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Réponse de NatR
26 mai 2012, 21 h 05


Its been a busy couple of weeks for me - not only did my poor mom get shingles right after I visited her - which caused extra stress and discomfort for her - but I have been caring for my daughter who had surgery and is recuperating!  Life has been interesting as last holiday weekend we were covered in ashes and smoke and had a very close call with a local fire.  Right now we are in a state of emergency as a forest fire, the largest in Canada burns about 30 km from my town.  I am sure you have heard about it

So I am a bit short on sleep and hoping for rain.  I do hope your mom is okay after her fall.  It's hard to protect our loved ones from every incident.

Hope the coming week is a good and safe one for us all
Appreciate hearing from you
Best wishes
Réponse de KCBJ
27 mai 2012, 17 h 34

OMG Nat!! I am so sorry. You really have your hands and mind full. I'm sure it will be alright. If it's not one thing, then it's another -- and sometimes everything at once. We are survivors!!

Take care.  
Réponse de NatR
13 juin 2012, 20 h 10


How are things going with you?
We are all survivors certainly, and in beween the bumps in the road we come down again and go along a bit easier.

My mom has been doing better with treatment and pain relief for her shingles.  She is once again able to go to the dining room for meals and no longer isolated.  All I can do from a distance is keep tabs on her  - and trust that her caregivers are looking after her - as much as she will allow.

Hope to hear back from you on how things are in your corner of the world ?  Drop a line and let us know on the forum.  We are all here for each other:)
Sending you best wishes,

Réponse de KCBJ
14 juin 2012, 12 h 16

Morning NatR. So glad to hear your mother is doing better. Not an easy thing to endure when you feel helpless and have to rely on others. I think isolation is the worst. My mother feels that way and she's at home.

It's been a relatively tough week for us. My 16 yr old black lab passed away Sunday morning. I found her on the side of the highway when she was only a couple of months old. But at least she went at home. My golden was been much more quieter and my other one knows someone is missing. Life sucks!!

My mother isn't doing too hot. The constant chest pains and headaches are wearing on her which means she takes more pills. And around and around we go!

How are you holding up?     
Réponse de NatR
14 juin 2012, 12 h 39

Oh dear KCBJ. I just wrote a post and lost it!

If it shows up my apologies for half spoken thoughts

My heart goes out to you in the loss of your pet.  It's hard losing a constant companion that loves you unconditionally.

Your mom doesn't realize how lucky she is to have you watching over her.  I know it's a struggle but I know why you are doing it.  You will never look back with regrets.

I send you my sympathies today and hope you can remember some great memories with your previous pet.

My daughter recently had to put down a pet - a difficult decision.  I havd allergies but understand the comfort and connection that pets give their owners

Have a good day today and thank you for your quick response - wishing you a sunny day - and that your mom will have a better day too
It's hard when pain and medication hold us in a cycle that's not always easy.
 Stay in touch and know you have friends following your day

29 juin 2012, 20 h 19


Another member has started a thread called: Can we talk honestly? I thought you might like to contribute your thoughts. 
Réponse de Brayden
04 juil. 2012, 0 h 34

I have not posted to you before but I have followed all of yours. Our regulars have given you their heartfelt support and I hope you do not stop talking.
I did think of you all through the long week-end as your mother is not doing well and our weather was so stiffling hot, that I thought even your gazzebo would not give you pease. We did not even go out walking here in Winnipeg all week-end. I also assumed that you would have three days off and would be expected to stay around home.
I will just wait to hear of an update to see how you are surviving.
My heart is with you.
Réponse de KCBJ
04 juil. 2012, 4 h 30

Hi Brayden and everyone. Thank you so much for writing. I was actually just getting on to the site to write a little message. Yep, this past week has been a real tough go! I actually had last week as vacation and finally got to my backyard for some much needed weeding and planting. All was done over the course of the week and early mornings.

It has been tough for my mother. She is finding it quite difficult to breathe. I'm not much for this kind of heat either. And the dogs are just laying around. Can't use the A/C for long as my mother gets 'teeth chattering' cold. Thank goodness for basements!!

As for my week, well, there was a reason I was up early mornings and outside. Overall, it went relatively smoothly until the weekend. Now what a surprise that was ... not! Last nite was the worst -- and it was going so well.

In 3 weeks, it will be exactly 4 years that this weekly erratic abusive craziness has been going on. I wonder if I should celebrate?? My stupidity or self-destructiveness?? Decisions, decisions. I'll also be taking 3 weeks of my vacation. Whoooo hoooo!! Let's see, where shall I go -- hmmmm, guess I'll finish off the front yard.

I'm glad I still have a job though. If I was retired, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to leave the house. Truly, how pathetic is that??

Well, guess I'll sign off and sit outside for awhile. Sorry I haven't been writing that often lately. It's a little difficult when you think you have a little time to yourself and lo n behold, I'm being paged. Think I'll change my name from Barbara to Gertrude or Hilda. :-)!/barbann.smith/photos

Don't know if you can access my facebook photo page or not, but since I'm in a sharing mood, I'm providing the link. There are pictures of my beauties. Not many fotos of my Penelope. She was always a little stinker when it came to a camera being aimed at her.

Well, now that I'm in full blown tears, I had better sign off. My laptop doesn't work that well when it's wet. Guess it's another feeling sorry for myself nite. Thank you for being there. 
Réponse de Cath1
10 juil. 2012, 3 h 21

Hi Barb (KCJB):

It's been a long while since I wrote a message to you so I figure we're overdue to catch up! Thank you for posting your FB link - I checked it out and I'm wondering if the profile picture is you when you were much younger, or perhaps your Mom in her prime because if it is a current picture of you, you sure don't look your age as previously posted!:-) It's sad to know how life has turned out for your Mom and how illness has made her so difficult to live with. She looks very sweet in the photos.

Your dogs are beautiful creatures and I can see that they are well loved and cared for - of course, you do have a caregiver's nature so that's no surprise!:-)  I read your earlier posts and see that your beloved black lab died a month ago. I am so sorry that you are must deal with this additional sorrow along with all the daily drama with your Mom. When one is as isolated as you are it must magnify the loneliness you experience when grieving and I feel sad to think you ever must feel alone or unsupported! I saw a black dog in your photos named Penelope, is she your pet who died? She had such a happy smile in the photo, and if she is the sweet dog that passed away, I hope you will remember her with that big grin as I'm sure with your loving care she had a very happy life until the end!
Did you see Colleen's latest post that included a link about caregivers in the "Can we talk honestly" thread. She posted it earlier today and it's well worth a read. I hope you are getting some respite - somehow - some way - wishful thinking?? I keep you in my prayers and hope soon life will remember to shower you with blessings - You sure deserve them but if that was the criteria for receiving better treatment and luck in this world, we would all be so fortunate!:-)

Until the next time we hear from you, Barb - take care - and know we all care about you!!

With affection -hugs- xo

Réponse de KCBJ
15 juil. 2012, 1 h 25

Hey Cath1. It has been a little while. The foto of me is 10 yrs old and about 90 lbs lighter, actually one day with friends. I like to remember me happy when i'm avoiding reality. Unfortunately, I don't take great pictures and that was the best one. I'll see about getting a more recent one. On the other hand, the ones with my mother are recent, my June vacation week. Looks can be deceiving!!

Yes, I lost Penelope (Penny) on June 10. She's the black dog you spotted. My very special princess. I have a sense of her around me periodically and reach out to pat her. 

I did see the caregiver post but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I did print it off and hope to get to it in the next couple of days.

Wish I had something exciting to write. Nothing new in my life. Just work and home again. My mother? Well, my mother is say-old as well. Anything I do say you've all already heard already. My last message pretty much sums it up for this month. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say when my vacation begins in another week. Can hardly wait!! Not sure I can stand the anticipation of all the excitement. :-)

Well Cath, Nat and everyone, until the next writing. Take care! And when you're feeling like life sucks. Remember me.


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