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Réponse de cablestray
05 juin 2013, 23 h 38

Hello Suzanne!

Thanks for sharing that information I will pass it on to Marie. She did a lot better with Parmidronate this time, she was really anxious about it for a few days before the treatment. She says now that she won't be as anxious for the next treatment.

Its good that your hubby has friends to lean on, I am sure relieved to have found this site . I do find it hard to be separated from Marie even for an hour, I worry about her being alone as she gets teary a lot then. However since she is gradually gaining some energy back her morale is improving a little bit. I have been dipping a some gardening which help change my mind. Now I am changing the deck boards  with my son, which is really good bonding time.

The main issue that still continues to  baffle Marie and I, is that she religiously went for yearly mammograms and did regular breast check herself and medical staff , and the only way that we found out what was going on with her is that our gp did a cat scan of her hip late January. That is when they reported bone changes, and through a bone and tumour biopsy of her hip we found out that the primary was from the breast. She had a pet scan, breast ultrasound, breast MRI done and it was all negative. We were thrown for a loop.

Hugs back to everybody,

Réponse de passirose
06 juin 2013, 1 h 38

Hi Roger,

I too was doing all what was needed, but there was a rare type of cancer I wasn't aware of, it doesn't present with a lump, and is so agressive, that you wake up one morning with a breast swelling, itching, hurting, that is already a stage IIIb often with metastases.  I was one year in agressive treatments, then two years trying to get back on track with my job and my life. Early last year I have learned I had mets, so back in treatment, not to cure this time. It's been now fours years, I know I will probably make the 5 years mark, but not in the way (good health) statistics try to say to people.

I'm trying to live at the fullest, share with other, have good time with my loving family.  

Learning that my time is limited put things in perspective, and I needed to revisit my priority.  Sharing with people who understand, like here, is a good therapy help me accept and help me go forward.

Say a warm hello to Marie from me, 


Réponse de NatR
06 juin 2013, 13 h 52

Dear cablestray and Marie,

my heart goes out to you both, it's a courageous job to be a caregiver for your loved one - and Marie it goes without saying that many others who are travelling your journey - support makes all the difference ;)

sending you both cyber hugs and letting you know there are people who care, hear and understand - and who want to support

Réponse de cablestray
09 juin 2013, 22 h 22

Hello Everybody,natR!

Well Marie is doing much better with her nausea, though she has had to have an x-ray for her left hip, and she is having a cat scan for her body tomorrow as a follow up since she started letrozole. We are keeping our fingers crossed.  
Réponse de cablestray
16 juin 2013, 22 h 45

Hello lAll! Marie's back pain is worrisome it is getting a little bit worse, she is well managed with pain medication, and we are anxious to get the results of the latest cat scan.l just find it so frustrating that there is nothing that I can do to stop this disease process.
Réponse de passirose
17 juin 2013, 3 h 28

All the related to this disease are frustrating.  Waiting for results, not knowing what position is good to relieve a bit the pain, trying to find comfort words...

I have learned to force myself to look at the good part, at first thought there is none, then I remember I can still love, I can smell a flower, I can pet my dog, I can watch a comedy on tv.


Réponse de NatR
17 juin 2013, 3 h 43

Hi cablestray,

its a scary thing waiting for results, waiting for news.
suzanne has great input - and it honestly helps to keep some kind of distraction to let your mind have a rest.

sometimes I wish we could turn off our minds for a little while.

sorry for this late response to your post,  i know it helps to share the worries

it is very difficult to handle the guilt that you cannot wish the pain away
bd encouraged, you have listeners

sending a hug your way
Réponse de cablestray
19 juin 2013, 1 h 27

Thank you Suzanne and Natr, what you say is very true and Marie and I welcome your insights.

Hugs to all

Réponse de cablestray
24 juin 2013, 9 h 11

Marie has had a ct scan result of no new malignancy growth and new bone changes that are noted due to radiation therapy, they have pick up a rib fracture which explains a lot of the pain that she has been suffering from. We have seen her gp which gave us those results, we will be seeing the medical oncologist this coming thursday and see what course of action he reccomends at this time. 

My stepdaughter and grand daughter have been with us for over a week now and at this time their visit is creating an addittiona emotional stress on my wife and I . You can cut the tension with a knife, this is not what we need at this time. I would like to talk to my step-daughter but she is always on the defensive. When my wife tries to talk to my grand daughter when she is doing something inappropriate and my wife gently reminds her, the stepdaughter gets in a huff and a puff. We never have issues like that when my step son and our three grand children visit. Two days ago we were all sitting at the table for lunch and here is my poor wife sick as she is  in a good moment and across from me here is my stepdaughter in tears, which as nothing to do with my wifes sickness. I think she brought her own stressors with her, as my stepson pointed out to me before she came down this time. The previous visit when Marie was diagnosed everything was well, though she was here on her own. My grand daughter is six years old and fulll of life. She demands and commands her mothers attention every minute of the day, by way of asking, crying and sometimes yelling, repeatedly for what it is that she wants until the mother gives in. My stepdaughter was suppose to be here to help and be with my wife, at this point she is helping out with house chores but not helping much on the emmotional side she rarely as time to sit and talk with my wife, most times when she spends time with Marie it is to discuss and guide Marie through her bible reading as my step daughter is very knowledgeable spiritualy. She never as a good one on one conversation with my wife.

Marie is fighting the battle of her life, she does not need, nor have the sterngth to fight an addittional battle with my stepdaghter over what seems to me to be trivialities. How do I get this across to my stepdaughter without driving a wedge between her and her mother?

Réponse de marstin
25 juin 2013, 5 h 39

Hi Roger,

I have read and reread your last posting trying to figure out what to say to you to bring you some comfort or words of advice. This is a tough one. It sounds like the little one is acting out because she can feel the stress with her mom and is reacting to it. You may be right that your stepdaughter brought her own stress factors with her and is looking for her mom to do what mom's do and make it better. She may be very angry and scared at the thought of  losing her mom but I can hear in your words that it's only causing stress for you and your wife. You definitely don't need any more of that right now. How much longer is she planning on staying? Is there a way you could take her aside and gently let her know that you understand how frightening this all is for her but that right now her mom needs her emotional support? I say this because my oldest daughter has reacted to losing her dad with anger when she doesn't want anyone to know how much pain she is in. She appears cold and unfeeling but I can see how much she is hurting. I'm guessing that may be the case with your stepdaughter.

Please keep us informed on what is happening and if nothing else we will try to support you as time goes on.


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