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Réponse de mzmojo
07 avr. 2015, 20 h 34

Hi Katherine,  sorry it has taken me so long to get back.  I am still having a very difficult time losing my mom.  It was 2 years this past Christmas and to be honest, the days are no easier for me.  I finally started going through some of her things at my parents house and that lasted about 1 day.  I haven't done it since.  I'm still in a spot where I just can not bring myself to accept that she is truly gone.  I have never in my life felt such pain.  There is a steady ache in my chest that has never gone away.  We were so very very close and I feel like I am now missing this huge part of me.  We spoke everyday and sometimes more than once a day.  My parents would come over often to visit my daughter who is now only 3.  She was 19 months old when my mom passed away.  I find it very hard because she is my parents only grandchild and my mom wanted nothing more than to be a grandma.  I get upset/angry when people speak to me of "god" because i have no idea why any god would hurt us so deeply.  My mom did not want to leave my daughter.  My family holidays are hard as well.  I do all the big celebrations for my daughter and my dad and brothers but when we are all together I find it upsetting because I know there is someone missing.  The anniversary of my mom's passing is December 21st.  It is a difficult day but so is her birthday and mother's day.  This all makes no sense to me whatsoever.  I was on anti-depressants, but took myself off of them because i found they weren't really making a difference to me.  I still occasionally go to hospice for group meetings too.  

I have had to learn to put on the fake happy face for everyone because I am supposed to be coping better by now apparently.  When asked how i am, I say fine.  Inside I am screaming horrible.  I still cry when I'm alone and I still have difficult time talking about my mom without tears filling my eyes...

Never thinking this pain will ease :'(

Réponse de NatR
08 avr. 2015, 3 h 10

Hi Lori,

i am not sure what I can say to make this all easier.  It is an individual process - grief, loss.
 I do worry that you are still struggling so much - and I do hope you can find a way to handle the sadness.

i want to suggest that you try speaking to your Dr. and try a different medication.   Personally I have tried 2 or 3 meds before finding the one that helped me cope. 

I know holidays and special dates like birthdays and Mother's Day - bring it all home.  Personally this month, April, is the month of my moms birthday.  She passed away a month after her 89th birthday.

i still struggle with the guilt of not being near her ( she lived in Alberta, I lived in Ontario)
as a caregiver, and retired support worker in long term just upset me no end - that I couldn't  be there for her. 

The last time I was with her was a year before she passed away.  Tears rolled down her cheeks although she couldn't talk.  She knew I was leaving her to go home to my obligations and there was no way around it.

i always feel I let her down.  There is no way to wipe that from my mind.
So in some ways, I do understand a little - I get it.

i just wanted to let you know you aren't alone.
i do hope it helps

take life one day at a time and try not to feel guilt for still being here while she is gone. it occurs to me that somehow we do carry guilt around...why them, why not me?  
Life plays out, we have our path, and I know your mom would want you to find a bit of peace, some place of rest For yourself.

i hope that something I said will help you feel a tiny bit better.
sending you my thoughts,
Réponse de KathCull_admin
29 mars 2016, 16 h 44

Hello everyone,
It's been almost a year now since we spoke on this thread. A member, debbie123 started the thread My mom has stage 4 cancer   Her mom and beloved dog died within hours of each other. 

If you are able, would you consider responding to her post?

Thanks to you all.
Réponse de NatR
01 avr. 2016, 11 h 51

Hi Lori,

how are you coping? Have you been able to find some community support to support you?
as Katherine said  - drop us a line to let us know how things are going for you.

loss and grief certainly become a part of all our is part of loving someone.
please reach out if you are feeling alone.
sending best wishes,
NatR 💐 

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