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Réponse de Melinda
21 déc. 2014, 21 h 47

Hi Tracie. Been thinking about you for days also...nice to finally have a moment to write. Work has been brutal as you can imagine! But I have been able to get ready for Christmas alot better this year and alot sooner. Last year was a total nightmare with all the stress of poor Stan being so ill. Things are alot calmer and much better organized now. I am looking forward to Christmas and sad at the same time. It was his favorite time of the year. But there will be alot of "firsts" for the next its just something else to get through.
I decided to have a party last Friday show off the new basement renos and kick off the holiday season. I have not had friends in for years and years!! As Stan's drinking got worse and worse I quit inviting friends was just too embarassing for me. And I used to go to alot of functions by myself because he would be too drunk to come with me. So parts of my daughters future husbands family had not met Stan. It was always just "me"! Anyway absolutely everybody I invited came...I actually ran out of chairs. It was so heartwarming and amazing at all the love and caring I felt that night. I am still glowing and feeling so up..its hard to explain. One friend said to me "Did you know you where so loved!" I said, "of course!". Living with Stan robbed me of alot of things and now I realize my friends where there for me always...they just stayed quietly in the background.
Your last letter made me have a good cry. Not in a bad way though lol! I just found it amazing the way you saw right through me!! You knew I was trying to hide alot. I have not been too bad lately. Had a panic attack the other day...out of the blue and surprised the hell out of me. And been crying at odd times during the day...I am sure Christmas is eating at me even though I pretend its there is no fooling you!!! Bye the way I think your neice is wonderful..she knows what is going on with you and your brother is not right and she obviously cares. Have a wonderful time for her sake!
Thanks for touching base Tracie. I want to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and much peace and happiness for the new year!  Melinda X0
Réponse de marstin
18 janv. 2015, 17 h 41

Hi Melinda

I thought it was time that I settled down and wrote back to you. I loved that you were able to throw a party and find it so much fun. I'm glad that it was such a success. Sometime's we don't see what's missing in our lives until it's reintroduced to us. I think it makes us appreciate it even more.

How did your Christmas go? Were you able to enjoy it for the most part? The firsts can be tough and I must admit that the seconds can be pretty brutal too. Our 3rd Christmas was good. Different this time because we always had family come over for Christmas breakfast in the past but this year it was just the three of us. It was pretty laid back and as usual the girls spoilt me rotten and made sure that I got a box of Purdy's chocolates which was Len's tradition. Dinner at my nephew's was great. I didn't speak to my brother or his wife but the tension wasn't there. I think he was humbled by the fact that his kids wanted to make sure that we weren't left out of family events and would do whatever it takes to keep us close. He even grabbed my oldest before we left and gave her a huge hug and told her how much he missed her. I guess he doesn't understand that these girls are not part of our feud and he could see them if he made the effort.

Sorry if I made you cry. Over the time that we have known each other, I think that I have been able to see past the words and feel what you are actually feeling. Maybe we are very alike and don't want others to see what is really happening in our minds so we try to treat things lightly. I often do that.

My niece and I have had a rocky time the past few years. Although I know she loves me, she has also caused the three of us a lot of pain too. Imagine finding out that your niece is pregnant through facebook or that she is moving away in the fall in the same way. Pretty painful considering how close we used to be and that she only lives 5 minutes away and only on rare occasions like family get togethers do we get to see her. I think that has been one of the toughest desertions to deal with. Recently though she has started showing up at my 'office' at Tim Horton's to seek me out. Maybe we will find a way to heal the rift.

Listening to you talk about having so many people in your home for the first time in a long time, makes me laugh. Rarely have we had many people in our home either. Mostly because I have been so embarassed by the many half done things in this place and the over abundance of 'stuff'. I don't think my nephew and his family have ever been in this place. Now, I'm finished with the reno's and the 'stuff' is almost manageable although I'm not done yet. I think I'm almost ready to finally put the place on the market and get on with my life. It's been a tough haul and a long one but I think that things work the way that they do for a reason.

Drop me a note when you get the chance and let me know how things are going.

Réponse de Melinda
19 janv. 2015, 2 h 21

eWell hello Tracie! So nice to finally hear from you! Your christmas sounded good actually..
happy for you and the girls. My Christmas was great..except for the two days leading up to it. I cried alot and felt awful. Christmas eve I drove to my daughters house, had a beautiful dinner and was supposed to spend the night. About 8:00 that evening I just wanted to leave.
My daughter understood, bless her heart. I drove home and just cried for hours. It felt good to just think of Stan and how much he enjoyed christmas. I really missed him for the first time in months. Then christmas day I was okay and the kids all showed up and we did our usual christmas things and it was good.
Now we are all getting geared up for my daughters wedding in Costa Rica. February 16th we all fly down (35 of us) and then come back the 24th. Stan was always so angry that she was getting married down there. Because of his illness he could not fly. And he died six months before the wedding. So I know sadness will follow me again. There are so many mile stones that they miss when they are taken from us. Sometimes I would give everything to just have him back for a short while. I would so love to show him how things turned out.
Find I am missing him more as time passes. I think its because I have time to miss him. Before I was so busy getting the place cleared out and the basement finished. Now things are slower paced and grief is settling in. And its not unwelcomed...its actually about time it showed up!! Was starting to worry about the lack of feeling I had for the first few months. Should have known I would not get off that easy! Okay gotta run...sure nice to hear from you! (got a chuckle out of "Your Office") Take care Tracie my friend.  Melinda
Réponse de marstin
19 janv. 2015, 17 h 04

Hi Melinda

I remember our first Christmas and although we were surrounded by family members for dinner, all we wanted to do was escape and be alone with our pain. I'm happy that your daughter was so understanding about you running away. Grief is a very lonely thing because no one can make things better. All you can do is allow yourself to feel it and accept that it's not a sign of weakness to cry. You went through so much in caring for Stan and it's your time for self care. You deserve it.

I'm sure that you will enjoy your trip and the ability to get away and relax somewhere might be just what you need. I found that having a few short trips away from home were very helpful except for the return home when I had no one to share the memories with. Still though, just a break from reality is a good thing. Maybe Stan will be there with you in spirit. I always felt Len and my Mom close to me in the first year and even this year on Christmas morning, I felt someone touching my hand.

I think that being so busy, really kept your mind occupied for the first while. I think your body protects you from taking it all on right away. It's hard to make sense of. I know how busy my life has been since Len passed away and I have kept many of the emotions in check because I don't have time to be anything but clear headed and focused on what needs to be done. What I've found though is that the sadness swoops in and hits hard when you least expect it. It's not necessarily on anniversary dates but just something little that can derail you. You can't erase the history that the two of you had nor would you want to. There is no quick fix for this and although some people believe that there is a time limit to grief, they are usually the ones who have never walked the same path as you. You went through so much caring for Stan, so not only do you have to deal with the pain of loss, you have been traumatized by the strain of caregiving and watching him suffer. It's a long and complicated healing process and not something that you will ever 'get over'. Still though, you will survive it and grow in ways that you never thought possible.

Well, the sun is shining here today so a trip to my 'office' this afternoon is on my agenda. I love the warm welcome each time from the owner and how her and her husband work so hard to make sure that our spot is kept clean and ready for us to show up. They have been so kind and supportive throughout my ordeal. I love that place.

Time to get some work done. Hope you're having a great day :)


Réponse de Melinda
01 mars 2015, 6 h 57

Well hello Tracie!! The wedding is over and it was beautiful of course. I cried. And it was so nice to get out of the bitter cold we have in Ontario. I felt very depressed when I got home. Stan would so have enjoyed the resort and the ocean! And he could strike up a converstion with anyone! I'm too shy to do that lol! Seeing so many happy couples really hit home with me. It made me miss having someone by my side. Stan and I used to do alot together before his drinking got so bad. I really miss those days. And I think it drove home how lonely I am starting to feel.  And there have been activities around our small community that I don't go to..I don't want anyone to feel I am not respectful of Stan's passing. Have to give it a year at least, or I will become the gossip of this small town! And of course everyone knows me because I work at the post office. I envy you your "office" and warm are very lucky to have them...but of course you made your own luck by just starting to go!! I am in a slump right now. Sick of the cold..everyone is. Costa Rica was awesome and so warm. I loved it and hope to go back. So to sum things up...starting to feel lonesome even in a crowd.  I have to be careful because I am probably very vunerable right now. Hey have you sold your house yet??? My carpenter is still working away at my house (been months now). We keep discovering things that have to be fixed or not done properly. Sigh....  Okay I am off to bed..wanted to touch base and catch you up on the "stage" I am now. Being lonely sucks!! lol!  Melinda X0
Réponse de marstin
01 mars 2015, 11 h 49

Hi Melinda,

It's so good to hear from you. I've been thinking about you (with a little envy) and wondering how your trip was. I keep remembering our trip to Hawaii in 2010 and just have to close my eyes and remember the sights, sounds and smells. I would love to get away somewhere tropical again but I know it won't feel quite the same.

I so remember the first trip I took away from home after Len passed away and the pain of coming home and having no one to share it with. I felt so lost and empty. Most people who haven't lost the other half of themselves don't really understand how painful that is and how it drives home how alone you really are. Watching other couples interact makes it even worse. That used to be you not so long ago.

It's unfortunate that you feel that you would be judged for joining in on activities in your community. You need to surround yourself with some lightness and laughter. It is healing. I understand you totally when you talk about being shy because I used to be that way too. I think because I've had to claw my way out of this pit on my own , I have found an inner strength and I worry less about what others think of me and am just myself. Take me or leave me, this is who I am now. It took awhile to get here but I have gained that confidence in myself and my ability to conquer whatever is thrown at me. We are survivors so never doubt how incredible a person you are. It all takes a lot of time to get back on your feet. It took me quite awhile to be able to feel comfortable getting to know a bunch of strangers but the good thing is that if they didn't know you before, they don't expect you to be the same person you were and they accept you for who you are now. Is there a coffee shop nearby that you could just go to and take a book with you? If you did that quite often, you would probably soon start to say hello to others who frequent the place and get to know the ones who work there. There's some kind of magic in a coffee shop. I know what you mean about feeling vulnerable because you're lonely. I thought I was attracted last summer to one of the guys who joins us for coffee but in time realized that we were just good friends. Because he had gone through losing his wife a few years before we bonded that way but I think we both suddenly realized that the flame wasn't really there, just that we really liked each other on a different level and both backed up a bit.

Oh my house! No, I haven't sold it yet. The bonus is that house prices keep climbing. I have been looking for a place to rent (Close to my area and near my Timmy's) before I list it. We found a townhouse that was really cute but sooo many stairs and tiny but I thought 'Well, it's only for a year and then we can regroup. I knew I'd have to sell off most of our furniture but ... Went and signed the lease this past Monday, the landlady was a bit of a whacko and I think wanting to rent to asian people, but she finally conceded to renting to us. It was a confusing, hellish ride to get to that point. Anyway, she emailed me on Wednesday to say she couldn't get us a second parking spot and that maybe we should find another place to live. We went back and forth and she came up with all kinds of excuses to not rent to us. I finally got tired of her garbage and went to pick up my check which she had tried to cash even though our move in date was April 1st.  I also got the lease that she has now broken for no good reason and will be submitting a complaint against her. My girl's were crushed but really proud of how I handled the situation. That made it all worthwhile. Tonight I found an ad for a duplex for rent just a few doors down from me and when I called on it, the lady and I got on really well and she's quite eager to meet me. We do that tomorrow. I think her husband is a contractor because she started asking about the size of my lot and how much I want for it. I've had other contractors circling around here so I don't think I will have any trouble selling and probably for far more than I would have gotten a year ago. I so look forward to being released from this house and starting my new life. I'm finally ready. It's taken me 2 1/2 years to get to this point though.

Yes, being lonely sucks. Nothing in life prepared you for what you went through with Stan, and all of the emotions that keep slapping you down like crashing waves. You're doing great Melinda and you are moving forward one day at a time. It's all that you can do. You're surviving and that's all that you can ask of yourself. In time, your time, it will start to get a bit easier. I doubt that you ever get over it, you just learn to accept that life moves on and you will begin to heal enough to at least start puttng yourself back together. It's a new you. A warrior at times and a weeping mess at other times. It's all a part of the process. Grieving sucks.

I'm always here for you Melinda!

Réponse de marstin
02 avr. 2015, 0 h 03

Hi Melinda

Just thought I would check up on you. You've been on my mind lately and I've been wondering how you've been. Is it finally getting warmer there? Cold, gloomy days can play havoc with emotions.

Well, I finally have good news. We are moving on Mother's day. I had written a list of wants in our new home and this place met all of them. It's a townhouse but the main floor is street level. The master suite is the entire third floor and it's awesome and has 2 balconies. It's very close to transit and even has a little fenced in back yard for the dog and a small park across the street. The landlord's are really sweet and we were so fortunate that they chose us out of all the people that they showed the place to. It felt like home. My house isn't on the market yet but the realtor has been over and discussed how to sell it quickly and for top dollar. I must admit that I'm quite nervous but excited at the same time. We're trying to sell off most of our furniture too so that we can start fresh.

Has your contractor finished the work around there?  I hope that you feel pride in yourself that you keep moving forward even if you falter at times. It's all part of the process. I have to admit that as broken as I was, I feel very comfortable in my own skin these days. Not that I don't miss Len and my Mom, that will never change, but I just feel like I am putting the pieces back together. I'm not at all the same person that I was but I am more confident and no longer need anyone's approval for what I do. It's a freeing feeling.

Please let me know how you are doing. Kayak time soon!

Réponse de Melinda
03 avr. 2015, 22 h 00

Hi Tracie.  Its so funny...I was thinking of you the other day and thinking I needed to touch base with you...and there you were!! lol! Want to wish you and the girls a Happy Easter! I had a roast beef dinner with my neighbours and a great visit. My daughter wanted me to go to her place, but I told her I just wanted to spend four whole days at home! Rarely do I get to do that. So the house is getting a good cleaning (much needed!)
Congratulations on getting a very nice place!! It sounds ideal for you! I have a feeling you will be happy there and ready for new beginnings. So can you be ready in a month? It goin to fly by quickly!! Though I know you have been purging for ages now. And how far away from your "office" is this place lol!
I had a good laugh over Kayak Time. The river is still frozen solid and I am still putting a fire in our wood furnance every night. Just stopped plugging the school bus in last week (yes, I drive school bus...crazy lady...and work for the post office). This is the longest coldest winter I can remember in years. Summer needs to do alot of work to make it up to us poor Ontario people! And yes,  I always envy your weather forecast!!
The contractor is done for a week or two. We have to wait for bathtub fawcetts on order.
I am so happy with the way things have turned out. I love my house now.
So I have decided to get some work done on my face. Getting an eye lift on April 22. And a face lift in July. Also in the process of getting lazer on my more shaving for this lady. It feels so great to be doing this ....just for me! And not doing it to  "catch" a man.
lol! I know in my last letter to you I was expressing loneliness...well that did not last long!
Thinking on it, you were was because not too long before I was part of a couple. Stan was the perfect partner the last 4 months before he died. That idiot carpenter was gone and it was just he and I. He was sicker and could not get drunk anymore. So it was like the good old days before the booze got ahold of yes, I miss him terribly at certain times...and the Costa Rica trip made me sad.
I have to make arrangements to bury Stan. He wanted to be buried with me but I already have a plot beside my first husband. So I have decided he will be buried with me beside my first husband. So we will be together and I don't really care what people think. Its been done before and it makes me feel better to know Stan is not alone somewhere. Boy, even typing this is making me very emotional. Right now Stan's ashes are on the dresser in my bedroom. It will be hard to give him up. I was thinking of trying to do this in June. Big will be very hard and I am not looking forward to it..but he needs to be at peace. And I need to close that part of my life....though I will never forget it.
Okay, that's all for now...will get back to my cleaning and you get back to your packing LOL!
Take care my friend.  Melinda
Réponse de Marymary
06 mai 2015, 23 h 12

Hi Melinda

I so thank you for sharing - honestly.  Your husband sound so very similar to my son's dad, I'm having a hard time because it seems like he's not taking it seriously enough but I'm taking it in that this is how he's going to cope with it, go through treatment and do day by day, no he doesn't want to know detailed info. just what needs to be done and get on with it and that's it really.  2nd time for cancer about 1 and half years ago had kidney cancer they surgically removed and had no radiation or chemo but was in hospital ICU/HEU for 3 + months.

Now just diagnosed with stage 4b throat cancer spread to 2 nodes for sure maybe 4 others, it's called locally advanced and will be starting treatment in a weeks time.  will be finding out if they will be doing chemo with radiation tommorow.  

So we are at beginning of it all, so overwhelming, I know for him it sure is even though he does not care to express it nor talk about it really, he does and he doesn't.

Unsure what they mean by the locally advanced aspect of it and I will not ask some questions in front him because he probably doesn't want to hear the answer even though I may want to.  Our son is handling it ok but it's hard on all of us moreso for him who is scared byond which is understandably like he said if I don't laugh what will I be doing crying.

So strange how every BODY reacts and deals with situations in life., don't get get me wrong there is no right or wrong way for we are all individuals I get that.  

But i want to say thank you.  I can so relate to want you are saying melinda I so can it helps me at this time., so thank you.

Thank you all ofr your posts you are all so compassionate, kind and giving of information/sharing openly is a great thing. 
Réponse de Melinda
07 mai 2015, 0 h 21

Hi Marymary. You are at the right place. I have been allowed to rant and rave and express my true feelings. Things I cannot share with people not going through all the ups and downs. I am not judged, ever! I am so sorry to hear what you are going through.  Funny so many of our stories and feelings are so much alike.
Yes, my husband Stan does remind me of your husband(?). He went to treatment, got it done, but did not want much explained. One time he was told what "might" happen during a biospy and he was miserable and cranky for days before they did it. I think too much information is very scary for them. Maybe what they don't know won't hurt them.
I remember coming home and researching every medical term on the internet and trying to figure out what was going on. I did find it helpful if I asked my husband if it was okay if I asked questions. And then I would tell him what I would like to know and if he was okay with it. I totally respected his way of wanting to cope. So eventually I just quit trying to figure it all out. I found it more helpful if I asked how I could best help Stan in the coming months.
Its all so hard, but you will be okay. I think your son will be a great support and you can support him. Best of luck my dear. You will be in my thoughts. Please keep in touch. Melinda

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