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Réponse de Tian
02 août 2012, 8 h 12

Dear Bizzy

Haven't you and your partner been put through the wringer! I think it's natural for you to have hope when it seemed like it packed its bags and left for good. But you have had so many bombs dropped on you in the past I tend to agree with your partner's approach in being cautious, strenuous as that might be. Perhaps I'm reading  too much into one word but you did say the possibility is remote. I can't imagine a more stressful scenario than what you and your partner find yourselves in. One thing you can certainly hope for is that clarification comes very quickly.

Réponse de Brayden
02 août 2012, 13 h 30

Dear Bizzy,
I like the report that your love might have Valley desease. The Doctors were ready to take out a piece of my friend's lung this year when another Dr. came along and said the same thing, hold on. Today my friend is fit as a fiddle after curing the Valley desease, which he too picked up at his vacation home in Az.. Please keep us posted of the good results to come.
Réponse de NatR
02 août 2012, 15 h 24

Dear Bizzy,

Such is life huh?  When you think there is no reason to hope..something comes along and gives you another chance.

I am so hoping that your partner will have more time with you, more time to share, and that you will be able to also relax and let go of the fear.

Life is full of uncertainty and not by any means text book!  By that I mean...that change is possible, healing also, a turning of the tide.

I await further updates from you and sincerely hope that you and your partner are having some good days.  Keep us I am keeping you in my thoughts.

It is important to have faith and believe;)  We have no power over the end results, we just have to travel the journey and sometimes it is exhausting trying to keep up with the changes and developments.

Sincerely, NatR 
Réponse de Cath1
02 août 2012, 17 h 16

Dear Bizzy:

Thank you so much for sharing your latest news with us! The implications of this new information could bring your partner and you such hope and I am hoping that it will work out as you so deeply desire!

I know I am often accused by those whom know and love me best that I am unrealistic and an eternal optimist. I am in seen as a person who gets too carried away and prematurely excited about things before they come to pass. I tend to celebrate before the party starts. My loved ones worry that if I have "false hope" in any given situation that my hopes may be dashed and I'll set myself up for deeper disappointment, but I know no other way to live. 

If there is a possibility for something to work out I tend to believe it until something happens that proves me wrong. I suppose I have been disappointed by life at times when I have felt hopeful, but I don't regret having had the hope - ever! I am hoping your best wishes for your partner and for you work out! If your hopes for some reason are not realized, you know that you always have us to turn to and we are here to listen and to care, and if your hopes are realized we will be here for you to celebrate the good news. In the meantime, I know if I were in your situation it would be next to impossible not to feel encouraged by the possiblities presented to you, so feel whatever it is you're feeling in the moment, Bizzy and trust that it's right for you.

Until we hear more news from you, please know I am hoping along with you!:-)  

With affection -hugs- xo and prayers for your partner and for you to be given the grace to accept whatever life sends your way.
Réponse de Bizzy
05 août 2012, 7 h 22

Please I absolutely must  pour out my heart before I bust in two.

As I begin to sort this new information I find myself deeply angry. It honestly surprised me. Came right out of the blue.  At a time when I should be jumping for joy  instead I find myself simply furious and full of resentment at how unappreciated I feel. I had a small panic attack as these feelings overwhelming came flooding through and as I dealt with other daily problems.  I suppose this is what would have happened after his death anyway.  Even if he should pass on to the next dimension or whatever comes after death I  will have to deal with this.
We don't know yet what is going on in his lungs...whether or not he is still on the dying path or whether he's on the living path.  I am seriously considering that should the stuff in his lungs turn out NOT  to be cancer but to be Valley fever I think that I will leave him and go on with my life without him. I know...I don't know what this says about what I am as a human being.

I have been unable to leave because I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left him to face deteroriating and to face dying alone and yet...I must speak from my dark side.

Braydon you said something that really touched me. You  acknowledged how much I have had to relinquish while I go through this with my partner. Thank you for your atypical sensitivity.  I have literally had to put my life in stasis to get through this. I have felt so trapped in this situation. I feel so resentful and unappreciated for the multiple levels of sacrifices I have had to endure. I have had to give up everything that is fundamentally of value and importance to me to get through this. This is not a choice. It no longer becomes within the context of choice when one has to pick between letting someone that you love die on their own or giving up that which is of grave value and importance to oneself. Family, boundaries, career, health...just to name a few.

I have felt like the problem child.  The one who has all the issues.  Honestly I live in a situation where talking about death or cancer is simply not done... by anyone. For example, we talked to his father about the possibiility that my parnter  might not be dying after all.  The primary concern was, "Where are we going for supper and then to talk about my car which I recently had a problem with." ?!! That makes me the crazy one, the one who has to seek help for my issues?!! I am so deeply, deeply resentful of being viewed as the "problem child".  Deeply, darkly resentful.
As I read this I realize this is only one side of the story.  My heart still breaks for my beloved. I witness as he continues to deteriorate despite this wonderful possibility.  He falls asleep on his the kitchen, as he drives and on the edge of the bed.  My protests and observations are met with resistance.  I feel so twisted when I see his eyes drop to sleep when he is driving. Of course, I am the crazy one who is making a big deal out of of something so little, so non important?  And of course, who is there to confirm what I think I have seen? His word against mine.
I agonize wondering whether I should wake him up when he falls asleep only to gasp for breath after a brief period of time where he does not breathe. Yes, I am on a mission to get some kind of "professional help" to see if we can't help him to breathe normally while he sleeps.  Its not for him, its for me, so that I can rest .
I think what is bothering me the most (as I see what I write) is my personal suffering in this time of his possible health, that he chooses to visit with his friends rather than come with me to see my family.  That which I have forsaken for him.  This is the reason that I think I will leave him should he return to health.
Réponse de NatR
05 août 2012, 13 h 33

Dear Bizzy,

At first when I started reading your letter I had no idea where your thoughts were going.  First of all I want to are not crazy.
I have been in similar situation in life ...not as serious as your partners facing death, but in relationships where I recognized the same feelings you are discussing.

There is no judgment here...there is only a deep feeling of sadness for you that you have poured out all your energy and given up so much for your partner.

The possible good news for his recovery and a different diagnosis...must have come as a complete shock to you - and have to refocus and make new decisions.

Frankly I am concerned that your partner doesnt face the symptoms that make him a hazard to those around him..especially the falling asleep..while driving??
Listen my dear...dont get into a car with him if he wants to drive.  If you are witnessing such behaviour from him - then you must speak with his doctor about it, OR you must tell someone who can stop him from either killing himself or others.  I cannot imagine what would happen if you were both in an accident because he fell asleep at the wheel. I cannot imagine others possibly being affected by this situation...possible innocent victims.

I can tell you that I was in a relationship for several years where my partner became dizzy out of the blue.  He insisted on driving, he insisted that I was the nutcase that there was nothing wrong with him.  It hurt me to the core - as I know it hurts you to the core to be ignored, to be told you are making a big deal out of nothing.

I will add another note after this...I dont want to lose my writing so far.
Please Bizzy...thanks for being honest, and its time for you to re think your situation and do what is right for you...when you finally get the word on his situation.
If it is not reciprocated...then you are pouring out your energy on someone who is not returning it to you.

I also left the partner who told me I was insane.
A year turned out that he was sick with stage 4 cancer - and had become very ill the week after I left and his life was changed by the illness.
I thanked my lucky stars that I left when I finally could give no more and had come to the decision to walk away.

I just share this because I want you to know...others go through situations that are comparable...and despite your guilt at leaving...I also felt terrible guilt. When I heard about his cancer it validated my observations and my feelings...AND it made me feel terrible that it appears I left someone who was very sick...and could die.

But...the last few weeks and months were not good for me, for us as a couple...and I had to do what I did.  If I had stayed..and had to care for him...I would not have been happy, neither would he.  We were no longer the same couple that had started out together a few years before.  It would have been agony for us both.  I did the right thing at the time, with what I knew.

I hope that sharing my personal experience makes you feel a bit better. 
Trust your gut instincts...and I know you are indeed a caring person, and that this is not shared lightly.
Best wishes,
Réponse de NatR
05 août 2012, 13 h 49

Dear Bizzy,

Your story touched my heart -

I just wanted to say that when you have done everything you can and yet it is not enough...sometimes you have to make decisions that are not popular...yet they are what you need to do.

When you do decide what the right thing is....I know you will feel peace.
I have found that sometimes following your heart is the best thing to do.
You certainly have followed your heart, you have given til you are exhausted.
You will soon have to make other decisions about your life, your relationship.

It is possible for you to remain a support to your partner but not give every minute of every day to him.  Does that make sense?  I hope so.

Remember that it is your life.  That your decisions about your life are yours.  No one else can walk in your shoes.

I hope that you continue to find support here as you struggle with your path.  I sincerely wish you peace and comfort.

best wishes,
Réponse de Tian
05 août 2012, 13 h 52

Dear Bizzy

You have every right to feel enormously frustrated and angry. But those aren't the best circumstances to make life-changing decisions particularly when what kind of life that will be is balanced on a razor's edge. But keep in mind that whatever disease has been afflicting your partner has most likely affected his thought process. His father and others have probably been displaying their true character but would your partner have acted the same if he was in good health? Your partner's diagnosis can't come soon enough because you are torturing yourself with all the thoughts that are running through your mind. If some of those thoughts are dark I think that proves you're not a robot. I know it's a lot easier said than done but try to wait for the diagnosis and then deal with the consequences. But however the situation resolves itself you have nothing to feel guilty about. I can't imagine all the stress you're under


Réponse de Cath1
05 août 2012, 16 h 02

Dear Bizzy:

Your feelings of anger and resentment are complex and it is so good that first you are able to honestly acknowledge your darker side – we all have one – and second that you are allowing yourself to express these feelings candidly and courageously – to yourself, which I believe is most important and demonstrates deep insight – and to go a big step further and risk sharing your vulnerability here with us. I hope you feel completely safe to tell us how you feel – how you really feel – as the complications of your situation overwhelm you at times.

How many of us choose to suppress unsettling feelings that make us feel uncomfortable simply for the fact that we are frightened by them? Many people indeed find it impossible to own their troubling emotions and that avoidance can lead to these feelings becoming even more powerful and disturbing. When allowed to fester without expression anger and resentment can build and under intense pressure they are bound to burst forth and often at the most inopportune times and in a way that we often regret later.

To me, your anger and resentment is quite comprehensible and in the circumstances you describe, quite inevitable. Your character and your kindness are not suddenly questionable because you struggle with the dark side of yourself. Your partner has a dark side too as you well know, and he deserves understanding and compassion as well. We all struggle with feelings of fury when taken and placed without choice into hurtful and severely challenging situations in life. We need to talk about anger and resentment openly, as you have done, to find a way to expel the feelings so that we will regain a more positive perspective. Anger when turned inward can manifest into guilt and shame and we must try to resist such a temptation as it can prove destructive.

You have been searching so long for ways to cope, to actively make a difference in your partner’s health and his life, and with your every extraordinary effort you are met with frustration, indifference, lack of appreciation, impatience, denial, changing information or more complications. My goodness, you definitely do need a break to find your way back to your lighter side, but whether or not you decide to eventually break-up with your partner, I am hoping that life will soon prove kinder and allow you some much deserved breathing room so you will have some space to make important decisions in a place of peace.

You are still you, Bizzy – no matter how you are feeling, you are still light and dark and every shade in-between and you are remarkably resilient! Your light cannot be dimmed as I and others still see it shine through even when you are angry and confused and suffering. You are a light in this world! You care deeply, feel deeply and think deeply and to me these qualities show that your light will always shine on... Your light in the midst of your darkness is profoundly moving.

When you describe yourself as being perceived as the “problem child” in your situation with your partner, I think in many a family there is made a convenient target or scapegoat as the focus of all the family members’ issues. This type of deflection allows others to protect themselves from self-examination, to remain safe and shielded by denial or to unfairly place blame on the person who is willing to risk challenging things, and by doing so they avoid having to accept responsibility for their part in the family dynamics. It’s not your fault!

I understand how betrayed and bewildered you feel by your partner and his family’s response to your legitimate feelings and your expression of them. You have a lot to consider as the news keeps changing with respect to your partner’s health and his future which inescapably impacts you and yours, but I agree with Tian and hope you will agree that now is not the best time to make momentous decisions. Please keep yourself and your future uppermost in your mind along with your consideration for your partner and his future when making decisions about what you will do next. Trust yourself, Bizzy. You will find your answers within you.

With affection –hugs-xo

PS   One last thing, NatR’s posts to you have within them empathy and wisdom beyond my reach. I hope you will be able to follow her practical advice about your partner’s driving. That’s really a non-negotiable issue and he needs to know it.
Réponse de Bizzy
14 août 2012, 8 h 04

Thank goodness for professional counsellors who get to the core of a complex issue.  I realize that for my partner and I to get through this we were unable to work on our relationship.  As a result, our relationship in the traditional sense is a trainwreck. I  let go of standards, expectations and behaviours that I require  in a relationship and it was the right thing to do. 
My partner is dying. At this time, it is all about him, as it should be. His desires, his friends, his family, his wants and needs.  It all makes so much sense now. When I looked at how we relate through the eyes of a normal relationship I seen there was a mess that I didn't know how I was ever going to clean up.  When I look at this through the eyes of his dying I see that I have done well...very, very well.  
I don't need to put pressure on us to develop our relationship...its incredibly unrealistc...I don't need to put pressure on myself to figure out what the next steps of my life must be...I must treat this situation with the utmost gentleness and with careful slow steps.

As it is, he has deteriorated this last week despite the possibility that his lungs weren't full of cancer but maybe just maybe it was a fungal infection. Its been a confusing week as I was expecting him to get better and instead he was getting worse.  As I write, he is in hospital fighting to breathe, fighting to sleep. The change was subtle and then dramatically sudden. Everything has flipped upside down.  I feel again lilke I am in a dream.  Its all so unreal. It just can't be happening. I feel so sick inside and afraid as I see the limits of what medicine can offer and the unbelievable reality of grave illness.

I've processed and resolved so many intense feelings and complex thoughts these last few months with the help of the supports our society has in place, including this website.  I never once throught it possible that  I could be at this place where I am now ready to psychologically face this. I hope I've done enough work that it will hold as my beloved and I go through the eye of the needle.

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