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Réponse de Marymary
25 mars 2016, 21 h 03

Afternoon Anngee - I love to get outside and go for a walk on the dyke and then sit near the river and just listen to nature....water flowing, birds, slight wind in the trees and just BE.  That is what works for me and I so have NOT done that enough since Nov/15 I think that is why I have not been well, I need to do for my spirit.

I also do sweat lodges which is another thing I have NOT done things for my own soul/spirit for no one else but me and I have put myself on ignore but that is changing as soon as I am feeling 100% I will be going to a lodge and will be getting outside more -

I have been doing books for people (working @ home) and have had some issues at home in regard to son's dad as well as my son and his situation he has had so yes it's been alot to handle in Feb. but we got trhough it and I have to stand back a bit and just allow things to unfold as they are going to - for their are some things which are not in my control nor are my place (son and his situation) he is 19 and going through life's situation which we all did at that age.  He is such a good young man and does not drink, do drug or smoke we are so thankful and grateful for those aspects he has a good head on his shoulders but he has to go through his own situations on his own and I can be there and listen and be supportive but its not my place to do anything about he has to make his own decisions/choices in life and not rely on us to do so.  He does realize this and we can just be there for him - let him know we love him and care for him and his choices are his alone to make.  It is a tough road for a parent to just stand by and not be involved like when he was younger but if we taught him well enough he will be ok - our job now is just to guide him along his path.  He just turned 19 so....

Life wow it truly throws some stuff at you what are you going to do about it or how and is it your place to do anything with it.  

My biggest thing with his dad (my ex of 16 yrs) was I could NOT comfort him (no hugs etc.) and there are NO words to comfort someone who is going through this, us women being natural nurturer's - its a tough one.  Got past that.  Because of his treatments it's really affected his memory big time and at times he kinda forgets (when he's in not doing good) that him and I are NO longer together, when he's in hospital I lean over to give a hug when I'm leaving and he wants a kiss (he doesn't even remember this or knows?)  Then when he is home he makes all these innuendo's and that is uncomfortable & hard to deal with but we've kinda worked on that aspect - just me being in the same household, close proximty he forgets.  He is always forgetting things (chemo brain) he knows the memory is not there- short term just is not there at all, long term yes  but he gets so frustrated with the chemo brain it gets worse every month and he has lost so much weight (he's 140) now.

Not taking away from any woman who are going through cancer whatsoever but for a man I think it has more effect the way they perceive themselve or how they want others to perceive them, the provides (old school mentality) and how he wants his son to see him.  it is hard for a man to accept he is weak literally in all aspects. and he has to navigate through all of the changes and the way his body is now and he's doing it but he doesn't make it easier on anyone else in house.  It's better since mid March but still.

Just my own perceptions on things but yes whatever allows you to escape reality for a bit is a great thing - sewing, reading, comedy show or movie,  arts/crafts, girls nite.  Whatever it is - please do at least once per weee.

Take care - air hugs sent your way  :Tongue Out
Réponse de Anngee
30 mars 2016, 13 h 29

Hi all  Today my husband actually asked to go for a walk beside the water and it was a beautiful day.  It took alot for him to muster up the energy.    The day concluded with more bad news as the results of his cancer markers took a huge jump up.  My husband found out last thursday and kept it to himself through Easter weekend then shared it with me.   I feel like I am in a boxing ring and the punches of cancer keeps pounding me and him and when will the last knock out happen.   He had a ct scan last saturday and we were suppose to get the results yesterday but being a long weekend here in Canada the specialist didn't get it yet.  He said if the markers are still up then they will have to bring out the big guns to fight this.  When do you know enough is enough.  My husband is having his chemo for over the next 3 days which is the same since Dec. that has maintaing the cancer but the cancer is outsmarting it.  We knew from the start this could happen and now here we are facing end of life coming.  I feel blessed he has lived past the time they gave us. They didn't think he would live to see our anniversary in Oct 2015  but as I try to cherish and find a moment of happyness in the day, each day that comes the heartbreak of going to loose him is becomming more real.  His mood is changing and even simple things like me driving him to his appointments he is trying to control how and where I drive.  He knows he will loose his liscence and it really for him is a huge blow but a necessary one for safety.  It is hard for us both because we have no control over what is happening and our lives are forever changed.   I have read alot of others posts and I do find looking at photos and reminicing the funny times we have had and far we have come helpful for the both of us for some stress release.  I think that might just be why my hubby wanted to be by the water as I use to live on Vancouver Island and we fell in love there and spent so much time at the water throughout our lives and with our children too.   My dad passed away at 69 and I tought that was way too young and here my husband is 66 and I worry for our kids the loss.  We have lost children which was devasting to us both and for our surving children now to loose their dad brings me to a darker place.  I feel guilty not knowing what to do for them all over again.  Well I'm heading to try and get a few hours sleep as sleeping for me is also an emotional roller coaster. Stay strong everyone.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
11 avr. 2016, 20 h 04

Hello everyone,
Anngee I am wondering how that roller coast ride is for you today. You and your husband have experienced grief that I have not - the loss of children. I don't think there are any easy answers but wondered if this article Grief Work might help you and your family in any way.

Marymary I too like getting outside and feeling the wind on my face. I have a dog which is a good incentive to take my time and look - see what is around me. Thanks for that reminder.

JennJilks thanks for those good suggestions on what to do to prepare for an appointment. Having that second set of ears and eyes as well as a second voice can make a huge difference 

Loving Wife  I'm glad you have so many healthcare providers (and I am sure family and friends) in your corner. 

Réponse de Marymary
13 juin 2016, 19 h 55

Hi Angee - jsut thinking of you and wondering how you are doing...sending positive thoughts your way.  Just haven't heard from you in awhile - take care of your precious self too.

Hugs marymary 
Réponse de KathCull_admin
27 sept. 2016, 9 h 37

Hello everyone
i am wondering if I could ask you to consider responding to a new thread by Hospicenurse  -
Loss of an ex spouse.  I am out of the country right now and can't provide the hyperlink. If you are able to respond could you go to the forum I care about someone and click on her thread?  

Thank you you so much for thinking about it. 

Réponse de Carlyn
13 oct. 2016, 2 h 45

Hi Katherine, I'm sorry I was late to see this last one from you. I did go in and respond. 

Sending good wishes to you on your travels.


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