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Réponse de KCBJ
08 sept. 2012, 23 h 50

Hey guys! Could to hear from you both. I was sort of waiting until I had something to tell you -- in fact, anything new. As usual, not much happening on my end. Mom isn't getting any better. In fact, she's been relatively calm the last couple of weeks. But I say that with my eyes, fingers and toes crossed.

Took this past week off and looks like I'll take another week in October. We did go to the hairdresser today. Mom had a perm. This is only the 4th time in all these years that she's gone to a hairdresser. Got mine highlighted as well. so after $200 she'd better be happy.

That's about it. Such a life I live.  How have you both been?
Réponse de Cath1
09 sept. 2012, 0 h 14

Hey Barb (KCBJ):

So great to hear from you Barb, and I'm glad you are hanging in there as always! 

That's great that you had time off this past week and that you will again have another week off in October. I won't dare call it a holiday because I know you are not on vacation during these times. It's great that your Mom let you take her to get her hair permed and that you got highlights - it's worth every penny if it gave you both - or at least one of you - a pick-me-up! My hair is naturally curly and I rarely go to the hairstylist, but when I have gone in the past I loved being pampering!:-)

The summer flew by - my daughter's wedding was exceptional and we all had such a great time! She and my son-in-law got married at a cottage north of Toronto and we all stayed over for the night so no one had to drive after drinking. They stayed on for the week - fishing and boating - and that was their honeymoon!:-)

Write again when you feel like it and please know that even when think you have nothing much to add that we are here for you just as you are here for us and others! You may not always think about it this way but your experience does help many others who are living in similar circumstances. They may not feel as comfortable as you do to write so truthfully about what they are living through, but when they read about what you are coping with and surviving, I believe that you give hope and courage to more people than you can imagine! Thank you!

I will be thinking of you, Barb and hoping the calm continues . . .

With affection -hugs -xo
Réponse de Cath1
09 sept. 2012, 0 h 29

Hi again, Barb (KCBJ):

I meant to write that I loved being pampered not "being pampering" when at the hairdressers! lol I suppose the stylists would wonder if I turned the tables!:)

With affection -hugs -xo
Réponse de KCBJ
09 sept. 2012, 4 h 04

itis me again. using my cell which is much easier than writing from my laptop. this way i'm in front of my mom instead of out of site. also getting much better with this thumb typing. Wink i'm so glad cath that everything went well for the wedding. it's great when you get to stay over and not worry about having to leave etc and being at the lake is beautiful for a honeymoon. posts. surely people have better things to do. 
Réponse de Cath1
09 sept. 2012, 4 h 18

Hey Barb (KCBJ):

Thanks for your message! Yes, you're right it sure was nice to be able to stay the night. It was only 30 people total and the cottage was huge so we all had a couch or an air mattress or a bed to sleep on. I had never been to a cottage wedding before and I'm not a particularly outdoorsy type, but I must say I loved the natural lakeside setting and the laid back atmosphere. It was so private and everyone felt so relaxed.

I'm not sure what the last line of your post means, but I think you probably need some more practice on your cell keypad! lol I use a Blackberry but hate to type on its keypad as my fingers slide all over the place. I lack the patience, dexterity and keen eyesight required for these hi-tech gadgets!:-)

I hope you enjoy a peaceful Sunday. Say hi to your Mom for me - I feel as if I know her by now!:-) Take care, Barb and stay hopeful. Write back soon.

With affection -hugs- xo
Réponse de NatR
09 oct. 2012, 17 h 47

Hello Barb, (KCBJ)

How are things going with you?  Seems like summer ran out and left us, the weather definitely has a nip in the air and even have seen a couple of snow flurries.

How is your Mom doing this week?  In your last note about being pampered - I really felt that you were coping better - that your note had a bit of relief in it.  I am hoping that is true, that you feel better for sharing and having your circumstances understood by those of us who are scattered across the country:)

If you and your Mom are going through a more peaceful chapter - thats great.  Just drop a line when you can.  I am equally addicted to using my phone for connecting - and altho its portable it does tend to make me have more errors...(darn auto-correct:)

Anyway, just wanted you to know that you are being thought of.  Look forward to hearing from you when you have time.  Hope you enjoyed that break from work you mentioned.
Best wishes,
Réponse de Cath1
12 oct. 2012, 1 h 26

Hey Barb (KCBJ):

It has been a month since we last heard from you and I’m wondering how you are and if your Mom and you are both doing OK? How was your Thanksgiving this year?

I celebrated with my grown kids and grandkids on the Saturday of the long weekend and we had a great dinner and lots of fun together. I had been teasing my kids in the weeks before the holiday that we should all dress up in costumes and go as pioneers for Thanksgiving. My eldest daughter thought I meant it (it wouldn’t be a far-fetched idea based on history:), and she ended up creating a very cute homemade pioneer costume. She wore an old-fashioned dress and a loose long sleeved white blousy type dress underneath and she had on an apron made from an eyelet lace pillow sham. Her long hair was braided and topped off by a simple cotton cap that she got at Value Village for 50 cents. She ended up being the only one among us sporting such a festive get-up. Her 9-year-old son was mortified when she suggested they stop at Wal-Mart along the way to my son’s house where the Thanksgiving celebration was to take place!:) No way was he willing to go out in public with his brave and creative “Pioneer Mom”. As a group, in terms of fashion, we represented a variety of eras from the 1860s to the glitzy 80s - lol.

On Monday, the actual Thanksgiving Day, a lost feeling came over me and I indulged in feeling sentimental and sad as I was missing my Mom. I made a little slide show of photos and music and I included the song by The Pretenders, “I’ll Stand By You”. Listening to the music and the lyrics brought tears as I watched the pictures of her life and ours together moving before my eyes. She had the best smile I have ever seen!

My Mom would have got such a kick out of my daughter’s costume and she loved nothing more than a big family get-together complete with a feast - she would have had dibs on the dark meat, the turkey leg was her favourite - and then we would have talked for a couple of hours after the party was over, reliving together all the little joys of the day. I miss her, still, but I feel grateful that I had her with me for so long though it was to me not long enough.

Now that my Mom is at peace I am beginning to remember more of the happy times and I dwell less on the painful last months of her life when she suffered from the confusion of dementia and had to spend time in a nursing home where she was not cared for properly despite my visiting with her daily. I am realizing too how angry I feel about how she was mistreated and neglected and how helpless I felt when trying to get her the care and attention she deserved. I am never comfortable feeling anger and when I do feel it I usually cry. I am beginning to know and accept the many coloured aspects of grief and I am realizing that anger is a part of the  spectrum of sorrow.

Well, Barb, I hope you are learning to find ways to cope and to accept your situation with your Mom. I hope you don’t feel too discouraged or helpless as you try all your techniques and tricks to make life better for your Mom and for you. I wish I could have been as strong for my Mom as you are for yours and I wish my Mom never had to go to a nursing home. I know I had no better alternative in my circumstance, but wishful thinking creeps into my heart at times along with regrets!

Barb, you are not living a life on easy street, but I hope one day life will be made easier for your Mom and for you! You deserve a real break and some genuine happiness while you are still relatively young. Like me, for different reasons perhaps, you have every right to honour your feelings whatever they may be and to express the truth of your thoughts and emotions as they change and evolve. Remember that you have a safe place to share here with us!:) Thinking of you tonight and reminding you that I care about you - we all do!

With affection -hugs –xo-

Réponse de KCBJ
25 oct. 2012, 5 h 15

Hi Nat and Cath. Thank you so much for thinking of me. That is very kind of both of you. Sorry I haven't written for awhile, but I haven't even opened by laptop for some time. Running out of steam, although I have been checking my emails on my cell.

Cath, it sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. By the way, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone - albeit a tad late.

My mother has been having a rough go of things. This week has been extremely trying on both of us. Confusion has set in big time! Yesterday, for example, she called me at 10 am at work to find out why the homecare worker hadn't come yet. I reminded her it was only 10. She phoned me later cuz she was confused about her pills - couldn't tell between the round oxycotin and long tylenols for headaches.

She's been sleeping thru the evening and when I wake her to go to bed, she believes she just got up and got dressed. Then she's up thru the nite, which of course has been keeping me up. This all started this week.

Finally talked her in to seeing a pain specialist, but the appt isn't until Jan 23. Trying to move the appt to this year. The chest pains are just constant and seem to be increasing. She's having more difficulty getting around. Her legs are giving  out on her.

We have a doctor's appt in 2 weeks (dr is away until then) for our flu shots and I'm hoping he can take another look at her. She doesn't want to go to the hospital, of course.

I will have to see what can be done to increase home care hours. Will likely have to have private care cuz the gov't home care has to do something, like give her a bath. Well how many bathes can one person take?? She has trouble getting her legs into the tub, let alone sitting down in it or on anything. Then of course she doesn't want anyone anyway, but that needs to change now that she's suddenly become so very confused.

I wish I knew what to do. How to do it. Anything at this point. I just feel so very alone!! More alone than I've ever felt in this situation.

Well ladies, that's what's happening with me right now. It took all my energy just to start up my laptop, let alone write. Guess what will be will be.

Thank you again for thinking of me. I truly appreciate it!!      
Réponse de NatR
25 oct. 2012, 13 h 51

Hi Barb (KCBJ)

wow that's quite the report! I can understand why it was overwhelming to start writing!

as a caregiver at home, as a PSW who has lots of experience in caring for others - I am going to say words you already expect me to say! 

Its very hard to realize that your mom is becoming more dependent and it also sounds to me that she is sucking even more energy and time from you with her confusion and her night/day confusion.

my advice is to speak to her doctor and your home care support contacts
at this point your mom needs more personal care, which you and she are both at risk of accident/injury accomplish hung.

the bathing is a danger - she needs a bench in the tub to shower and sit - at the very least.  She is also at risk of falling and breaking a hip or arm etc.

she is also in danger of taking the wrong meds or an overdose of meds!

as much as you have tried to do it all, you are coming to a crossroad
I hope you will insist on help coming in - or placing her at least as a short term resident - you are running out of options now.

i hope I don't sound too harsh  but you have given your all for many years.
i hope you will be able to get some solutions  and have your mom be safe.

its no longer just about keeping her at home with you, it's now about getting support and round the clock care

forgive my errors as I type this on my phone. My heart goes out to you as you face the coming changes!

believe me I know how it feels to try to do it all, and how hard it is to say - I no longer can do it all.

you are in my thoughts daily as you travel this journey - always glad to hear from you! We all understand the innermost feelings of love and holding on, doing it all.

 Hugs to you Barb! You are a remarkable person, a very giving person - and you are seeing things from inside your home situation - and it's not always as easy to see it from the outside 

wishing you the best, please write and let me and cath1 know what happens next;) it's why we are on this forum - to share ideas offer some ideas or comfort - no matter what you decide - you know we care about your situation
 best wishes
Réponse de Brayden
26 oct. 2012, 2 h 53

Dear KCBJ,
It was so good to see your last posting and give us an update. I have too followed all your posts and can feel your stress increasing as the journey continues to get worse. I agree with NatR that you may well be at the point were hard decisions have to be made in terms for assisted care for your Mother or you could crash. I have seen a number of home care workers do very little work, other than being present to ensure safety for the individual. Maybe ensure medication is taken and serve meals as required. You have to be aggressive in your requests to them and what services you expect. Thinking of you today and it hit me how even our gloomy weather now could not be very uplifting for you. What else could go wrong. As your time and emotions allow, please keep posting as we all care about you. All the best, 

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