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Réponse de Cath1
27 oct. 2012, 18 h 45

Dear Barb (KCBJ):

I feel your hope breaking like a brittle bough snapping under pressure. I understand why you are feeling alone but I promise you that you will not be abandoned by us. There is very little we can do to ease your pain and your frustration, but through our presence here and our words we can and do remind you that you are not alone and we care about you, Barb. Feeling alone has to be among the most overwhelmingly sad and lonely feelings any of us have to endure. It's crucial that you do feel the love and support from others and I wish you had more of both in your daily life.

When you ask how many many baths does one need, I understand the question. I think at your Mom's age and stage a sponge bath would suffice if it is difficult and dangerous - even with a bath chair - for her to have a tub bath. Being naked in a tub and being bathed by someone else unknown to a frail elderly person may expose feelings of vulnerability, fear and insecurity. It's so hard to see a loved one put in the position of having their sense of independence and dignity compromised with each caring act when imposed upon them against their expressed wishes. Your Mom's feelings about bathing must be respected but if you reject that offer of help, there may be no other kind of help on its way. 

My Mom, long before she had to go to a nursing home, had homecare services provided to her via the local CCAC but only for bathing. Her twice a week regular visits from a PSW, referred to by my Mom as the "bath lady" were appreciated. Although at first she did not want to submit to these baths, over time she began to look forward to them as trust grew between my Mom and the bath lady whose gentle massages were invigorating and comforting to my Mom, but there was so much more practical help my Mom needed in the routine course of a day. Homecare services are not available nearly often enough to make a difference to an elderly person who is trying to maintain their independence and ability to remain living at home. 

I think if you are still adamant about your Mom not going into a nursing home, you should consider that she not have access to her medications when left alone. If she can take her medications before and after work when you are home that would be ideal, but that may not be possible. I'm so sorry you don't have more homecare support that would meet your Mom's needs and yours. The pressure on families to be the unpaid healthcare workforce is tremendous though not realistic when families must continue to work out of necessity full time hours outside the home. It is a big problem and you are not alone in your situation.

I hope your Mom and you will soon get answers to what is happening to her regarding her increased confusion, pain and her medications. Mostly, I hope you will get more help for your Mom at home to give you some peace of mind while you are working. Brayden is so right when he says you have to be aggressive with the homecare administrators about demanding the help your Mom needs and deserves. If she gets more help you will also benefit.

You are never alone, Barb. I know it probably feels most days as if you are lost in a fog on an island of despair where nobody seems to see you suffering. I do. We do. We all care very much and want you to know that we see the real you through the fog and we are sailing toward you on words of compassion as we are guided by the light of your heart. Truly, you are never alone! Never forget that we are here for you. We see you. We hear you. We care.

With affection -hugs- -xo-
Réponse de NatR
08 nov. 2012, 18 h 44

Dear Barb (KCBJ)

how are things with you today?

i do hope that you are figuring out short cuts that enable you to continue to care for your mom.

there is more than one way to surmount challenges in caregiving.  As Cath1 suggested - don't do it if its not safe - eg:) the bathing in the tub 
no one is going to judge you for being creative and doing things your way:)
your mom is the winner because you care.

drop us a nite and let us know how your week is going - we are here for you to talk to.
sometimes just bring heard makes all the difference.

sending you warmest regards
Réponse de KCBJ
11 nov. 2012, 23 h 12

Hey. Still here. We're still hanging in. Nothing has changed. Have an appt with a pain mgmt specialized for my mother next month. Will see what happens regarding her pain and the medication she takes. Other than that, same old.

Spent last night shovelling and shovelling. Then shovelled some more this morning. Glad I didn't leave it until today -- lots of snow here this morn. Glad it's a long weekend. Now how pathetic is that? Glad the snow came on the weekend. Ugh!!

Have a good week everyone. Bye for now.
Réponse de NatR
11 nov. 2012, 23 h 37

Hi Barb,

Thanks for taking the time to let us know you are still there:)  As for the snow, we also got a bunch of heavy wet snow last night...but warmed up today and melted with very warm temperatures...sorry you had to shovel.

Let us know how things go after your next pain management appt for your mom.  In the meantime, carry on and know you are doing a wonderful caregiving job.

Stay in touch...
best wishes for a good night..
Réponse de Brayden
16 déc. 2012, 21 h 59

Dear Barb, 
I have been thinking of you and hope that you received some relief from the pain management meeting this month. I know that you got no relief from shoveling snow in our Mb. winter so far. As I thought about you and the pressures of Christmas, I could not help but think that your gift to your mother was priceless. We seem to get so caught up with materialism but you have given the best gift possible, such unconditional love and devotion to your Mom. You are awesome. Deep down she must appreciate it.  I hope you do get some time for yourself. Wishing you nothing but the best. Peace.
Réponse de KCBJ
22 déc. 2012, 20 h 52

Hi Everyone. Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, Happy New Year, etc etc. Thanks Brayden for thinking of me. Tis the season!! I hope you all have a wonderful and happy 2013.

Took mom last Wednesday to the to see the pain specialist.After going thru all the effort to getthe referral and push the appt up, my mother tells the doctor that she doesn't have much pain and what she does have she can live with!!!!!!!!!  In short, he said that she obviously is looking for attention, but he did prescribe morphine.She took it once and indicated it wasn't good for her.

As for my life, nothing has changed, except that after 2 years of suffering, it has finally been discovered that I have gallstones. Luckily, surgery to remove my gallbladder is at day hospital.

This week has been particularly daunting -- busy at work and then dealing with my mother. Yea, I get to spend 2 weeks at home.

Wish I had more to say, but everything is still same-old. Have several drinks for me. Until the next time...

Réponse de Brayden
22 déc. 2012, 21 h 16

Dear KCBJ,
Good to hear from you. I can imagion how many times you could just scream at your mother but you have developed the patience of Job. Walking past the pet store today I was wondering what was under the tree for your 3 dogs. I hope you get to have a change in your routine to make it feel like Christmas. Wishing you all the best,
Réponse de KCBJ
22 déc. 2012, 21 h 32

Hi Brayden. Just going thru emails. Haven't been doing much of that either. Unfortunately, I lost Penny, my black lab on June 10. Just have my 2 boys now. A couple of my work friends got the boys xmas gift treats, which was very kind of them.

Here's a photo on my F/B: 

As for my patience, well, ...
wonder if I could sell my mother on Kijiji? Wink

Take care.     
30 déc. 2012, 22 h 11

Hi Barb,

How are you managing through the holidays? I know that work often provides refuge from caregiving for you, if only for moments. I guess now at least shovelling snow gives you moments out of house. Was it you who wished for all this snow? Wink

I look forward to hearing from you.
Réponse de KCBJ
31 déc. 2012, 0 h 08

whappy new year everyone. i wish you all the best for the coming year. i've been on holidays this past week and thru this coming week. so far, really wish i was back at work. but that's besides the point. next year will be better. anyhow have a good one.

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