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Réponse de Carriek
10 juil. 2012, 2 h 30

Oh Pooka,
I have back on here daily looking to see if you replied... Im so glad that you did. Im lonely, afraid, scared and really need someone that is going through the same thing.
 I hope that you will find at least 5 minutes in your day every day where we can share our fears and thoughts. Please try Pooka
  I know exactly what you are going through.... the incontinence is something that has just started in the past week, the inability to stand walk, feed himself, the lack of strength, confusion... My heart aches for his loss of dignity, for the fear he must be harbouring alone.
He too has gone downhill, then bounces back.. he is a fighter as well. He is 47 yrs old and far too young to be suffering.
Palliative care is coming in the morning to convince him to return to hospital. His wishes are to die in hospital, and they feel the time is drawing close. 
I am trying to prepare myself and my daughters for his end of life, but can one ever truly be prepared? When you love someone so much.   
please stay close Pooka-- lets lean on each other-- Im here for you, and Im sure you will be for me too.
talk soon   

10 juil. 2012, 2 h 44

CarrieK did you also see Pooka's other message to you here: CarrieK-for u
Réponse de Carriek
11 juil. 2012, 2 h 45

Thank you moderator-- as I would not have noticed Pooka's message if you had not attached this link.
Pooka I did reply on the other page.. Im hoping that you have a few minutes to read it,, For some reason Im not finding other messages.. I only usually come to this page.. maybe if we choose one to stay on-- as  I would really like to stay in contact with you-- its something that I think we could both use,
my husband returned to hospital today... im beat, just got home and need to get some sleep, so I will be ready to startd another day tomorrow...
xo to all of I truly believe you are all angels in disguise-- helping me through a terribly sad and painful journey !
all of you are so kind & caring... Thanks for being there. 

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