daughter’s mother-in-law “Mary” lived in a tiny community all her life. She married there and raised her children in this small town. Doors were unlocked and neighbours routinely walked into one another’s homes without warning and were accommodated if not genuinely made to feel at home. When “Mary” got cancer her needs changed with the news. The next door neighbour used to show up and offer to do personal things for her and “Mary’ felt obligated to consider the neighbours need to help over her own need for privacy. The neighbour lady would call on the phone if the doorbell went answered. It wore “Mary” out trying to escape the constant intrusions and she never had the nerve to be honest with her neighbour and others in her community to express her true feelings and to ask that her privacy be respected. It was not until she moved in with my daughter and son-in-law that she got any peace. I know I would not be so considerate because I believe we all have a right to our own space and sometimes we need much more of t in order to cope with whatever it is we have going on in our lives.

I just hope you feel supported in how you are feeling overwhelmed about the unexpected visitors and your particular preferences. Different strokes for different folks in communities of all shapes and sizes.

Take care Carrie and know I am keeping you and your husband and Caron and hers and both of your families in my prayers. hugs xo & hugs xo

Réponse de Carriek
24 avr. 2012, 0 h 48

Hi thanks for your understanding. I somehow didnt see the link. It is so difficult to stop unannounced visitors. I truly wish I knew they understood. I did place a sign at my door, and have not had any intrusions yet. But for some reason it still mkaes me uneasy.
Caron- I wish you would reply- as I think of you every day... as I feel a strong connection through this terrible disease, and wonder every day how your husband is doing.
Wednesday marks 6 months that my husband has been battling his Extensive small cell-- the fear of losing him has overwhelmed me with grief. I keep wanting to scream "it wasnt supposed to be like this.... we were not finished living" but feel so alone !l!
People around me dont know what to say, and I get that but it doesn't help with the fears, the aloneness and the deep sadness I feel.
I can't truly talk to others, as they cant say anything I want to hear
My husband does not know that his time is so short. He knows that it is terminal... but has no idea. That brings about unsorted feelings within myself.... and makes me feel even more alone !
How  would I ever bring up that topic. How could I add to the worry, the fear he must be feeling.... I dont know? There are so many un-answered questions that I have... and am afraid that I am running out of time.
I know that I should cherish the days that we do have... and I really do...but each day is filled with such fear, such sadness, such aloneness its overwhelming.
I know that each person that experienced losing a husband/wife has suffered as I am now. But Im just looking for some advice.... Im so not ready and dont know how one would ever be ready.

Réponse de Cath1
24 avr. 2012, 1 h 22

Hi Carriek:

I'm here listening to you and caring about how upset you are feeling. I just want you to know that your feelings are completely understandable as is your wish to hear others say what you want to hear. Sadly, no one can tell you that everything is going to get better, but I can tell you that you are going to find a way to deal with everything - somehow. You feel alone, but I assure you that you are never alone.   

I'm hoping Caron or someone else with an experience similar to yours answers your cry for help. I wish with all my heart that I say or could do more that would make a difference to help you. All I have to offer is a listening and caring heart which is hurting for you and with you. I have attached an article for you to read and hope it may help you to understand the anticipatory grief you are dealing with daily.

Sending you big hugs xo     

Réponse de Tian
24 avr. 2012, 2 h 39

Dear Carrie 

I have never been in the situation you are facing but it seems to me you are perfectly justified in having the emotions you are feeling. Unfortunately this is not a nightmare from which you can wake up. This must be the worst time in your life. You say that you can't truly talk to others but I ask you to consider talking to the councillor that you have seen. You should be able to see her without taking your husband along if that is your preference. No, she won't tell you what you want to hear but she may be able to help you endure the situation. If the situation has moved beyond her expertise she should be able to refer you to someone else. You might also want to Ask a Professional in the Support section in this website.


I can't put it better Cath. "All I have to offer is a listening and caring heart which is hurting for you and with you." There is always a place for you here Carrie. Scream, rant, cry, question, reminisce...whatever helps you cope. And there are still things you can hope for.


And you are also in my thoughts Caron.

Réponse de Caron
24 avr. 2012, 14 h 48
24 avr. 2012, 16 h 04

Hi Caron,
It is so good to see you back on the forums. Unfortunately, it looks like your message was lost. This may have happened if you left the computer for a period of time and then came back to finish the message. The session may have timed out without giving you a warning. I'll report this to our technical team.

I find it very frustrating to lose well thought out messages when posting on forums or blogs and have gotten into the habit of writing my replies in NotePad or Word and then pasting them into the reply window. 

Your time is precious, but I do hope you'll take a minute to post again. We've been thinking of you. 

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