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Réponse de Tian
19 nov. 2012, 1 h 14

You deserve a break Kathy. And when I do my volunteering in a palliative care ward I try to do what I can but I have never felt that I have done enough. 

Peace to you all. 
Réponse de ShiningStar
21 nov. 2012, 1 h 22

Dear Kathy:

I just read about what's happening with your mom, you and your family. It seems to be a hard, sad and stressful situation. I am sending you my best wishes and thoughts.
I also want to tell you that I really admire everything that you have done for her. I can tell  that you are a great daughter and I believe your mom knows this. She is lucky to have you!

You mentioned before that she is tired and exhauted and  that your siblings wanted her to be around for christmas. Then you mentioned that your siblings had accepted that she's going to die soon. I am glad this happened. This is the opportunity to tell her everything you need to say, be with her, tell her how much you love her and how much she'll be missed.  

I have seen a lot of families take advantage of this time. This is something you won't regret.

Do you have a booklet that explains how the body shuts down. These are good guides that let you identify and understand what's happening. If you do keep it handy, if you don't you can ask the nurse, doctor or volunteer to give you one.   

Please keep us posted. I'll be thinking about you.
Réponse de kath_7
21 nov. 2012, 1 h 44

Mom passed away last night at about 9:30. It was beautiful!

4 of my siblings had come during the afternoon we where sitting in the living room laughing and remembering. I looked at the Visio monster we has placed in mom's room, when I remembered that the last thing that goes is the hearing. I told them that we should be in with mom. We all went in and for several hours reminisced . We included mom in the conversations as if wishes would hear. We sang laughed and my sisters talked my daughter into singing for her Gramma. When she finished we where all crying and my brother whoe was holding my Mom' s hand says that she squeezed his hand as Laura sang.  My daughter just finished the first 6 months of in patient treatment for anorexia. Ther ear her sing again was incredible. In fact she is singing at the funeral It is her gift mom. 

They all left to go home and I sat back on the chair beside Mom and fell asleep. When I woke up a half an hour later, she had passed.

God works in mysterious ways because my biggest fear was that would not be with her when she passed.

It could not have been a more special passing or memory for all,of us.
Thank you for your support and kind words!

Réponse de ShiningStar
21 nov. 2012, 1 h 56

Thanks for Sharing Kathy.

Even though losing someone we love is always filled with sadness, I am so happy for you and your famiy, you were truly blessed with having such a special last  moment  with your mom, I am sure she went in peace knowing that you all loved her so much.

I am sendiong you my best thoughts and wishes. I know the funeral will be very special especially because your daughter will sing..what a gift!

If you need to talk in the future please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here for you.


21 nov. 2012, 1 h 56

Dear Kathy,

Thank you, thank you for sharing the incredibly beautiful last moments that you had with your mother and your family. This is what I would wish for. You will cherish these moments now and forever.

And yes, as ShiningStar says we are always here should you need to talk.
Réponse de NatR
21 nov. 2012, 2 h 05

Dear Kathy,

thank you for taking the time to let us know about your mom
She was so fortunate to have you all surrounding her - and it sounds like it was meant to be, each one getting something from the closeness that you shared.
my thoughts are with you tonite
best wishes

Réponse de Tian
21 nov. 2012, 3 h 11

Dear Kathy

My sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. You took fantastic care of her which reached its pinnacle in her final moments. Congratulations on really doing enough. It would be great that as you grieve for your mother the final moments will always come to the fore but if that doesn't always happen you can still come here for support.

Réponse de marstin
23 nov. 2012, 1 h 56

Hi Kathy,

My sympathies to you. You sound like you were an amazing daughter and I'm sure your mom was so proud of you I lost my mom in September in much the same way although she was in hospital at the time. In the last week of her life my daughters, niece and I spent most of our time with her. We laughed, we cried, ( we had also just lost my husband 7 weeks before to bladder cancer) we talked about old memories. Although mom slept through much of it, I know that she was listening. On her final day my brother and I were both by her side. It was a peaceful passing. As you begin this journey of gireving please know that you are surrounded by love.

Réponse de ShiningStar
15 févr. 2013, 2 h 56

Hi Kathy!

How are you?

I just realized it's been almost three months since your mom died. How have things been?
How is your family doing? Are you accesing any kind of bereavement support? Is this something you have considered?

Grief is a journey with its ups and downs and some days can be harder than otheres.
You know we are here for you. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any kind of support OK?

Sending you my warmest thoughts,


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