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Réponse de pudding
19 août 2013, 1 h 45

My sincerest condolences as well.
Réponse de mich2
15 sept. 2013, 16 h 29

My dad is doing ok thanks.  As I said in my original post, he is a putterer and is keeping himself busy during the day. Nights are very hard for him.  I am still going over there most days For an hour or so, and I call him once or twice a day.   I am trying to not be there all the time because I think he needs to learn to be alone and I'm trying to give him space to do that.  Does that make sense?

I am struggling with moms death.  Roller coaster of emotions!  I'm ok for a couple of days, then out of nowhere I'm sobbing.  There really doesn't seem to be any trigger....just like being hit with a hammer.  I woke up crying last night.  Don't remember any dream or anything.  I have had to 'unfriend' my sister from Facebook.  She is the kind of person who wallows the her sadness on public forums like Facebook.  Sympathy seeker.  Posts pics of mom and her (for example) holding hands (a close up of ther hands) on the hospital blanket, always saying she misses mom, how sad she is etc.  of course she is getting lots of sympathy from her 'friends', but those thing are private to me and its like ripping scabs off of my wounds.  I have told her this but she just continues on.

i do know that I am far better than I was, but I still have a long way to go.

once again thank you for listening.  God Bless all of you.
Réponse de marstin
15 sept. 2013, 18 h 15

Hi Mich2,

I think that each of us deals with loss in our own way and there is no right or wrong. What I have found on this journey is that there are some people that are best avoided, at least for awhile, as they unknowingly only cause more pain. It's not that they necessarily mean to but it's just their own coping skills and it sometimes clashes with ours. It has taken me a year to realize this but I have learned who can or cannot be around me for the sake of my own sanity. That goes for friends and family members. You have had such a short time to deal with the loss of your mom and your emotions are raw. I hope that you are being good to yourself and able to get some proper rest.

We are forced to learn so many lessons in our lifetime and this can be so difficult. For your dad trying to carry on without the love of his life is painful thing. He has lost his best friend, the person he shared everything with and trusted with all of his heart. I have found that losing my sweetheart has been a very frightening thing. Night time is the worst because you are all alone with your thoughts and memories when during the day you can fill all of those empty moments with something. It will take some time but he will move forward one step at a time. I understand your need to have him figure this out because you don't want him to become totally dependant on you.

For you, losing your mom is a different dynamic than what your dad is going through. You have lost the one person that you ran to when life hurt you, who was there for all of the ups and downs as you grew, one of your closest friends. I have just reached the one year mark of my mom's passing and I still miss her so badly. I guess I can say that it does get a little easier to manage but that a memory or a scent can send me into a tailspin. I have come to accept that this is okay and I don't think I would ever want to forget those precious memories that bring comfort and sorrow at the same time. In time your pain will lessen a bit but allow the release of tears to bring you comfort whenever you need to. This is all part of the healing process.

03 oct. 2013, 21 h 34

Hi Mich2, Pudding, Marstin and everyone else sharing on this thread,

I was wondering if you had any encouraging words for Dana0507. She just joined our forums and asks how she can support her father and mother. Please click the link below: 

please give advice on how I can help my dad  

23 oct. 2013, 12 h 57

Hi everyone,

I'd like to reach out to you again to welcome a new member, Nikki99, who joined our community last night. Her mom has stage 4 cancer. Nikki is experiencing anticipatory grief and feeling a great sense of loss. I'm hoping you might have a chance to welcome her and let her know someone is listening.

You can find her message and post a reply here: My world will never be the same again 

Thank you for making Virtual Hospice such a welcoming community.

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