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Réponse de cocopham
25 mars 2013, 14 h 10

Dear Lilbear,

Dear oh dear!!!
This cant be true for you ....CryFrown and yet it is!
Quite at a loss of words to comfort you and feel powerless to help you concretely in such a turbulent situation...

Our community is with you at this moment with all our hearts and prayers : may big and urgent help come to you now to help you thru this terrible news about your mother....

Please dont break down now, as NatR said: take a deep big breath and look around to see what is «feasible» at this moment!

As Mark 99 mentioned, you are NOT alone, even though we are not physically there with you, but we surround you with LOVE and share in spirit your hard times...
Looking forward to more news from your side,

Réponse de lilbear
26 mars 2013, 1 h 41

Thank you so much.  You're outpouring of support is felt and welcomed. 
We are still waiting for a bed in Kingston.   She is on steroids to reduce the swelling.   The neurosurgeon in Kingston has looked at her catscan and feels she can wait for a few days due to where it is and the fact that it has not shifted much.  I am taking that as positive news since she is not an emergency situation.   We have seen some improvement since yesterday in her with the steroids.  
My kids are still staying with my sister in law but I miss them so much.  When we go to Kingston I would love them to come with us...but not sure if that's a feasible idea.  I want to have their bright light around me but cannot leave them unattended in a hotel while we are at the hospital.   I would like my Mom to see them..but not sure if they can handle it. She would likey get quite upset thinking she may never see them again as that's how she talks.  We go between her saying she will be better and we are all going on a holiday after she's better  to the fear and crying that she's going to die.
What should I do?
Réponse de Tian
26 mars 2013, 2 h 35

Dear Lilbear

I'm glad that your mother appears to have stabilized. My simple answer to your question is to continue what you've been doing. You don't seem to have misstepped following your instincts. As far as whether your kids should see their grandma, as a volunteer in a palliative care ward I have not seen any problems that children have had visiting patients. Of course I don't now how children who didn't visit would have reacted. What it comes down to is that you know your children best and it's your decision. But having your children around would help both you and your mother feel a lot better. How old are your children? Does the hospital have a facility where they could be attended to?

Réponse de lilbear
26 mars 2013, 2 h 38

I don't know if the hospital offers such a thing for the kids.  My kids are 6 and 12.
It's a very difficult decision.  
Réponse de marstin
26 mars 2013, 3 h 19

Oh lilbear I feel so bad for you. This is so much more than a person should have to deal with. I guess the positive side to this is that your mom is in the hands of professionals now. At least they can monitor her and keep her comfortable.

How old are your children? It's a tough decision to make about whether or not to take them with you and I guess only you can decide what would be best for them right now. I'm sure that it is a very difficult time for them to watch what you are going through. Is it far from your home to Kingston? Could you possibly assess how your mom is before you consider taking them there?

All of us here are listening and wishing you the best of possible outcomes.

Réponse de cocopham
26 mars 2013, 10 h 14


It is relatively good news that your mother is now under constant care from the hospital.
If i may add a thought about bringing the children : they are 6 and 12 as you have said.
In my experience working at Palliative Care, the presence of the children in fact uplift the spirit of the this case they are the grandchildren of your mother.
If the presence of the children is beneficial to both you and your mother, i wonder why not ? At the same time, it may be better now than later because they can still converse with your mother if her condition is stable.
Just to be sure about bringing the children or not, maybe it would be wise to call the hospital and ask about the facilities (a waiting area, a family room etc...), that way you can organize between you and your husband to take turn to watch them.
However, thse are only suggestions, you are the person who knows best about the children and their thinking... Also talking to your older one would also help to see more clearly...

With our warmest love.

Réponse de NatR
26 mars 2013, 20 h 45

Dear Lilbear,

i am glad to see so many writing you and offering help and ideas.
i am wondering how today is going for you, your parents and your young children.

it is really hard to find a way to balance everything and I hear how much you want your kids nearby but how difficult it is to manage.

Hoping that today was not too stressful and wanting you to know that you were on my mind.

if your children are able to visit your Mom - it will I think benefit them all.  Your mom will feel uplifted to have them visit even briefly anit although its hard, very hard to know how to handle situations like yours - I am sure your heart will lead your direction and actions.

its really difficult to talk and know what to say and how to say it.  Being there, smiling, holding a hand and letting your Mom know how  important she is and that she is your focus, is all you really need to do.

Each of us have different life experiences and can identify with your cry for help, your desire to hear what you did was right is natural.  We all need a sounding board.

keep venting, keep putting one foot in front of the other is what you need to focus on.
you are in my thoughts.
hoping your mom had a comfortable day too

You are not alone,
Réponse de NiteLad
27 mars 2013, 4 h 34


You are in my thoughts.  You are not alone.  Wishing you some peace and calm in these difficult times.

Réponse de lilbear
29 mars 2013, 0 h 53

We finally got the call and my Mom has been transferred to Kingston. We got the call that she was being transferred while we were on the way to pick up our kids.  So, we are all now in Kingston!   My Mom was so happyto see them!  With it being eEaster weekend and hockey tournaments in town, we got the last hotel room available.  
Righto now it sounds like they will be doing surgery on Sunday and she will be here for a week at least.  Not sure how to play it all out next week as far as the kids staying up here all week and missing school again... but it means so much to my Mom that they are here.  I guess we will just keep  taking it one day at a time.  In the big scheme of things, missing a little more school is not as important.   The school knows exactly what is going on and I have been told by one of my son's classmates that they prayed the rosary and dedicated it to my Mom! 
Does anyone else find it very ironic that they may be doing the operation on Easter Sunday?
Réponse de NatR
29 mars 2013, 0 h 59

Dear lilbear,

i agree with you - there is a miracle of sorts happening for you

I am so glad you children are with you, and bringing love to their Grandma!
its wonderful that the children at school are praying too

This is a change in your situation - just in the nick of time - for you, for your Mom, for your family.
sending my best wishes and praying that all goes well.



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