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Réponse de marstin
09 avr. 2013, 1 h 08

Hi Lilbear,

How wonderful that your mom was able to see your dad. I sat with my mom when my dad was passing and it was a bittersweet time. Although theirs had been a rocky marriage, I saw the love shine through when he left this world. To be able to see the calm look of someone who has passed is unforgettable. I hope that to know that his suffering is finally over will bring you some comfort.

As for the ashes, wherever you have your dad cremated will probably offer a selection of urns and lockets. I have yet to do anything with my husband's but my brother put my mom's in a pretty picture box and sealed it with a photo of her on the outside. The choice is yours and if you're not sure just wait until your mind has cleared a bit. There is no time limit on how long you have to make those choices.

It's hard to understand why one person should have to deal with so much and you have been enduring alot this past while. What I can tell you from experience is that you will make it through it all and although it won't be easy, you will find a way to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Just take time for yourself and find your moments of quiet so that you can focus on your own needs.

Warm loving thoughts to you,
Réponse de Tian
09 avr. 2013, 2 h 18

Dear Lilbear

I also want to offer condolences to you on the passing of your father. Under extraordinary circumstances you took wonderful care of him and you are doing the same for your mother. I have great admiration for you . But remember that for you to maintain the excellent standard of care you have provided you must take care of yourself. And that includes letting yourself grieve for your father. 

Réponse de cocopham
09 avr. 2013, 8 h 58

Dear Lilbear and Family,

My deepest condoleances for your Father's passing...Yes, as you mentioned, his ordeal is over and he is at peace; may he join the Eternal Light and Love where his soul would rest.

I felt the same way when my father and mother passed away...

You are going thru a heart-wrenching scene when your mother came to say goodbye to her other dearest half....We just hope that she will find enough strength to go thru with the cremation.

You asked about keeping some of your father's ashes; if you can find a <columbarium> where people keep the ashes in a <nest>(i only know the word in french - niche), in an Urn with your Father's picture on it. That way you can go and visit whenever you like. The cremation people can spare some of the ashes for you to keep in a locket (a piece of jewelry as you mentioned).
I dont know about your area in Peterborough, but any big cemetery should have a columbarium for people who dont have a plot of land.

You may have to be strong for your mother during this time; but you are also surrounded by your own children and husband....hope that you find some encouragement from their love.

We have been listening and reading your story all along, please keep on writing as this would help you to unload some of the burden you are carrying...

You are a great daughter thru all what you have done for your parents, may your heart be at peace and we are sending you lots of love and sympathy,SmileSmile

In solidarity in human condition,


Réponse de Plum1
10 avr. 2013, 11 h 49

Dear Lilbear,
Please accept my sympathy also at the passing of your father into a new dimension of life and being with you. You and your whole family have been through so much. You have known that your father would be leaving you, and yet it is so deeply painful when the loss finally happens. Know that my heart and prayers are with you all.

Now that cremation is more frequently a choice, we have the choice of what we wish to do with the ashes of the one we love. It is important to ponder how you wish to keep the remains of your father. At the same time, it is important to realize that the presence of your father will be felt most strongly in your memory, your heart, and all that you carry of your father in your whole being. You may also discover that your father comes to you in dreams, in touch, in warmth, in presence and strength, in ways that will always surprise you and move you profoundly. Love never dies, but continues to live in marvelous ways.

Certainly, I am sure that he will be present to you as you continue to care for, and accompany your mother. He will, no doubt, be urging you to be gentle with yourself, and so do I.

All blessings of Love and Peace,
Réponse de lilbear
11 avr. 2013, 2 h 07

Thank you all for your condolences and continued support. I saw my father for the last time this morning. He looked almost happy and definitely at peace. It was good to see  him at peace. 
I think one of the hardest things for my brother and I is that we didn't get to walk away from the hospital after my Dad died and take time to grieve...we had to turn right away and go right back today for Mom! 
Today we got the results of her biopsy and it is not good. It is stage 4 glioblastoma.  Now we have to meet and discuss what to do. Basically if the heavy treatments they are alluding to do not promise to improve her and offer any real quality of life, then we are of the mind to let her go peacefully. She does not want to go through the same torture my Dad did and definitely does not want us to go through it all again. 
But, holy crap...I do not want to be responsible for making these decisions.
Why is this all happening to us? I feel so bad for my Mom. She got ripped off. She was looking forward to getting her life back and doing things. She so wanted to go on a trip with everyone. So sad..
Paula (aka Lilbear)
Réponse de marstin
11 avr. 2013, 3 h 55

Lilbear I hear you so clearly and have had to walk a path similar to the one you are on. The day after my husband passed away of cancer, we had to admit my mom to the hospital and lost her 7 1/2 weeks later. It has been a struggle but I'm still here.

What a test this is for you to now have to focus on caring for your mom and not have the time to grieve your dad properly. I would guess that you feel like you're walking in a fog right now. Although there is so little that anyone can say to you, just know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many. What an incredible daughter you are. Your parents have raised a very special person full of care,compassion and love. Although you may not feel very strong right now, you will find the strength within you to carry on and look after your mom. Hold your babies close and know that the love that you are able to share with them has been a gift from your mom and dad.

Réponse de Mark99
11 avr. 2013, 11 h 50


My sincerist condolences to you and your family. You have truly shown what strength and caregiving is. I thank you for what you've taught me and as a community we are all here for you and with you. 

11 avr. 2013, 14 h 04

Dear Paula (aka Lilbear),

I add my sincere condolences along with everyone else's and echo Mark's lovely embrace from the community. Losing a father brings out the little girl in us. Love that little girl (yourself) and be kind to her. I like Tracie would be incline to hold my babies as I rock my own little girl back and forth. 

But I realize that while you grieve, you are dealing with a very difficult situation with your mom, a undeniably grown-up issue. Choosing whether to pursue treatement or not is a very personal family decision. I hope you have a good care team to help explain things to you and support your decisions, even if there are changes in your family's decisions as you go along. If at any time, you would like additional professional support or have questions, remember that you can turn to the Virtual Hospice team of palliative experts. Simply submit your thoughts or question to Ask a Professional. 

Have you read the thread Mom - opting out of treatment started by Trueheart? Her mom too was diagnosed with a late-stage brain cancer and she opted not to have chemo. The thread has grown very long and I suspect you are too overwhelmed to hear about someone else story right now. But I thought you might know that Trueheart has gone through this too.  

Take care dear Paula and please write when you can and if you feel up to it.

Réponse de NatR
11 avr. 2013, 15 h 08

Dear Lilbear (Paula)

my thoughts are added to everyone's
take care of you as best you can while you continue to monitor your mom and her difficult diagnosis .

sending you strength today
Réponse de NiteLad
12 avr. 2013, 23 h 56


I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing.  I lost my Dad last month, so I can really relate to how you are feeling.  So glad you were able to have your parents see each other before your Dad passed away.  My Mom spent two days at my Father's bedside before he died, but I just couldn't do that.  It just ripped me apart too much.  I know my Dad said that he didn't want his kids to see him "at the end" and have that as our last memories of him, so I am ok with my decision to say my goodbye a day or so before he passed.  But it does make things more surreal, as I didn't actually "see" him die, though I know he is gone.

It sounds kind of odd, but Dad's ashes are still at the funeral home.  We are not in that much of a hurry to pick them up.  In late spring/early summer we will be going on a bit of a hike to the location where Dad wanted his ashes spread.  It is still snowing in the higher elevations where we live, so that is not possible now.  Please don't feel bad or unsettled about what to do with the ashes.... there are no rules or regulations about how we are supposed to deal with this kind of stuff.  We all just kind of muddle through as best we can.

I send along my best wishes that your Mom can rest comfortably and be as pain free as possible.

Know we are all here when you need to talk......  NiteLad

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