Forums de discussion

Réponse de Melinda
21 juin 2015, 13 h 13

Just made a fresh coffee and I am sitting down to catch up with you Tracie! Very nice to hear from you and I was not concerned about the long absence. I knew you were very busy with the move. It must be so hard to believe you are actually moving on!! But you will pour love and energy into your new place and make it a home...we always do, we women!! At my place, I just had five old building removed...just have the new house left on the property. Our old house and all the outbuildings had been built in you can imagine they needed to go.
So having a new garage built in September..and landscaping done also. The place is a dust bowl right now. And for the first time I actually feel it is "my" place. And of course I have been working on myself also. Had the eyes done in May (love it) and facelift next week. Can hardly wait. Women in my family don't age well around the neck area and I am always aware of it and don't wear necklaces anymore.
Emotionally I don't seem to be doing so well. I have been feeling vaguely depressed and unsettled. The other day I had a mild panic attack (thought to myself..what the hell !)
I know myself and I am displaying all the signs of unhappiness...overeating again, spending too much money again. Going for alot of drives into town.  I have lots of friends so I am not lonely or don't have anyone to talk too. My daughter is awesome and spends lots of time with I wonder...what the heck?? I am planning on burying Stan this summer so I am sure this is my issue. All is!
It will be a year on July 16th since Stan died. I caught myself remembering what I was doing the days leading up to his death. I was trimming around the roses bushes and remembered doing that last year. Lots of memories coming back and saddness. And of course I am missing him more than usual. One whole hard to believe.
I have started to get out a bit more. The summer is going to be busy with lots of invites to various get togethers and functions. The ones I have attended so far have been so much fun and its nice to get out again and meet new people. But there is always a certain sadness too. Going home to an empty house is getting hard. But that is my reality right now. I will be okay. Awesome to hear from you Tracie!! Melinda  XO
Réponse de Xenia
21 juin 2015, 19 h 01

Dear Melinda and Tracie:

Your thoughts about your life and changes since your love, Stan, died helps me understand myself as John, my husband, passed away in January and I keep having raw feelings, tears pouring down and wondering why.

I have had good support from CVH and am beginning to understand somewhat better my feelings and memories.  Like you I am going to place some of John's ashes at his parent's graves in Windsor, Ontario.  He started his life there and was away from there most of his life in B.C.  We felt this would reunite him and his family as he has only one living relative, a sister in Windsor, while he has a lot of my family here in B.C. where he has lived, I come from a large family and we all share the good times and bad times.

I understand your feelings about going home to an empty house as I have the same feelings about going to places John and I visited.  Summer has been especially hard for me as John and I used to sit on the patio of our condo and spend many of his last days together, watching the birds going to the Koi pond for water, the gulls and ravens and such swooping past our patio.  The hummingbirds going back and forth to the feeder.  It has taken me a long time to go out and sit on the patio, however, I am making it an effort and take a book with me to help me get back there and remember all the good times we had together and enjoy the memories.

Eating too much was one of the things I did when John was at home being cared for me in his palliative care needs.  Eating the wrong things, yes, I made sure he had the proper food, etc.  Yet, ate junk.  Sandwiches..Sandwiches and perhaps some soup and now I am learning to eat properly and enjoying it.

I share your loss, your grief and your rebuilding your future. You both encourage me and help me through many a hard time. Thank You!

Réponse de Marymary
03 juil. 2015, 8 h 29

thank you all for kinds thoughts and words & yes I've moved and been so busy.

WINGMAN - I am sending you powerful positve thoughts & prayers & YES it's quite something how people relate to what is going on when one is so sick.  No one calls or comes by not that he wants them to anyway at this point. he told me I don't want to see no one after my 3rd chemo no one.  EVen his neice who is in town and preggy and wants to see him - no no no.  As for others I don't understand and have given up on them - I have done nothing wrong nor has he but people kind of treat you like it's contagious or they'll catch something - so very weird and interesting how others are.  But I don't have the time or the energy to be trying to satiate them & that is their thing not mine.  I resigned to the fact that once he's better things will fall back into place well for me anyway., maybe not for him though.  

Ours is a different relationship., we've been separated for 15 yrs and he has accepted now that I've moved in but we still need adjusting time period.  All of us., him, me and our son (Nick).  

XENIA/KATHY - thank you so much for thinking of me - made me smile & I need to smile - I NEED to have some fun too lol, I do.

Our son and I are so very concerned/worried about Wayne.  He is one stubborn man., he has had a hard time coping and being the man's man, no counselling or anything of the sort.  He thinks its BS., he is fed up & all together just a grumpy bear.  Dont talk to me and I don't want to be talked too?  Very strange indeed., tommorow is his last radiation & he did his last chemo Jun 24th same day as our son's graduation., he didn't ask about it - doesn't really give a shit about anything to tell you the truth.  It is the most frustrating thing to watch & be aware of you know.  I don't get in his way or anything I just let him be. 

He is not eating (minimal) and not drinking anything anymore, he's getting dydration til 2morow and he thinks that is enough, it is not at all.  He's fed up he keeps saying that not to me or mny son but just out loud and he wants to get out he says? we both think he's on the verge of going into the hospital and think that would be best right now., he's not going to the washroom either., not drinking in this heat.

I spoke with dr's and they say oh he's doing better than most at this stage.  I know they see this all the time but come on.  The body body requires protein and liquid going in.  Yes he's getting hydration but after tommorow no. oh if you think he needs it we'll schedule one.  Ok how will I know if he needs it based on what?  Ya not impressed with the dr's whatsoever........

Sorry just so frustrated now I want to know what is going to happen after this week., the bare minimal; is what exactly = 1 boost. ya ok well that is not even happening now so?

Ya just frustrated., I know they see all the time but e are dealing with it as best as we can and we are very concerned and they seem so non chalant about it

thank for listening to me cripe - I do pray for all who are going through the cancer ordeal not just the patient but the loved ones too including the nurses and dr's for they deal with it ona daily basis - wow huh. Day in and day out all day every day - I have to give the ms omuch credit I do.

talk to you later all thank you again for listening :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   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