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Réponse de debbied2007
15 nov. 2013, 6 h 17

I love your postings. They always bring a smile tiny face. Cheers bud. Deb
Réponse de debbied2007
15 nov. 2013, 16 h 25

Hi Tracie,


I’m so happy that you are finally going to have a bit of a financial relief!  I cannot believe how long this has taken for you.  But at least you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel…still a long ways off, but I’m sure you can see it! 


I still can’t believe how your girls talk to you!  One day they will realize how much you have done for them and realize how bad their attitude was and is.  I know I did with my mom.  I think I was about 32 when I realized how much my mom did for our family and how much she gave up to be a stay at home mom; only to have her husband leave her after 22 years for a much older woman!  5 kids and no working skills and too proud to go on welfare!  Wow, she is my pillar of strength!  I know I got my strength and pride from her.


When we moved here in 2007, we made the decision to put our family first again; when we lived in the NWT the girls were grown up and we were very social and had various groups of friends.  So we had to put our family back together and put them first.  Because that was our decision, we didn’t make friends here in the city.  I have friends here from back home, but they are busy and live a quite a distance away.  Also, I can’t give as much as I would like to take, so I’ve decided I must do this on my own.  My own girls are going through their own difficulties so I also don’t ask them for any help.  I know I told you before, that it is very lonely, especially in the evenings.  I haven’t been able to take up my sewing again, and to exercise…hmmmm…well, I haven’t been keeping up with that either.  Usually by 9, hubby has finished watching his programs and is ready to start reading so he can fall asleep.  Whereas, I go down to the living room and start watching TV!   I usually fall asleep on the sofa; some nights he will come and get me and some nights I wake up in the middle of the night and just move to our bed. 


I know what you mean about “kick her butt out the door”; however, I will never say those words – some days I wish to say them.  But that would create such havoc on our relationship; with the chance of losing our granddaughter…like I said, I wish to say it, but when I’m so frustrated with our daughter and I’m tempted to say it, I just close my mouth, turn and walk away.  Knowing full well, that I’m doing the right thing!


We had our winter tires put on our car earlier this week – of course they found something else wrong with the vehicle so we now have an extra cost which we weren’t budgeted for.  Vehicles!!!!!! 


We will be heading to the mountains next weekend.  Our daughter has a concert to go to and we were supposed to watch our granddaughter.  Yikes; now she has to ask one of her sisters!  AND NO, they do not get along, but like your daughters, they band together when one of them is in trouble. 


I keep wanting to start my Christmas shopping; I’m not into it this year.  Our granddaughter wants to decorate 3 days before Christmas…LOL…too funny.  We usually decorate about 3 weeks before Christmas.  It’s going to be interesting this year, as she will now be able to help us and she is quite the helper.  I usually bake with her on Saturdays if she is home.  Muffins, pancakes or cookies.  I’m not too sure about Christmas dinner this year.  My mom wants to come down, but that is also around the time my daughter is due.  We shall see.  I’m going to firm up my plans this weekend and decide what I’m going to do.  If I go and see our daughter it will be shortly after Christmas I guess.  So many decisions!!!!!!!!!!


Well, your decision about getting a smaller home is best for you; which is what you need to do…think about yourself first and what your future entails! 


It’s finally Friday, and I’m so happy.  I don’t have any plans for the weekend – probably clean.  I was supposed to do that earlier this week, but I was too lazy.  I’m feeling kind of lost right now – I think I’m overwhelmed!  Also, being house bound is driving me crazy, but I really don’t like doing anything alone.  I haven’t taken myself out for dinner in a long time because I now feel guilty about going out and leaving hubby behind.  Geesh!!!!! 


It’s another gloomy gray day!  The clouds are low, so I’m not too sure if it is drizzling or fog.  It’s supposed to be cold this weekend…and snowing!  I don’t know if I told you, but we have a resident bunny in our back yard.  He/she was born there a few years ago, so our yard is its home.  It has now turned white, which is quite funny, because all our snow has melted.  So it stands out! 


Have a great weekend; sending you a great big hug, Deb

Réponse de marstin
15 nov. 2013, 19 h 07

Hi Deb,

How wonderful to wake up to a message from you. It always feels so good to know that I have someone who supports me all the way.

Yes, finally this estate business will soon be over. I have no idea what I will end up with but at least I won't have to continue to deal with the 'evil one' or my family that has abandoned me. Of course already today Revenue Canada is calling for Len. I think I will leave that alone until Monday. I'm really not ready to have to plead my case.

Wow, your poor Mom! I so understand the pride thing because that is one thing that no one has been able to take away from me. I don't think kids quite understand the sacrifices made when you become a stay at home Mom. I'm not overly educated and worked in a factory for 21 years until it shut down. That's when we decided that I should stay home with the kids. With all of my health issues and my age, I just don't know what the future is going to bring. You are right, one day my kids will realize how difficult this whole journey has been for me but until then... My oldest is extremely bonded to me and always has been. Even though we fight the hardest, she needs me the most. She phone's and texts me all day long whether she is at work or school. If she's walking home from the bus, she calls and has me talk to her as she's walking along. I've had to push her the hardest to be independant because she is the most insecure of the two. The young one must be going through something that causes her to strike out at me all of the time. Her and I think similarly about many things but lately she seems really angry and uses me to vent on. Not fun. I believe that they don't like to see the vulnerable side of me, the part that honestly says 'I don't have the answer to everything'. I'm as broken as they are and yet I have to try to be the backbone to move us forward. It's so exhausting.

My decision about our future home has been quite the turmoil in my mind. I have a deck of 'Angel Cards' that I read daily and for some reason they bring me comfort. Anyway, they keep telling me to look at the situation and see which decision brings a sense of calm and which causes chaos. I had never entertained the thought of a smaller place and yet once I did, it made sense to me and brought me some peace of mind. Our area is very pricey to live in but it has been my home for 40 years. When I look at MY future, I would still prefer to stay local. It's where I know so many people. My young one is looking in another area which although it is less expensive and close to their college, is not my idea of where I would want to be. It has steep hills and because I have issues with my legs, it would not be the best for me. I guess if I found something near there that I though would work for me then I would take it but for now I'm looking closer to home. My oldest just wants the security of having a home so she isn't as pushy as the young one. All she asks is that we don't move into something that needs to be renovated. Lol!

Those lonely nights. I wish sometimes that someone would call and say 'Hey, do you want to go out for coffee or a bite to eat'. The last time that happened was my niece calling and inviting me out for dinner with her and her new boyfriend. It was on the anniversary of the day my mom passed away and I really didn't want to spend it with a stranger. That was over 2 months ago. People don't think about how tough it is to spend most days and evenings alone and stuck in this house. Rarely do I go out in the evening as I can't see too well in the dark. Ah, if only you and I lived closer to each other, We could have dinner dates.

Well, I'm hoping that I hear from the lawyer today. I would love to be able to get started on my Christmas shopping. I have pushed those thoughts out of my mind the past while so that I didn't get stressed out over it. My oldest LOVES to shop and is an awesome gift giver and she would gladly tag along. Like her Grandma, Christmas is her favorite time of the year and she was so excited to be able to play Christmas music in her store. Crazy kid. The young one hates shopping and really hates spending money on other people. Hmmm! Selfish comes to mind. Lol!

You are so fortunate to have your granddaughter there to do things with. My 'granddaughter' is 15 and we have never really bonded. She's very different and very forceful. I guess that with the life that her mom was living, she pretty much raised herself. We would have her come in for the weekend from time to time but she wanted full on attention all of the time and it was tough to deal with. It's a really complicated situation. I know it sounds bad but it has always created stress in what was our normally calm household. Maybe as we move along in this process and my stepdaughter and I grow closer, this will all change. I hope so.

I'm looking around this crazy house of mine and wondering what to tackle next. I did something to my shoulder and can barely lift my arm without excrutiating pain so I'm not sure of what I can do. It doesn't help that I went to my doc the other day and he gave me the flu shot and the pneumonia shot in both arms. I told him about my shoulder and said that I was turning into my Mom. He chuckled thinking about her and said 'I can't get my arm up to comb my hair'. That was so my Mom. Lol! She had so much trouble with her shoulder.

Well my friend, it's time to find something to do around here instead of sitting on my butt at the computer. I hope you have a great weekend!


Réponse de debbied2007
22 nov. 2013, 14 h 34

Hi Tracie. I was responding to your last post and my computer crashed. Which really upset me because I was on a roll. We are aay for the weekend so will respond on e we are home again. I hope all is well and you have a great weekend. Hugs. Deb
Réponse de debbied2007
26 nov. 2013, 23 h 09

Hi Tracie,

I hope all is well with you!  Our weekend to the mountains went great, had a few downsides, but basically, it went pretty good.  Hubby has appointment with chemo doctors next week.  I have a job interview tomorrow...scarrrrryyyy!!!!  I don't interview well and, well, I'm not going to sweat over the small stuff.

It's kinda scary how things are so calm right now.  Mind you, last week, I was so stressed I couldn't move my head without it hurting.  Things have seem to ironed out, in the long run!  My girls are all behaving; nothing major happening around here.

I'm just at work and thought I would send you a note.  I hope everything's working out for you!  If I have a moment this evening, I will send you another post.  Our evenings are becoming busier and busier, well mine is.  I'm the one out doing errands for the both of us and shopping; cleaning; etc...etc...oh well, take care, sending you a great big hug and lots of sunshine :)  Deb
Réponse de marstin
27 nov. 2013, 0 h 48

Hi Deb,

I'm glad you had a great get away. It's always nice to take a break from the ordinary and rejuvenate.

A job interview? Are things not going well with the restructuring of your company? It gets so much harder I think as you get older to begin again but it seems to be the way of the world these days.

Well I did hear from the lawyer and now can start my shopping if my girls can figure out what kinds of things they want. At least there are just them, my stepdaughter and my granddaughter to buy for this year. My brother (blue moon syndrome) called the other day and said that he wasn't buying for my girls this year and that they needn't buy him and his wife anything. I was a little ticked with that. You'd think he would extend himself a bit for these girls knowing how tough things have been but no. How insensitive he is. He's offered to pay for the dog to get groomed instead. Of course my family (him and my niece) expect these girls to be totally grown up. I don't hear that kind of BS from my nephew and his wife, they think of them as still being girls. Oh well, my kids are fine with it but my friends and my stepdaughter are ticked off. He sighed when I said that Len's taxes were done and yes, we owe. As usual he had to take shots at him. Such a superior man he is. At least Len lived his life to the fullest and didn't waste it worrying about his health 24 hours a day. Turns out that my brother won't be out of town for Christmas after all because he doesn't feel well and no one can find anything wrong as usual. He extended an offer for us to spend Christmas with them and I quickly declined it. I'm sure he was relieved. He told me the usual 'Well it's been over a year now' garbage and said that maybe I should consider getting a job at Walmart or something so that I could meet men. After all, the girl's won't live at home forever you know. I'm glad I have a sense of humor and the angry side of me didn't jump out and tell him that maybe it was time he got his head out of his *** and thought before he spoke. I have never met anyone so out of touch with reality and has no idea what I'm going through with this house and everything.

Len's brother came over on Saturday (It's been over a year since he's been around) and was amazed at all that has been done around here. My stepdaughter showed up too so the three of us worked away in the garage. He even fixed my computer that's been broken for the past year. I think he felt pretty guilty for being out of touch and has promised to come back and do some more work. When I found out that he was coming over I told the stepdaughter and she phoned him to chat. I can only imagine what she said to him. How easy it is to turn your back on someone when your own life is 'normal'.

About a week ago I was really feeling depressed and very weepy. My phone rang and it was our old neighbor that I used to spend my time with when the girl's were young. She would bring over the pot of coffee when I'd get off work and a plate of homemade cookies.She lives in Mackenzie these days so we never see each other. Anyway, her and her 30 something son are coming to town the second week of December and she's going to stay here with me for a week. He asked what work I need done and said he's bringing his tools to see what he can do with the repairs around here. I nearly bawled my eyes out. The cavalry is coming!

Well, that was long winded. Did I wear you out? Lol!  I guess I'd better run and say hello to my oldest who just got in from school before she flies out the door again.

Hugs and happiness to you,
Réponse de debbied2007
28 nov. 2013, 20 h 36

Hi Tracy,


It was great getting away from everything and rejuvenate.  When I came into work one of my colleagues looked at me and said I looked happy and energized.  Which of course, I haven’t been feeling for a long time, but the weekend did wonders for both hubby and I! 


I applied on the position about 2 days before they moved me to my new position; because I committed to the process, I wanted to follow through and attend the interview.  It went well…as well as it could go I guess!  At least my “life” isn’t dependent on the outcome of the process! 


I really don’t know what to say about your brother, except that, I’m here for you and WOWSERS!  I don’t know what he is going through and whatever it is, I hope he can get past it; along with his insensitivity towards you and your daughters!!!  How was your dog’s grooming????  Well, it seems slowly but surely you are moving ahead in your finances and home!  I’m sure this releases some stress from you!


Things around are home is “quiet”…strangely quiet.  My oldest daughter’s relationship has fallen apart; her spouse has moved out.  My second oldest is expecting in December, so we are all a little excited about that.  My 2nd youngest, well, she’s now disowned all 3 of her sisters.  That’s going to be tough because she really depends on them for emotional support.  My youngest left her boyfriend of 2 or 3 years, yikes I don’t even know (that’s how much I thought of their relationship) and is now dating a someone else…and she is very happy.  The relationship is progressing quite quickly and they are even talking about moving in together.  She was a bit leery about telling me as she thought I would be quick to jump/judge.  I just told her I knew this was coming, based on the signs (her spending a lot of time with him).  They’ve been friends for over 3 years, so it’s not like they don’t know each other.  Hahaha, that was her statement to me.  It would be nice to have my home again.  I’m going to miss my granddaughter, the little pitter patter and constant talking heeheeheeheehee.  My youngest is going to have a rude awakening, as I do EVERYTHING for my granddaughter; I even make both their lunches in the morning.  She’s going to have to get up a little earlier and is also going to realize how good she’s had it.  Oh well, like I said, it’s going to be good to have my home back. 


I’m trying to get my mom to Edm for Christmas, but it just isn’t working.  Seats aren’t available with my points and the cost will be anywhere from $1500-2500…YIKES, who has that kind of money.  I could book a trip for hubby and me to go to Europe for that kind of chaching change!


My evenings are so busy right now.  I’ve wanted to do some visiting, but the chores are never ending.  Hubby is talking about clearing snow from our drive/walk way, so I get up early in the morning and do it.  I told him he needs to build up his strength before he can think of shovelling the snow…and there is more coming this week (sad face).


I haven’t picked up my sewing…I’m thinking I should get at least 3 of the slippers/moccasins done before Christmas.  I hope I have the energy to sew.  Well, we’ve had huge amount of snow dump on us; and then it warmed up to +1 for a few days; now it’s going to rain tonight.  I’m staying home because it will be freezing rain and the roads will be quite treacherous!  When we were driving to Banff last Thursday, we had a huge dump of snow; I think almost every 100 feet vehicles were in the ditch.  At one point we had to slow down as the vehicles in front of us were at a standstill.  Good thing we weren’t going fast, because there were vehicles behind us hitting the ditch because they were going too fast and if they didn’t hit the ditch, they would hit the vehicles in front of them!  It was a very slow and scary trip to the mountains.  The radios were saying that the tow trucks weren’t going out on the highway, as it was too dangerous for them (as they were getting into accidents too)!!!!!!!  However, on the way home was a totally different story!  Clear roads with no ice or snow!


Well, I’m hoping all is well with you!  Sending you sunshine, cause it sure isn’t here, and a great big hug.



Réponse de marstin
01 déc. 2013, 20 h 52

Hi Deb,

Yes, there's nothing like some time away to clear the mind and give you an added boost. I wish so badly that I had that option right now. I could use a few days of rest and recooperation.

I hear you about the crazy price of air fare right now. A friend of mine was trying to book seats for her daughter and grandson from Edmonton to Salmon Arm and said it was insane. She chose the far cheaper route of bussing them there for Christmas.

My step daughter and I went to our favorite psychic the other night. My Mom came in growling about the deception that has gone on with her estate. She kept saying that my brother was an ass. She said he always made bad choices in women and that this one is the worst. She's also not happy with the rest of the family. Len talked about something he was sooo excited about and then his life ended before it happened. I mentioned he passed on our wedding day and she said that made sense. He said that we were perfect for each other but not to think that I won't find another 'perfect' guy. He said he is so proud of me and wants me to just throw everything out and get out of here. He even mentioned the garage and the huge mess in it. My oldest was brought up and her rage at everything. He said to tell her to look for small birds to tell her that he is there. Funny thing is, last week I pulled into my driveway (I'm sure it was her with me) and I looked over at a tree in our yard and suddenly there was all of these little birds flying around it. I've never seen that before. I thought it meant something.

I'm sure it will be a shock to your daughter if she decides to move out. You do so much for her and your granddaughter. I know that my two would be surprised by how much work it is to run a household plus,plus,plus. Not to mention the costs. I guess learning is a big thing in life.

Your trip reminds me of years ago when I was very pregnant with my oldest. We had to go to the hospital for some tests and when we came out, the steep road to it was a sheet of ice and cars were sliding everywhere and a truck had jack knifed across the road and cars kept sliding into it. I thought I was gonna have that baby right there, I was sooo scared. Len laughed and expertly maneuvered his way around the cars and the truck and even took me up another hill to the mall to buy a pair of boots. A week later I gave birth. Lol!

My youngest ran into my niece at the gym the other night and was saying how thin she has gotten. I remarked that I wouldn't know and was scolded for not being happy for her. I said that I have never really noticed her weight , just her. From what she says on facebook about her hair falling out, I would guess that she's doing something wrong in her quest to be skinny.

My nephew's wife has been in touch and wants us to come over on New Years Day for a get together as they will be out of town for Christmas. I laughed and said maybe we would have to find another date because if I know my girl's they won't be in shape to go anywhere that day. I am so glad that they want to keep us close.

Ha!Ha! I have yet to take our dog in to get groomed. Pretty silly isn't it.

Well, the skies are blue today but the forecast is calling for some snow in the morning and then frigid temperatures the rest of the week. I've got my snow tires on but won't be going far if it gets too bad. Such a chicken I am.

Well, gotta run and pick up my young one from skytrain. Wishing you love and laughter and sunshine.

Réponse de debbied2007
06 déc. 2013, 19 h 53

Hi Tracie,

Well, it's been one heck of a week...I'm sorry for not responding sooner, but it's been, once again, an emotional rollercoaster!  Once you think everything is going fine, the doctor's hit you with some news you weren't expecting!  And that quiet time my family was having, well, it's completely blown up and I don't know how to fix it, or if I even want to fix it!

On a good note, my mom will be down to visit over the holidays.  She arrives the 23rd and leaves 31st to visit our family in Yellowknife for about 4 days.  She wants to meet her brand new great grandbaby before heading home to the far north!

Hubby had his oncologist appointment this week.  It wasn't what I expected, so I was emotionally a total mess.  I couldn't function for a few days and had to take time off of work.  He has to chose 1 of 3 options on which "poison" he wants to take (chemotherapy).  He will be on chemo for 4 1/2 LONG months.  He is NOT happy about that...but says as long as they keep giving him something to fight the battle with, he'll take it.  The chemotherapy increases his chance by 15-20% of finding a cure.  I didn't know the numbers were so low.  Also, I didn't know it was a stage 4 cancer, I just learned that on Tuesday.  If I had known all along, I don't know what I would have done.  So, when we left the cancer institute on Tuesday, I was bawling my eyes out.  To me the %'s were too low; and the new information devastated me.  I couldn't talk about it until Wednesday night, when I finally asked him to explain everything to me, as I was a bit stronger to hear what he had to say.  Oh MAN Tracie, this rollercoaster of a ride we are on just keeps throwing us curve balls.  We talked about how we are both coping and how we are feeling.  He kept asking if I was ok, and by Wednesday, I said, I'm ok, a little at a time.  I cried for 2 whole days.  But, he is positive and says he will continue the fight in a positive manner.  He makes me so proud to be married to the pillar of strength.  I can't believe he still has to pick me up and mold me back together everytime we hear news we weren't expecting!

Onto the FAMDAM situation.  Well, as I told you earlier, my youngest broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years (I confirmed the years with her); and is now dating a fella who she has been friends with for 4 years.  They are moving in together this weekend; we've had our granddaughter all of this week; which has been such a pleasure to have her without mom around.  Anyway, they are moving out this weekend.  The EX boyfriend, called up my 2nd youngest and told her my youngest slept with her husband Surprised and has created such animosity between the 2 sisters.  My 2nd youngest is out for blood now, not realizing what my youngest Ex is actually doing.  This has unfortunately, affected me, as my 2nd youngest has now disowned me.  Why you ask?????  Because I am the mother of my youngest!!!  This has created such turmoil in our family.  I mentioned earlier she is not talking with her 3 sisters.  Well, she's speaking with my 2nd oldest but disowned the other two and me.  She's been posting quite nasty stuff on FB and I know this is going to bite her in the behind one day!  Anyway, such drama in my life and I'm not even creating the drama, sheesh!  Girls!!!!!!!!!!

After that horrible posting, how are you?  I hope things are looking up for you?!  I'm glad your psychic experience was a positive one; especially when our loved ones send us signs they are visiting and looking after us as much as they can. 

I'm not too sure if Van is in the same cold spell as Edm, but it's reeeeeallllyyy cold here.  -36 today (with windchill factor).  And it isn't going to warm up anytime soon. 

Take care my dear friend; here's to hoping your angels are looking over you and your family!  Did you get any Christmas shopping done?  I managed to get 3 of my 6 grandbabies gifts...but I'm now in a dilemma as my daughter how has 3 of my grandbabies has disowned me.  I think I will just show up on Christmas day at her house and give my grandbabies their gifts and get some kisses from them.  Heck with it, she can throw me out if she wants to!  Take care, hugs, Deb
Réponse de NatR
06 déc. 2013, 22 h 55

Hi Deb,
i know you are responding to Tracie who has such a great way of connecting with long distance friends here on the forum,  but I just had to respond to your note today!

i am so sorry to hear the details of your husbands prognosis!  My goodness what a shock for you, and I send you my thoughts as you continue to deal with treatments - the positive part is that your hubby is in fighting mode - a good thing!

on the home front I want to say that almost everyone I know is dealing with some soap opera in their lives - me included!  Timing is lousy - you don't need more stress. Sending hugs 

anyway I just wanted to say I am thinking of you and sending my best wishes your way!
keep on taking one day at a time as that is all we can do.


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