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Réponse de NatR
26 août 2013, 22 h 52

That's fabulous - I am sure that your information will be helpful to others 

it seems that everyone has reactions and  one of a kind recipes that work, for meds , time of day etc.

its good news;) glad you shared it and wishing you both a good evening:)

Keep up the good work

Réponse de KathCull_admin
04 mai 2014, 15 h 52

Hello Cablestray

I have appreciated reading through the conversations on this thread.  Your last post had such important information – “being proactive” and seeing “In the back of my mind...a flag waving”. 

It has been a hard winter and spring seems to be a long time in coming. How have you been? And Marie?

With warm regards


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