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Réponse de KCBJ
20 mai 2013, 22 h 41

Hi NatR and everyone. Things are same old. Have been really busy at work lately and expect to be this way for a while yet. I adopted a dog. A gorgeous sheppard-cross -- looks like a rottie. But I regrettably had to return him. I could get by the attacks on Bud and Nick over food and treats - we could work thru that. But when I took him to get fixed, he lunged at a pup that was being carried by one of the gals and took a good chomp of the poor pup's tail. That would take a bit more patience to get thru with him and I have to many little tidbits walking around my neighbourhood to trust him.

As for my mother, well, once again, same old. She's fallen a few more times lately which is causing me concern. But otherwise nothing has changed.

She will be going to a specialist to have her hands checked to see if she has nerve damage or arthritis in her hands. That's about it ... as usual. :-)

I hope you all have a great summer. Although this long weekend it's only been rain and more rain. Till Tues I hear on the radio. No excuse not to get things done in the house I guess.

Until next time...       
Réponse de NatR
20 mai 2013, 22 h 45

Good to hear from you Barb....speaking of falls..>I was a victim of that myself a week ago...comes with the age category I guess...I do hope your mom manages to avoid serious injury and glad to know you are coping.  It is good to know that you are keeping on...but sorry to hear about the dog you had to let go.  I can understand that.

Its been a funny winter, and spring seems to be carrying on the same...not the usual weather we want and like....hope it gets better into the end of May..
Wishing you a good week ahead,
Réponse de Brayden
20 mai 2013, 23 h 21

Dear KCBJ,
I too just want to say how good it was to hear from you. I often thought of you but did not want to put a guilt trip on you for taking some time to respond. In fact I had thought of a number of people that must find our weather in Mb. depressing this week-end. Hope that was not you. Take care and more luck next time with your dogs.
Réponse de KCBJ
26 août 2013, 1 h 24

Hi everyone.  It's been a while.   So busy at work these days. Well I have begun the paperwork process. It all cameto a head when my mmother went into such a frenzy that she had the lifeline call police for the second time. This time they actually came down. She told them that I was beating her.if I had pressing her alert would not have been something she would've been able to do.

That was pretty much the last straw. Actually it was the last straw. The police were very nice and understanding.  Concerned I would commit suicide. Far from it. I hsve dogs to think about. Anyway it has begun. No vacation this year. What's the point. Tired. Very tired. 
Réponse de Brayden
26 août 2013, 3 h 15

Dear Barb,
It is great to hear from you but I had hoped that your life would have improved and  not got worse. I can just feel the level of frustration and exhaustion in you. I would hope that you can make the necessary changes needed for your mother as quickly as possible. You also do need a vacation more than ever. Maybe after you have found a solution for your mother. Very concerned about your wellbeing under such a high stress level. Hope you have air conditioning this week or your dog's tongue will be hanging on the floor. Please take care of yourself.
Réponse de NatR
26 août 2013, 18 h 15

Hi Barb,

can I echo the sentiments of  Brayden? 
He is right - you need to take care of you - and it seems it's time to really address the growing needs of your mom.

you have my admiration / you have done all you can.
regardless of your desire  to keep on doing everything - it's now time for action and taking some time for you 

Drop a line when you have more to share 
we are here to listen.

hugs from me to you;)
09 déc. 2013, 0 h 58

Hi Barb,

The weather was much warmer that last time you touched base with us. How are you doing these days where the thermometer has plummeted? How are your dogs? Your mom? You?

I hope you can drop us a little note.
Réponse de KCBJ
09 déc. 2013, 5 h 24

Hi Colleen, NatR, everyone! Yes, it has been quite a while. Likely because nothing has changed. Well, shouldn't say nothing, we have another dog. A pup actually, Brandy. Not me this time, but my mother's choice. A now 9 mo old female lab/retriever cross. Honestly that's it. Pretty pathetic isn't it.

Oh, I developed a pinched sciatica nerve. How much fun that is!!! Been 7 weeks and the pain is just subsiding somewhat. As long as I don't sit wrong, stand too fast, walk to much, etc. Lots of laughs trying to rake leaves and shovel snow.

My mother's health is still deteriorating. More confused. More everything. Will be off for 3 weeks from the 23rd. Such fun that will be! But I'm forced to use up most of my holidays.

I can't insert a photo of everyone, but you should know where to find me on Facebook.

While I'm here, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas or whatever anyone else celebrates. And a very Happy New Year! Mine will be ...well, you know.

And thank you so much for thinking of me. It is very much appreciated!


Réponse de Brayden
10 déc. 2013, 2 h 04

Dear KCBJ,
So good to hear from you as I have often wondered how you and your mother were doing. Just did not feel right about checking in as I did not want to bug you. I don't know which would be worse, your sciatica nerve pain or my case of shingles on the right side of my face. I am just getting the feeling back now, after 2 months. We can always go outside into our cold weather and freeze the pain. I can image what fun it must be taking  the dogs out for the last few days. I will be off to Az. for winter again, right after Christmas. Trust that you will get some peaceful quiet time during your days off. Wishing you the best over the holidays.
Réponse de NatR
10 déc. 2013, 3 h 24


glad as to hear that the status quo remains and that you seem to be hanging in with work, caregiving and a new pup !

the sciatica isn't fun.  It must be going around as I think I have an issue with that too!
but seriously, take care of yourself too ok?

brayden replied to your note as well, and I am sorry to hear about his shingles.  I went for the shot last spring, I saw lots of people get it when I worked in nursing homes... Not funny., feel better brayden, and bravo for heading south. ;) 

Wish you a good night KCBJ and hope that if you need to check in with the forum, that you will:)

best wishes,
know you are a wonderful daughter and caregiver.

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