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Réponse de marstin
27 mars 2013, 6 h 25

Hi NiteLad,

It sounds like you had a pretty rough day. It must have been pretty frightening for you and even worse for your mom. I've suffered in the past from anxiety and panic attacks and they truly do feel like you're having a heart attack. I'm so glad that she is alright. None of you need any more stress right now.

It's good to know that you have no plans of leaving your mom's right now. I think you all need each other for support, even your sister. When you talk about your sister, it makes me think about the relationship that I have with my brother and I swear sometimes he's an alien. We think so differently and it's very hard to find common ground. It's taken me months to just let go of my anger and disappointment in him and some of his actions but in doing so it also releases me from feeling so drained and on edge all of the time. I hope that in time that you find the same with your sister.

The early months in grief are so very difficult. It does get a bit better as time goes on but it's never a steady progression as you will find. Just know that you have a circle of friends on here that understand how difficult it is and that we will support you along the way.

I hope that by the time this reaches you that you are sound asleep and that you wake in the morning having had a deep and healing sleep.

Réponse de Plum1
28 mars 2013, 15 h 03

Dear Nitelad,

It sounds as though you are being reminded that the story never ends. Each day brings its particular challenges - and its gifts.  I am very sorry to hear of the scare around your Mom's health. It must have felt that this was too much after all that you have lived through. And the waiting in the ER is always exhaussting, especially when you are scared and needing to have information and reassurance. What a relief to learn, finally, that your Mom's condition was not as serious as it could have been. The pain - and then, the gift! How mysterious life is!

You are following the wisdom that it is right for you to stay with your mother just now, even though your work takes you away for a good part of the day. Your presence in the basement must be a comfort to your mother just now. And probably it is also a comfort to your sister to know you are that close. How fortunate you all are that life allows you to live in such great vicinity to each other at a time when you need this. I hope it can permit you to grow closer emotionally even with all your differences.

The added benefit of your being able to save some money just now is also a gift. Feeling a bit more secure financially is so important to your emotional and mental health - and that then allows you to be more present to your mother as she journeys through the grieving process. So important to keep taking care of yourself in every dimension of your life, and in all the little ways you can recognize as needed.

Nitelad, I admire your courage, and trust in the process of taking one day at a time. You can only do what is possible for you. Be gentle with your feelings, and that will help you to be gentle with the feelings and actions of your mother and sister. No doubt your father is present in a new way, helping all of you to come to healing and peace a litlle bit at a time.

Do stay in touch. How has this day been?
I am with you always in heart and prayer.
01 avr. 2013, 20 h 09

Dear NiteLad,

Today a new member, Yankeegirl79, joined our Virtual Hospice community. Her father is ill and depressed. He is dealing with his situation by lashing out at those who care for him. Ring a bell?

While everyone's situation is different, I'm hoping that you might be able to offering a virtual ear and hand to Yankeegirl and let her know she's not alone. You can find her message by clicking on this link:
Thanks in advance.
Réponse de NiteLad
12 avr. 2013, 23 h 16

Hello Friends...

I am still hanging in there.  Barely.  Things have been incredibly busy at work, with boatloads of stress, so that has kept me pretty distracted.  I have been trying to work as much as I can as I can't afford to miss any more shifts.  But that has been very hard lately as I have been experiencing extreme back pain.  I don't know if anyone reading this has ever experienced sciatic pain, but it can be absolutely excrutiating.  I have a very physical job, so trying to switch to "light duties" is really not possible.  Things have gotten so bad in the last few weeks that I am being sent for an urgent CAT scan this evening at the hospital to try and sort out what is causing the pain.

I have been getting through my shifts on will power and serious pain medication, but my employers are now asking if I can do the job I was hired for.  As you can imagine, this is yet even more stress that I don't really need right now.  When I told my supervisor I had to leave work in order to attend the CAT scan appointment, he immediately asked if I would be able to return to work afterwards and work overtime if needed to finish my tasks.  Really????  I am losing sensation in my lower leg and foot, and he is worried about the work getting done.  

This is on top of my Dad passing away last month.  I am not feeling very supported at the moment, and worry about losing my job.  Being chronically short staffed and under pressure from the higher up's to get the job done at any cost is not helping.  I am seriously looking at having to take short term disability.  And worrying how I will cope financially.  And not wanting to add another burder to my Mom as far as worrying about another member of the family.  But what can you do?  It just seems like one thing after another.  But, thank heavens I live with my Mom and don't have to worry about getting evicted if I miss a rent payment.  Small mercies....

A day at a time......

Réponse de marstin
13 avr. 2013, 16 h 03

Hi NiteLad,

So much stress for you. I suffer from moderate scoliosis and can totally sympathize with the pain you are feeling physically. Life can be so cruel sometimes and it seems that when you are struggling with one mountain to climb, you get caught in a landslide of boulders coming at you from every direction. I have yet to understand why this happens but I can say that with it comes a strength that you never knew existed due to necessity.

I guess all that I can say is to savor the little things that come to you, like the fact that you don't have to worry about where you're going to live if you can't do this job anymore. I understand the fear of not being financially stable. When my husband passed away he left me in quite a horrible financial mess. Right now I'm panicking because my mortgage is up and I have to get my house sold asap and figure out how to support my daughters and myself since the bank owns most of it. So often with the passing of a loved one comes financial instability yet so seldom is it talked about. Part of your back pain could be caused by your body going through the grieving process. Our bodies sometimes take  the mental pain and turn it into physical pain. Your boss sounds very insensitive to what you have been going through. Is there any other type of job that you could find that would be less stressful on your body? Could you possibly go on short term disability and scout around for something a little less physical?

I have found that the support that this forum offers is such a blessing. I don't think that I could face half of what has come my way without the wonderful people on here propping me up when I don't think I can take another step. I hope you continue to share your load with us.

Hugs to you,
Réponse de Plum1
13 avr. 2013, 23 h 50

Dear Nitelad,

It is good to hear from you again, but I am so sorry about the tremendous stress you are experiencing at work along with such great back pain. I am grateful that I have not had sciatic pain, but I know others very well who have suffered from it. This kind of inflamation can flare up at times of increased stress. And stress is most definitely the name of your life just now.  It seems that being very gentle with you back as well as knowing some key exercises to do are the route to healing. Healing can take quite awhile.  Perhaps it will be necessary to take short-term disability.  Work seems to be all about production at al costs, as you say, with no room for compassion.  Not a healthy environment at any time, but especialy when you are vulnerable. Your body may be telling you to take a break to give you time to heal emotionally as well as physically. And it may give you space in which to look at what will be best for you in the future.

Yes, it is a blessing that you are now living with your mother. It is understandable that you do not wish to give her more to worry about, but all your lives are going to be fragile for some time. And all of your family can learn so much from what you are saying - "one day at a time".  Perhaps, if you open to the possibility, your father may offer you strength from his new space of freedom. Perhaps that is what Marstin is referring to when she speaks of strength which she never knew existed. 

Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you and your family. Listen to your body's wisdom, and be gentle with yourself.


24 avr. 2013, 15 h 42

Hi NiteLad,

How are things with your back pain? Have they discovered the cause?
I've been thinking about you and hope you can take a minute to update us (if you are able of course). Perhaps your back pain prevents you from be able to write.

We're thinking of you.
Réponse de NiteLad
26 avr. 2013, 3 h 52

Hello Friends,

I am managing OK under the circumstances.  2013 has really sucked so far, and it is only April!  My Aunt died at the end of January, a close friend of may parents died in February, and my Dad died on March 4.  The dog of a close friend of the family died 3 weeks ago.  And now I am on medical disability leave from work because of my back.  Yay!  NOT  But you know what?  After surviving  all that, I wasn't overly upset or worried about taking time off work.  I guess I have learned that a) I can't do much about it, and b) I'll get through it somehow.  And maybe also c) tomorrow is going to come no matter what I do.  :-)  So maybe I have learned some peace in the process?

I had an urgent CT scan about 2 weeks ago because of the pain I was in, and it turns out that I have two issues combining to make things just extra fun!  I have severe facet arthritis as well as 2 bulging disks in my lumbar spine.  If that sounds painful, it sure is.  I will be off work until at least the end of May, and perhaps longer depending on how I heal and what the orthopedic surgeon says.  But I am still waiting to see him - you know how our medical system works.  I have almost finished my second week of ordered "do nothing"-ness, and I am bored silly.  Depending on how things go, I will be able to start some careful mild activity next week.  I am still at the can't sit/stand/walk for more than about 20 minutes before I have to lay on the floor for a bit from the pain.  So work is really not an option at the moment, whether I like to admit it or not.

I am so very thankful and full of gratitude for the situation I now find myself in, and I don't think I would be doing so well if things were different.  As you know, I live in the basement of my parent's house, so I don't have the stress of getting evicted if I miss paying rent.  Plus, Mom has already said that she will front me some money until my insurance benefits come in, which may take at least a month, so I don't have to worry about starving or paying my bills.  There is the added benefit of getting away from the fools at work for a while as well.   And of course still working through all of my feelings after the death of my Dad.

Even though my sister and I frequently agree to disagree, the family has really become closer since my Dad passed away, and we are supporting each other.  Of course it helps that we live only 3 doors apart, and see each other almost every day  :-)  I worry about my Mom, especially now that Dad has died and I am more aware of her "slowing down" with normal aging, so I am very thankful that I am living with her and can "keep an eye" on things.  My sister is also a single Mom, so I am also glad I am close for my nephew.  I also think it is good for Mom to be able to see her kids and grandson as much as she wants.  We have split the week up so that I cook 2 nights for the whole family, my sister does 2, my Mom does 2, and the 7th day we fend for ourselves.  It has really taken the stress off us all as far as coming up with meals goes, and I think Mom has been enjoying a break from being a "housewife".  I have even joked with her about the fact that she is coming home later in the evenings from doing her hobbies, and that she almost misses her "curfew".  She just got back from a short overnight trip to see one of her old high school chums..... something she has not done for YEARS.  It is so nice to see Mom not chained to the house like she was for many years with Dad.

For today.... things are OK.  Not great or fun, but I am feeling less "crisis-y" about things that are happening.  Feeling that I don't have a lot of control over what is going on, but better able to deal with things as they happen.

Hope that makes sense.  Peace to you all,

Réponse de marstin
26 avr. 2013, 5 h 31

Hi NiteLad,

It's good to hear that you are all slowly adjusting to the new normal. I remember how my mom was when my dad first passed away and how liberated she felt in many ways. Still though when night fell and she was all on her own, the loneliness rolled in. As fortunate as you are to have a place to live for the time being, I'm sure that your mom is happy to not have to face an empty home. I love that the three of you are taking turns cooking meals and that way it ensures that everyone is eating properly and you can all lean on each other.

Your back sounds terribly painful. Hopefully they have you on some sort of medication that keeps the pain manageable. Yes, waiting for specialists is always a long drawn out thing. It's good that you don't have to deal with those insensitive bosses for awhile.

At least for now you can focus on healing both physically and mentally without added pressure. Somehow I think it was meant to be this way.

Réponse de NiteLad
12 mai 2013, 17 h 47

Hello friends,

I hope you are all hanging in there.  I am doing my best.  I am thinking of you all, as it seems we all have our share of ups and downs, and trying to take strength from your posts and stories.

I'm scared to death.  We took Mom to the hospital again yesterday.  She has been having lots of tests over the last few weeks as she has been having chest and carotid pain.  But all the tests have come back saying nothing is wrong.  Our family doctor has been saying it is just stress and anxiety, but Mom has been getting better, not worse.  But  this time the verdict is that she has pneumonia.  She has not left her bed since she got home from the hospital yesterday and I have never seen her so sick.

I am still off work .... but at the moment that is a very good thing because my Mom can't be home alone.  I am still dealing with my Dad passing away March 4, and now I am scared to death that my Mom is so ill.  Like others have said, does it ever stop?

Anyway..... that's where I am today. 


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