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Réponse de lilbear
23 mars 2013, 18 h 32

I am so glad to have this forum and it's great to know I can come on to vent 24 hours a day.  
My Mom started clonazepam on Thursday night to try to get her to calm down.  She is prescribed .5mg up to 3 times a day as required.  We started with the full 3x a day.  She seems a little too relaxed!   I am going to cut her back to 2 times a day and hope for better balance.  I am not a doctor...hard to regulate this on my own.  I don't want her overly anxious but I don't think her being right out of it is good either.  She just keeps asking me when/if she's going to get better.  I wish she was better.  My Dad is dying, my brother is not reliable and my Mom is not in good mental shape....I have realized that I have no family to turn to.  My husband is great...but you know what I mean?!  It's lonely feeling. 
Do you think my Mom will improve when my dad is at peace?   
Réponse de marstin
23 mars 2013, 19 h 54

Hi lilbear,

I have been reading all that you have written and so much of it resonates with me. Although it was not both of my parents at the same time, it was my husband dying of cancer and my mom who was very dependant on me showing signs similar to your Mom. I'm quite sure that the stress that my Mom watched me go through with my husband, caused her to have a stroke although it was never identified as that. I knew that she wasn't quite right but just didn't have the time or energy to try to get to the bottom of it.

Like you I have a brother that rarely came around and felt the need to take luxury vacations while I dealt with everything. For myself the walls tumbled down when my husband passed away on the day that we were to be legally married and my Mom passed 7 1/2 weeks later due to heart and kidney failure.

Your aloneness I understand. I have had to learn to do everything by myself since I never really had a social life outside of the family. Any friends that I do have live at a distance. I have my two daughters but I can't lean on them since they are going through the same pain as I am and are just in their early 20's and are dependant on me to stay strong. Finding this forum has been a lifesaver for me. The people here offer so much comfort and support and I can say that it has helped keep me moving forward in the past 8 months as I struggle with having to sell my home and relocate us somewhere.

You are doing so well while you're doing this juggling act. I hope that at least you can find a bit of time to do some self care. It's so important with all of this stress to take care of yourself. Difficult I know, but necessary. Your parents are so fortunate to have you looking after them. Your brother will be the one to bear the guilt over not finding time to help, it will be his loss.

I hope you continue to share on here and know that there are many understanding shoulders here to cry on.

Réponse de Tian
23 mars 2013, 23 h 45

Dear Lilbear

Your mother may improve once your father is at peace because he is at peace but then again she may not because her life partner will be gone. No one knows. But what you do know is that she needs help now. Your instincts seem to be right to me but I am also not a physician. From what you've said it appears that your mother has a great doctor and you shouldn't hesitate to seek guidance from them or be referred to a specialist if required.

However I would caution you not to minimize your husband's help. Of course you feel like a crushing burden has landed full force on YOUR shoulders but can you imagine what it would be like if he wasn't there for you. in the midst of all the turmoil don't lose sight of the positives in your life. As it is I think you are functioning remarkably well under the circumstances.

Réponse de Plum1
24 mars 2013, 1 h 00

Dear Lilbear,

I just want you to know that I am also hearing your feelings and concerns and want to understand and support you as much as I can. The others have said all that i would express. You are a tremendous daughter, caregiver, and human being! This has been a very long and stressful journey for your family. You have all made such huge adjustments to handle the changing health needs of your parents. Your love for each other seems to have given you the strength up to now, and will probably continue to sustain you. However, you certainly are needing help beyond your family.

I am glad that you are in touch with the local hospice. It would be wonderful if the hospice would admit your father, or at least offer a number of extra services.

And I am glad that your mother's doctor is following her closely. It must be a great relief that the anti-anxiety meds are making a difference. I hope she will get a good deal of sleep.

And how is your sleep? Are you getting adequate rest? Do you have a doctor who is following you closely? Would you like to ask for a counselor's help? The hospice may be able to provide such help.

The issue of your brother's infrequent presence is a very familiar one. Most daughter's will share with you that somehow the bulk of care of parents falls to the daughter. It seems to be in the nature of life. My brother is very caring, and does what he can, but his time available is limited. I cannot really judge your brother, but the timing of his holiday does seem rather insensitive. I am glad you are able to express your feelings just as they are. The release may bring you some greater freedom, and energy to continue in your caring.

Please know that my thoughts and love are with you and your family at this most painful time.
Réponse de cocopham
24 mars 2013, 13 h 57

Dear Lilbear,

Reading thru all the threads, i can deeply feel your struggle with all the burdens you are bearing and thanks to all our friends in the community for suggesting different means to cope with your present situation...
I also went thru the same road with my mother (for many years) and how much i understand how you feel ; the frustrations, feeling of powerlessness, hopelessness, and most of all, feeling so lonely with all the problems to face everyday...
I admire you for doing all thisInnocent, especially taking in your parents into your family life, your home... Not everyone can do this despite their love for their parents!!!
You really need to take care of yourself first and foremost, because you are the one who can provide the care and help for everyone in your family (your parents and your own family)...As they say in the Aircraft safety instructions : put on the Oxygen mask on your mouth First, before turning yourself to help others around you!
I do hope that you could find the proper organisations in your burrough or municipality to help you out with the caring of your mother and father....You are saying there is no bed for Hospice patients, do they send someone to help you care for your father, who is in dire need of care?
In our forum, there is a page for Professional help: maybe if you can write to that page and someone will be able to suggest some practical solutions to this situation.
Our moderator also could help via some references if you can provide the location where you are living..
You really need help, as it is impossible for a human being to cope with this alone: once you can get help for both of your parents, then you would feel more confident to cope with the situation and devote some of your time to your own children...
Please continue to write, as this is crucial (like oxygen) to your continued struggle to cope and our community is all ears to listen to your frustrations, your cry for help!
You have a fighting spirit, you just need the right tools or equipments to win the battle!
My warmest prayers are going your way, as this is Sunday...the Day of the Lord,

With all our empathy,

Réponse de lilbear
25 mars 2013, 2 h 15

OMG, OMG...I had to call the ambulance this morning for my Mom.   She was so bad and out of it, I knew something was wrong.   They did a ct scan and found a mass or tumour  in her brain! Omg....what am I going to do??  I am beside myself in shock and fear.  Seriously,  both parents at once!  This is not fair!
We are in Peterborough and they are going to send her to Kingston hospital for the specialist to find out exactly what it is and how to treat it.  Lord help me.....I don't know how to do all this!
I cannot get a hold of my brother.  He is in Jamaica and his cell must not be working and I have no idea where he is there.
Holy crap....this can't be happening! 
Réponse de NatR
25 mars 2013, 2 h 26

Oh dear I am so sorry to hear this, what a shock, and to not be able to reach your brother!
can you get information about his location?  If you can't then you cant!

slow down and breathe - glad you called the ambulance for your mom, but so sorry it's bad news.  There definitely was something going on with her, you knew it.

Kingston is a good centre for patients, I hope you get some answers soon about what all this means.

are you able to stay in Kingston for a few days if needed?  I cannot imagine your stress at this moment but please take one thing at a time.  Somehow you will get through it, I am just sorry it's hitting you alone and so unexpectedly.

keep posting and I am glad I saw this message tonight
I want you to know you are in my thoughts ttonight sincerely,
Réponse de Tian
25 mars 2013, 3 h 16

Lilbear, my heart aches for you. Just when you can't imagine that things can get worse they do. The next time you sleep may be when you're just too exhausted to stay up and you'll wake up to find out that this isn't some horrific dream. It is what it #%&(&* is.  You are understandably in a state of shock and I know it's much easier said than done but try to stay in the moment and deal with issues requiring immediate attention as the situation clarifies. At some point you'll surprise yourself at how you've managed to function. When you have the time let us know what's happening.

25 mars 2013, 12 h 11

Dearest Lilbear,

I'm so sorry to hear this latest development. You knew something wasn't right with your Mom. Incredible how our instinct knows, eh? While your mother is being sent to a very qualified hsopital, I understand how the distance further complicates caring for both your parents and your small children. Make sure that all the professionals your mom sees know about your situation. Hopefully, they can help you get special supports to manage the geography as well as the medical issues. 

I'm so glad that cocopham mentioned our Ask a Professional service. You can ask our professional team anything. Just login using the same email and password that you use to post on the forums and click here Ask a Professional

I can just feel how this must be tearing you apart and pulling you in all directions - your father, your mother, your small children, your husband. It is an incredibly intense time, but remember, your children are seeing a compassionate mother caring for her parents. You are teaching them lessons that some never get to learn. 

Please keep us posted on the developments of your mom and everything else.
Thinking of you.
Réponse de Mark99
25 mars 2013, 13 h 26

Not sure there is much I can add to the amazing and helpful advice from everyone. All I can add is my support and try to be yet another good ear for you and throw in a tad bit of advice which I hope is good as well.

Remember just being here is positive and your are not alone. We are all here for you and each other. And the advice and ideas others share are from their experiences and knowledge. That is a the sum of all our lives and something that is transfered to you with love and hope. You have 100s of years of expereince with what you are facing here and in the other places people have suggested.

The days going forward will be hard and frightening but you have light and love know that you are not alone.

Mark 99

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