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Réponse de NatR
09 janv. 2013, 18 h 23

Happy New Year Barb,

How are you feeling?  Did you get that surgery for your gallstones?  How are things with your mom this week.?

I know that caregiving seems day in and day out the same..but I am hoping that your Mom is doing okay and that you arent too stressed.

We are certainly getting lots of snow in northern Ontario and I hope you are not having to deal with that problem as well as caregiving.
Be kind to yourself...and remember that the forum is here for you...')
Best wishes,
Réponse de KCBJ
26 janv. 2013, 17 h 34

Hi everyone. Been a little while. It's been a tough period but I just wanted to drop a quick note to say I'm still here.

Still have those pesky gall stones NatR. The pain finally kept me at home last Monday. Luckily I phoned the surgeon's office or I'd still be waiting for the initial appt. They're just starting to make the Oct appts. So Feb 14 I head over for my first meeting. Now, who knows how long it will be until surgery is scheduled.

My mother had a fall on Friday, but of course won't go to the doctor. What a surprise! Work and more work. Well that's it for news. Another big surprise!

Take care all. Going to see if I can garner some energy to get something done around the house.
Réponse de Brayden
26 janv. 2013, 20 h 23

Dear KCBJ,
 Sorry to hear that you now have to deal with such severe pain yourself and that your wait time is so far down the road. Times have sure changed as I went through that 15 years ago and had my surgery within a month at St. B. Just don't be tempted to share some of your mother's morphine.
 I feel for you as bask in this Az. sun and check daily on how our Manitoba weather is doing. I have been thinking of you as a family member is going thru the same scene of terribly stubborn parents and she expects to find them dead in the house one day soon. I know how hopeless you must feel much of the time. Just praying that you will find ways to cope. Peace

Réponse de NatR
09 févr. 2013, 16 h 37

Hello KCBJ

time to drop in and ask how things are.
sorry about the gallstones - not something I have experienced but have heard they are painful.

You certainly are a warrior - a caregiver and a tough lady.

how has the past  few weeks been?
are you managing to take any time for you? 

You do need to protect yourself and nurture yourself, maybe the gallstones is a reminder of doing that.

Check in when you can, sending you some crisp sunny weather - and a hug to boot!
best wishes
Réponse de KCBJ
09 févr. 2013, 19 h 05

I was just thinking of writing. Great minds! :-) Wish I can say things have changed. Life is beautiful. yada, yada. Alas, tis not the case. Went thru a lot of effort to get my mother into my pain specialist. He prescribed morphine for her, but of course she didn't want to take it Se la vie!!

Not sure I mentioned that she had a 2 falls - last week and the week prior. She got pretty bruised up. But, I was able to get home care to stay for 2 hrs beginning on Monday. I keep thinking my mother as a queen in a prior life or is aspiring to be one in this. LOL. On the other hand, I must have been a waitress or slave in my prior life and am still one in this. :-(

Trying to focus more on work - learning video production editing these days. My brain doesn't retain as it once did. But then again, surprised I'm retaining what I do. The dogs are fine, except for my golden ret who injured a hind leg around Oct/Nov. He's another one milking it for all it's worth. He has no problem outside, but once in the house, that's another matter. Waiting for the other take take Buddy's route.

A friend of mine was telling me she was surprised I hadn't slit my wrists yet. (ha) Was thinking about that last night - not doing it just thinking why I haven't. But I have to see how all this stuff is going to turn out. How I'm going to pay funeral expenses. What I'm going to do next. Will I survive mentally and what toll has it taken on me. I'm pretty sure no one will understand that I'm in debt because of my mother - trying to give her everything I can and make her comfortable. Think she can challenge most celebrities her age for the amount of clothes she has with price tags left on. Oh well, what will be will be!

It was good hearing from you NatR and Hi to everyone. I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day! (in advance!) :-)
Réponse de NatR
09 févr. 2013, 22 h 21

I am glad we had good timing'
sorry however to hear about your mom's falls.  That's risky - hope she keeps from doing herself a serious injury.  That will complicate her needs for care and change her independence

but underneath the jokes and comments I know you are stressed - I have experienced a bit of what you are dealing with - glad you can be light hearted a bit - despite the stress of your mom and her demands.
Your giving nature is always going to point you in the right direction out I sense your fatigue.

Also you are not feeling perfect - and that affects you too.
so glad you are hanging in and sending you back a wish for Valentines Day too!  Kind of you;)

Please try and give yourself a bit of attention too. Yay for getting home support in the door - hope you csn extend the hours.

take care and have a good night - hoping your dog feels better too

Good evening;)
NatR xo 
Réponse de KCBJ
31 mars 2013, 21 h 40

Hi Everyone! Happy Easter. Just wanted to send a note that I'm still alive and kicking (not the bucket). Every day I wonder what tomorrow will bring. I wonder if this is worth it. I wonder if I will survive this. But life still continues. My mother still continues. I still continue. Tomorrow is another day. Wonder what that will bring. Until next time...
Réponse de NatR
31 mars 2013, 21 h 48

Hi KCBJ, Happy Easter to you,

Just happened to be sitting at the computer when your note came in.   Glad to hear that you are sound like you are coping a bit better with the stress...and I dont know what made things easier for you - but somehow I get the feeling that you are taking it a bit better...a bit easier - one day at a time.

Thank goodness we only get to know about today...I think if we knew what we had to deal with tomorrow...none of us would be able to have the strength some days.

Glad you checked in,
Continue to carry on...sending you a cyber hug
Réponse de Brayden
31 mars 2013, 22 h 25

So good to hear from you again, even though your life does not seem to have changed much. I hate to say, have a good Easter week-end when I know it is snowing and cold. Things will look up soon, take heart.
Réponse de NatR
20 mai 2013, 15 h 52

Dear Barb, KCJB,

its almost summer and things are quiet with you, just wondering how the past few weeks have been going?

are you busy? Are you finding the changing seasons helpful or not ?
We all struggle with change - especially when we are powerless to stop it.

i just wanted you to know you aren't alone.  When you have a minute drop us a line, sending you special thoughts today,
best wishes,

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