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Réponse de Brayden
18 janv. 2015, 22 h 28

Dear KCBJ,
 Thank you so much for your update. It has been a while but I know your adjustment took much of your time.(and money) I myself have not been on here for a number of months as I have had to work through medical issues with my bride of 50 years, later this year. I have found out that crisis feel different when they are in your immediate circle and not with someone more detached. I have also been in the warm sunny Az. since Dec. and enjoying it too much to be on the computer. Again, so good to hear from you and chilly Manitoba.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
19 janv. 2015, 19 h 19

So good to hear from you both.

KCBJ, cleaning and sorting take time and for me always bring out memories that sometimes need more sorting and looking at.  Reading that you no longer have to listen to verbal abuse was good, but made me sad to know that it was a part of your life. 

Jaindough started a thread,  
How to clear out ancestral home that might be of interest to you.

Brayden glad to hear you are enjoying Arizona. ‘Your bride’ - what a lovely term – how is she? You are so right that close connection sure alters how we feel.


Réponse de KCBJ
15 mars 2015, 16 h 12

Since the death of my mother in September I have discovered that my method of detachment from her verbal abuse is still with me. I find myself zoning out at various times, losing a minute or two here and there. Something I still need to adjust. You see, I've had to go through all this alone. No siblings. No other half. No children. Just me and my dogs.

I've also noticed that I have no particular feeling when I think of my mother. Don't get me wrong. I talk to her regularly. There's just no feeling of anger, sorrow or the like. It's more a blankness I guess. Very strange feeling. Can't explain it much better at this time.

I'm still feeling overwhelmed with trying to straighten the house up. So much stuff between the two of us. At least the clothes are gone. most of them anyway -- 80 plus garbage bags. A couple of friends have offered to help but their idea is to give everything away. My mother has a good sized collection of porcelain and crystal. I've spent a lot of money on several of those pieces. Giving it away isn't going to happen. So i've decided that the pieces I don't want will go to auction. Other 'stuff' will go into a garage sale. And some stuff given away.

Maybe once this is done I'll feel like a human again. Maybe!

That's it for my jabber. Hope it makes sense to someone.

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